if the guy does not call and does not write How many times in your life have you been waiting with trepidationringing his beloved guy, but the phone was silent, as enchanted? When a long time you communicate with your loved one, I want to believe that this connection will never be interrupted and you will always be together. But suddenly the guy just disappears from the field of vision and you stop to understand what is happening. Pride suggests that he simply lost interest in you and should not suffer in vain, but the quiet voice of hope whispers that he may have a serious reason for such silence. What do girls do if the guys do not call, do they not write - try to restore relationships or forget about the failed about the novel? First of all, it is worth saying that the reasons for this behavior on the part of the guy may be different. Perhaps he would be happy to call, but circumstances do not allow you to contact you and ask for a meeting. But it may be that the guy really does not want to talk to you any more, that's why he stopped calling on the phone and writing sms. In order to understand how to act in this situation, you need to find out two things:

  • What is the real reason for your young man's silence?
  • Do you need this guy and are you going to fight for your feelings.

If you answer the last questionin the affirmative, you need to find out the reason for his sudden disappearance from your life. We present to your attention a few of the most common reasons why guys do not call or write to their girls. if the guy does not write and does not call

The main reasons why guys do not call or write

  • The guy got serious problems Thisenough comforting version, which is capable of preserving the girl's pride. Indeed, anything can happen: he could get sick, go on an urgent business trip, go to the funeral of a great-aunt, finally. Not all men are anxious to warn of their sudden disappearance of girls, especially if they are not too much in love. Perhaps they have no idea that someone is going through and waiting for a call. But if a man loves, regardless of the importance of the reasons, he will find a couple of minutes to call his girlfriend and warn that he will not be able to get in touch within a few days.
  • The guy lost your phone number.it happens, especially at the very beginning of the relationship. If you do not have a common circle of acquaintances, in which you can restore contacts to each other, then this reason is quite real. The guy could accidentally erase a notebook in his mobile, lose or break the phone itself. But if he is seriously interested in you, he will certainly find a way to contact.
  • The guy is a seeker of love adventuresit is possible that your boyfriend has met with you in order to supplement the list of his sexual wins. You could be fun and interesting with each other, he could "show" his feelings and show sincere interest. But all this was done to persuade you to intimacy. It does not matter that you have met many times - the rule of "eight visits", after which a girl can agree to sex, has not yet been canceled. What if these eight visits are over, and you have not crossed the line? Then the guy could decide that he had nothing to catch with you, and go on to further search for his "victim." In that case, you should sincerely thank him for stopping to call and write.
  • Guy did not own passion, but politeness Sometimesit happens that the guys, afraid of offending the girl, continue to meet with her, although they do not have much interest. You could spend free time together, relax with friends and go to the movies, but for him it could mean nothing. In such situations, the guys treat the girls purely friendly and do not feel responsible for their feelings.
  • The guy is offended at you and does not want to show signsattention Although, to be honest, the word "offended" does not quite fit the definition of a man's inner state. It would be more correct to say "angry", because that's how the guys react to important events for their lives. Guilt can be your own behavior, his jealousy or someone's negative words about you. In any case, he sulks and punishes you with his silence. What can I say? If his feelings are strong, he will call to place all the dots over i.
  • The guy just lost interest in you. Unfortunately,this is the most common reason for the sudden silence of young people. Perhaps at first he was interesting to you and he was going to build a serious relationship, but then something went wrong. If you were not able to "hook" it really, then he could get bored with the relationship. Guys are a decisive people, they can easily change their minds about you without any serious reasons. Because the lack of desire to see you every day - and there is the main reason for this parting.
  • The guy had another girl. It's likely,that you have a rival, which your boyfriend is ready to give all his free time. And while you look with dreary anticipation on a mobile phone, he rejoices at the company of a completely different girl, completely forgetting about you and your feelings. Not the most pleasant reason, but to exclude it, too, is not worth it: if married men have a habit of going "left", then the young guys do not consider themselves obligated to remain faithful. Especially if they do not like the girl with all her soul and body.
  • The reasons why guys do not call and write do notbe much more. But all of them in one way or another are divided into two categories: when there is hope of restoring the relationship and when it does not exist. You can spend hours wondering what happened to your guy, or you can ask him directly about it. However, in this case you have to call him first, and this does not always work in favor of the girl. So what do you do if the guy suddenly disappeared from your life: sit back and wait for the call, or start acting to clarify the situation? if the guy does not call does not write

    What to do if the guy disappeared from sight

    If the guy does not get in touch with you just a coupledays, then give yourself time just to wait. For such a short time you do not have to worry about that his feelings faded or that he found himself another girl. It is worthwhile to worry when he has not called for a week, although he could not live for a day without speaking to you. Now you should find out the reason why he suddenly fell silent, but it can be difficult. So, how can a girl act in such a situation?

    • The simplest solution is to find out the reason for itpersonally Although this method looks simple from the outside only. Not all men welcome women who themselves take the initiative in a relationship. You are lucky if the reason for his silence in some force majeure circumstances, then he will gladly take your decision to call or write to him first. But if he stopped loving you, found another friend or found you unworthy of his society, then your call will turn into a real torture. On one side of the scale is a feeling of embarrassment and shame, on the other - the opportunity to end the unknown and find out the relationship to the end. And if you expect news from him already unbearable, it is better to drop false shame and call him first.
    • You can learn from common acquaintances aboutwhether your friend is in trouble If his friends see him in good health, then the cause of an accident or serious illness is automatically swept aside. Another way to find out if something terrible has happened to your guy is to track his appearance on social networks. Sometimes the status under the photograph can say more to it than thousands of words. "In free search", "I'm looking for a new love" - ​​this is one thing, and "Busy, working", "Soon I'll be back in the city" - quite another.
    • If, despite everything, find out the cause of itsilence did not succeed, then do not send him angry sms and insulting words by e-mail. If the reason that he does not call, respectful, then building further confidential relations will be much more difficult (if at all possible). If he really does not love you, or something like that, then your nervous messages will not do you any good either. He will simply conclude that he made the right decision, leaving you behind, and he is unlikely to visit his conscience.
    • A very good way to establish contact is to sendhe has a short message: "You do not call for a long time, I worry about you" You can regard these words as you like - from the manifestation of strong feelings, to simple friendly participation. In any case, the guy will be touched by your attention and will necessarily respond to your sms.
    • Do not get ready for a fight, waiting for your boyfriend to callLike, just call me, I'll arrange this for your silence! Perhaps, nothing terrible has happened in your relations, and there is absolutely nothing to show aggression.

    Do not forget that psychologicallymen are arranged a little differently than we women. Sometimes they do not call and do not write for a few days absolutely for no reason. For them, it can be perfectly normal, if they are absent a few days in the city, they do not know about this favorite. According to their logic, if he went on a business trip and behaves decently at the same time, without changing his second half, then there is no point in talking about his departure. Why, because everything is so normal? And only we, poor women, do not find places for ourselves from experience, considering in advance the reasons for the "coming separation". Find the strength to react calmly at the moment when the man still comes on the line. Do not start a conversation with shouts and accusations, better listen to the reason for his protracted silence. If his explanation satisfied you, then try to convey to him a simple idea: for a woman, the unknown is the lack of reinforcement of intentions. No matter how much a man is confident in your feelings, he should understand that anxiety for the integrity of the relationship in the blood of every woman. So, what you suffered and experienced during his absence in your life, should no longer happen again. If the guy decides to break with you, then just let him go in peace. You know, fate is a very tricky thing, it precisely distributes the roles of different people in our life. And the fact that the young man left you - perhaps just a gift of fate. Since this gives you a chance to find your true happiness and true love. We advise you to read:

