how to save electricity at homeThe price of energy is rising regularly,Therefore, the question of how to save electricity at home is becoming increasingly relevant. It should be noted that if some ten to fifteen years ago the average family of three did not think about it much, since the cost of utilities did not eat up the lion's share of the budget, now the situation has changed dramatically. At the same time, using all modern energy saving opportunities, it is not at all necessary to use dim lighting, refuse to turn on the necessary devices and "rewind" the meter readings, which threatens violators with impressive fines. It is important to simply realize and accept the need for savings and adhere to this principle in a way that is quite accessible to each of us. In order to reduce the consumption of electricity consumed in the house, you must first analyze why your family has to pay such impressive bills from month to month. After all, as statistics show, the introduction of several simple and accessible rules for everyone will allow you to save a little. And with an even more serious approach to energy saving issues at home, the situation will change dramatically.

Simple ways to save electricity

These principles apply exclusivelyhuman factor, they do not involve any additional costs, so they are available to everyone. The rules are based solely on attentiveness and self-control, without which it is impossible not only to understand how to save electricity, but also to rationally organize the family budget in general. So, if you are faced with the need to reduce monthly housing costs, try to follow a few simple and clear recommendations.

  • We follow electrical appliances, not allowing their workidle. It would seem, as it is convenient - to have one TV in each room. You are in the habit of doing things and at the same time do not look away from watching your favorite TV series. And how do you get away from periodic chat on Skype with your friends? That's it, it's families with a similar style of life just complaining about the need to pay a decent amount for electricity. But few people think that most of the appliances in the house during the day is idle.

People who say about themselves:"We save on electricity" - they make sure that only those devices that are needed at a particular moment remain switched on. If you want to follow their example, you should immediately pay attention to electrical appliances that are constantly in standby mode: a TV or computer, a satellite dish box, a microwave oven. Of course, constantly plugging such equipment into a socket is quite convenient, since if necessary, they can be started as quickly as possible, but over several months, the excess energy consumption turns out to be impressive. Therefore, do not leave devices in standby mode, and after pressing the off button, be sure to pull the plug out of the network.

  • Always turn off the light when leaving the apartment. Going to work for a whole day, many citizens accidentally or habitually leave the lights on or household appliances turned on, in the use of which there is absolutely no need at home for the owners. Take for the rule always to check all the premises of the apartment for the presence of lighting and remove the plugs of household appliances from the network.

Even if you are not ready to follow the motto in everything"Saving on electricity!", the above precautions will not be superfluous, since this is how you can prevent fires. That is why it is so important to always pay attention to these seemingly everyday trifles. Such vigilance can prevent very sad situations.

  • In the daytime we use only natural light. No, if the cloudy autumn day outside the window, the sky is clouded and the sun does not break through their veil, then why spoil the vision in the twilight of the room? But more often a completely different picture is observed: the windows are drawn curtains in broad daylight, and the apartment is full of artificial lighting.

Not only does this go against everyone'srecommendations on how to save electricity, and also harms the human body. Therefore, when the morning comes, immediately open the curtains, raise the blinds and throw open the windows (naturally, in the warm season). By the way, airing out the apartment is much more useful than constantly running air conditioning, which sucks out the moisture we need from the air.

  • Cleanliness is the guarantee of saving. Do not be lazy once again to wipe the windows, lamps and plafonds in all rooms of the apartment. After all, how often do we change one light bulb to another, with more power, only because the settled dust percentage by thirty reduces the quality of artificial illumination of our housing. By the way, the large plants on your windowsill also help to shade the apartment in the daytime, causing a desire to flip the switch.

how to save electricity

We save electricity by means of financial investments

If you belong to that category of citizens,who have every opportunity to use the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress in arranging their own lives, then the “Smart Home” technology, which is especially popular in Europe, probably makes you think about organizing your life in this way. Its essence lies in the use of remote automatic devices that turn on and off the lights, ventilate the room, monitor the temperature, and so on without direct human participation. Of course, such a modernization of housing entails significant financial costs, but subsequently they pay off with interest, allowing the owner to reduce energy consumption tenfold. But do not be upset if such an innovation is beyond your means. Some improvements are available to most average families.

  • First, contact the energy sales companyyour region and specify the number and characteristics of electricity tariffs available to date. After the situation clears up, install in the apartment a multi-tariff counter. This will allow you to independently limit the flow by choosing for the costly processes exactly the time when the cost per kWh will be the smallest. For example, a washing machine and a dishwasher can be turned on in the late evening. For the same period, it is necessary to program the work of a bread maker or yogurt maker.
  • Buying household appliances, pay attention toclass energy consumption: the most economical are devices of class "A" and "G". Due to low electricity consumption, you will be able not only to reduce bills for paying for light, but also to extend the life of devices so necessary for all.
  • Replace the lamps in the lighting fixtures. As a rule, most residents traditionally continue to use classic incandescent lamps with low efficiency to illuminate the premises, because of which there is a significant over-expenditure of electricity without improving the quality of the devices. It is necessary to move on to using more advanced technologies in everyday life, especially if they can cut down your expenses.

Modern fluorescent lamps allowsave electricity spent on lighting several times - thanks to the fastest possible heating. And their light turns out to be much brighter, and the service life is significantly different from that of more familiar analogues. The only drawback of these devices is their high price, so if you can't afford to change the light bulbs in all the rooms of your apartment at once, install them in the rooms where you spend the most time.

  • Replace the old circuit breakers with modernanalogs, allowing to regulate power. So you can independently control the brightness of the lighting, at the right moment making it more intense, then muted. But such novelties are not suitable for the management of energy-saving light bulbs. So choose one thing.
  • If you want to save power,you can install in the apartment or in the house special sensors that trigger when someone moves. They automatically turn on the light as the object approaches, reacting to the heat or noise emitted by it. It is very convenient if the family has children or elderly people who do not pay close attention to savings. As soon as you or any other person living in the apartment, leave the sensitivity zone of the sensor, the light immediately goes out.
  • As another recommendation for savingselectricity should also be taken into account and the organization of dot lighting of the home. To do this, carefully inspect the rooms and place in the most involved places special lamps. For example, they can be hung at the bed, above the desk, on both sides of the soft corner and so on. This method will allow you to cover only a strictly defined space, not the entire room.

Rational use of household appliances

The life of a modern person is impossibleimagine without special electrical appliances that significantly facilitate the main processes. Cooking, washing linen and clothes, cleaning rooms and many other household chores are currently not possible without the use of various household appliances. It is they that lead to significant energy costs. Or rather, improper use of these mechanical and electronic assistants costs housewives a pretty penny. But it is so easy to save even taking into account the use of the most fashionable devices. Let's consider the basic principles of such rationality.

  • Correctly we have large-sized instruments onkitchen. When deciding how to save electricity in an apartment, pay attention to the refrigerator. The fact is that this household appliance is always in an active state, after all, it usually disconnects from the network only at the time of thawing, and in many modern models even the need for such a function is excluded. Therefore, the refrigerator should be placed in such a way that the power consumption is minimal.

According to the recommendations, the device should be locatedat a distance of at least five centimeters from the wall, and avoid direct sunlight on its surface. Try to open the refrigerator as rarely as possible and close it quickly, without keeping the door open for a significant amount of time. It is recommended to clean the walls of this large-sized device from dust accumulation as often as possible, since this action alone can reduce energy consumption.

  • Learn how to properly use the kettle. No, it's not a call to drink your favorite tea as rarely as possible. And why should you deny yourself this pleasant trifle? Just try to pour in it only the required amount of water, because when using a minimum amount of liquid boiling will be rapid, and energy consumption - acceptable. Remember that the scale in the kettle significantly increases the power consumption, so regularly clean this appliance from the inside, preventing the formation of plaque.
  • Erase correctly. This principle implies a competent loading of the washing machine, that is, according to the existing instructions. Too much laundry or, on the contrary, insufficient leads to unnecessary costs of electricity, and in some cases, overruns reach thirty percent. That's why it's so important to adhere to special recommendations.
  • We save on the process of using the iron. In order not to expend electricity in vain, it is necessary to start ironing from those things that require more power of the device. Therefore, place the bed and shirts on top of the pile. Then different small things in the form of children's t-shirts, scarves and handkerchiefs you can iron, lowering the temperature, and even completely turning off the iron.
  • We remove the apartment in economy mode. It's easy to guess that it's about using a vacuum cleaner. Firstly, in the winter season, do not be too lazy to clean the carpets, not automatically, but in an old, kind way - with snow and a broom. Secondly, they can generally be removed in order to get rid of the accumulation of dust. Thirdly, if you do not imagine your life without a comfortable rug under your feet, accustom yourself to the fact that filters in the vacuum cleaner and garbage bags need to be changed in a timely manner, and not exclusively if there are significant losses in its traction. It is this carelessness that leads to unnecessary energy costs.
  • Economically we use air conditioning. It is difficult to imagine life without the use of this household appliance. But not everyone can use it correctly. Before turning on the air conditioner, close the windows and balcony doors tightly, as it is from there that the air, heated by the sun, constantly comes into the apartment. If you do not do this, the device will work continuously, trying to reach the set temperature.

Experts do not recommend using onean air conditioner with the intention of cooling the entire apartment is irrational and leads to losses in its performance. It is better to close the doors to the room where it is working, and then the air in it will become cool quite quickly, and the air conditioner will turn off by itself, switching to the energy-saving ventilation mode. As you can see, living by the principle of "Saving on electricity!" is not so difficult at all. Of course, not all family members will be able to immediately accept all the innovations. They will seem especially unusual to children, who are far from our adult problems. But your persistence and patience will help the little ones quickly get used to the new rules and, believe me, soon your son or daughter will importantly poke a finger at a light bulb that is burning in vain and make a remark to to save electricity

Features of the electric cooker

How to save electricity if your home is notподключен к газовой сети, и вы готовите пищу при помощи плиты, работающей от сети? Такая ситуация — не редкость и для жителей многоэтажек, которые также имеют в своем распоряжении подобные бытовые приборы. Специалисты рекомендуют приобрести новую современную плиту, в которой совмещается функциональность и незначительное потребление энергии. В противном случае не удивляйтесь необходимости оплачивать весьма емкие счета за свет. Если же по каким-то причинам вы не готовы понести значительные расходы и купить новую габаритную кухонную технику, то в существующем старом аналоге следует обязательно заменить все деформированные конфорки, так как при их плохом прилегании к самой поверхности и днищу кастрюль теряется значительное количество электроэнергии. Старайтесь использовать посуду с плоским дном, площадь которого была бы равна размеру самой конфорки или превышала ее. Сэкономить позволит и сохранение остаточного тепла: для этого надо не забывать выключать электроплиту за пять минут до того момента, как пища будет готова. Небольшого отрезка времени, уходящего на остывание конфорки, окажется вполне достаточно для доведения вашего супа до нужной кондиции. Но данный способ не подходит владельцам индукционных плит, так как в последнем случае нагревательная поверхность теряет тепло почти мгновенно. Используя электрическую духовку, по возможности заполняйте весь ее объем, готовя еду сразу на нескольких человек либо несколько блюд одновременно. Кстати, такой шаг позволит вам сэкономить не только потребление энергии от сети, но и собственное время. Чтобы не расходовать электричество понапрасну, важно использовать правильную посуду. Толстое дно сковородок и кастрюль позволит пище дольше оставаться теплой и даже достигать конечной степени готовности уже после отключения конфорки. В настоящее время разнообразные скороварки приобретают всю большую популярность. Ведь их использование не только экономит электроэнергию, но и имеет еще одну приятную сторону. Вам достаточно лишь довести процесс приготовления какого-либо блюда до указанного на кастрюле времени и отключить плиту. Даже в ваше отсутствие пища прекрасно «дойдет» под влиянием сохранения специальной посудой тепла. Если вы живете в частном доме или летом уезжаете на дачу, где вынуждены пользоваться небольшой двухконфорочной плиткой, потребляющей довольно много электричества, обзаведитесь пароваркой или мультиваркой. Эти приборы позволяют готовить гораздо быстрее, причем сразу несколько блюд. Согласитесь, их применение наверняка даст возможность немного сэкономить, да и получившая в результате еда окажется куда более полезной, чем та, что жарится на сковородке. Способы энергосбережения индивидуальны для каждого помещения с учетом использования определенных бытовых и промышленных приборов. В частном доме действуют одни принципы, в квартире обычной городской многоэтажки — другие. Кто-то может сэкономить только за счет замены ламп, другим помогут рекомендации по правильной эксплуатации электроплитки, а третьим необходим весь комплекс энергосберегающих мероприятий. Особое внимание следует обращать на применение электрических каминов для обогрева квартиры в зимний период, так как для снижения расхода энергии желательно не отказываться от данного отопительного прибора, а предотвращать утечку тепла, к примеру, установив герметичные стеклопакеты. Безусловно, выбирать наиболее приемлемый метод борьбы с перерасходом электричества каждый человек должен сам. Для начала заведите себе небольшую тетрадь, в которую прилежно записывайте ежемесячные суммы счетов. Через некоторый период после внедрения в жизнь семьи определенных правил, направленных на экономию электричества, вы сможете оценить, насколько выиграл от них ваш бюджет. Конечно, поначалу это будут очень скромные суммы, но со временем они несколько возрастут. Только не увлекайтесь чрезмерной экономией на всем без исключения и не заставляйте членов семьи одеваться потеплее в зимнее время года, чтобы лишний раз не включать обогреватель. Здоровье дороже денег! Советуем почитать:

