Today, loans are very affordable and popular. Many people use this opportunity to realize their dreams, which require serious investments. On credit today you can buy almost everything - a car, an apartment, furniture or household appliances. You can "borrow" money for a vacation or for organizing some important event - for example, a wedding or an anniversary. As a rule, before taking this step, a person evaluates his "strengths". And, usually, he comes to the conclusion that monthly payments will not be difficult for him. But do they all know what the delay in paying the loan threatens? There are situations when plans suddenly break down - dismissal from work, a sudden illness, unforeseen expenses - but what little can happen in life. And now the term of the next payment is coming, and you understand that you can not make this payment on time. Well, just no way!
Minimum Delinquency
Well, firstly, do not panic. If the delay occurred for "valid" reasons and your fault is not, then, most likely, you will not face any sanctions. What are considered such reasons? Well, for example, emergency hospitalization or urgent business trip. Most banks try to meet their clients in such situations. He understands that we are all living people and everyone can have their own problems. In general, the delay in payment for a period of less than five days is usually not accompanied by any "punitive measures". The only thing you can be threatened with is the refusal of a request for the next loan. Well, to pay a fine, of course, have to.
Penalties for late payments
All of your relationships with the bank clearlyare regulated by a loan agreement. Therefore, one should not expect such excuses as "forgot", "I was not warned", "I did not know". They will not help. Penalties for delay in the loan may be a certain amount or expressed in an increase in the interest rate - it all depends on your contract. You learned it well before signing it, right? At the same time, your debts will increase daily by the amount of the fine. There is one more detail that you need to know. As a rule, when making a payment, banks write off the debt in a certain sequence:
- penalties for delay;
- monthly commission;
- interest;
- debt.
What does it mean?
Let's say your monthly payment is 6000rubles. You delayed it for several days and, without specifying the amount of penalties, brought the usual amount to the bank. You will be fined first. Suppose they were 2000 rubles. Thus, to repay the loan you have only 4000 rubles. And you need something 6000! That is, you still have a delay in the loan. And it will again be penalized. Such a write-off system is very beneficial for banks. If the client has not paid the full amount of money, the unpaid balance will necessarily contain part of the debt, subject to fines. Therefore, before you can repay the debt, you need to contact the bank and find out the amount of the penalty and the total amount of the payment.
Overdue more than 5-10 days
This is considered quite serious misconduct. Be prepared for the fact that the bank's employees will regularly "call" you and remind you of the need for payment. True, there is another method of dealing with debtors. Some banks are not at all active during the period of primary debts. However, to think that you have been forgotten - the upper hand of frivolity! Some banks do this unconsciously - simply because they do not have enough personnel to work with negligent borrowers. But there are others. Their principle - "the longer a person does not pay, the more we will get from him later." As a rule, after the second delay in payment for the loan, the staff of a completely different department - the economic security of the bank - go out onto the stage. The employees of this service explain in great detail to the debtors what kind of trouble they are in case of failure to fulfill their obligations. The tone of communication, as a rule, varies greatly. Do not be surprised if a bank employee starts visiting not only you, but also your neighbors, relatives and colleagues. Usually these hard methods bring results - most people are afraid to spoil their reputation and find ways to pay the debt.
Credit history bureau
Entering into relations with the bank, it is necessary to rememberand one more moment. Almost every person who has ever borrowed a loan has a credit history. And the fact of delay in payment will undoubtedly be reflected in it. Moreover, with a long delay, your bank will transfer this information to the National Bureau of Credit Histories. What is the danger of a bad credit history? The fact that in the future you will no longer be able to use this service in any bank in the country. They just do not want to contact an optional customer. You can not also become a co-borrower or guarantor.
Refusal of loan payments
If all these measures do not have the desired effect,then the creditors make the last warning - they send out a letter of demand. In 30 days from the moment of its sending, they apply to the court. You should know that it is extremely disadvantageous to bring borrowers to this. The court can demand the sale of your collateral from the auction. And the auction price is usually much lower than what can really be "bailed out" for this pledge. If there is no collateral, then the arrest can be imposed on all your property. If there is nothing to "arrest", it may be decided to deduct a certain amount from your salary in repayment of the loan.
Collector agencies
There is another system. After a certain time, the bank can "sell" your debts to specialized collection agencies. At the same time, your debt will pass to a new lender, and the bank will simply write it off the balance sheet. Well, it's better not to bring it to this! After all, the main purpose of collection agencies is to make a profit. And in the choice of methods they are much less scrupulous than the same banks. Be sure that they will find ways to ruin your life "in full".
What can you do if you can not repay the loan on time?
First, and most importantly - do not try to hide. Do not ignore the letters and calls coming from the bank. Contact the bank manager, report your difficulties and name the exact repayment date. If, for some reason, you can not immediately make a payment, try to agree on a delay. Perhaps you will meet. Sometimes banks even make up a schedule of individual payments for people in a difficult situation. And if you are ready to pay at least part of the debt at once, you can try to agree that you are not penalized or, at least, made them minimal. There is always a way out! We just need to start acting and you will succeed.