Modern women are so used to theirfinancial independence, that the fear of losing it can cause some of us to postpone the birth of the child indefinitely. Motherhood is not the only way of self-realization for a woman. But this is undoubtedly the most important event in the life of a woman, and to postpone it for fear of remaining "overboard", losing financial independence and "drowning" in everyday life is unreasonable. Together with you we will talk about how to earn a woman on maternity leave or a woman with a small child. There are many skeptics who believe that motherhood and the period of pregnancy is the time when the whole life of a woman should be devoted only to the expectation of the child, and then to the care of the newborn. But maternity leave is a wonderful time for self-education and getting a small but stable profit. Sooner or later it will be necessary to go back to work, and in order not to have to adapt again in new conditions, it is best to prepare in advance. Remember the well-known proverb: "Little babies are small babies". The older your child becomes, the more he needs attention. So let's not waste time and try to use every free moment.
Use of professional skills
The fact that you are on maternity leave orbecause of the planned reduction in staff lost their place of work, does not mean that your services as a professional have ceased to be in demand. To date, the labor market a huge number of firms and individual entrepreneurs, who keep a professional on a permanent basis is not financially profitable, and they are looking for a professional for a while. So why do not you become this professional? Skills allow you this, and you have experience in the field you need. Try to use your own knowledge as much as possible, you did not study at the institute in order to place the diploma in a framework. Especially since you are familiar with the profile. And most importantly, you will not be out of work and will always be aware of the changes in your professional sphere: in legislation, if you are a lawyer, in accounting records, if you are an accountant. There are such areas (for example, programming), where every day everything changes so quickly that lost time can be very expensive for you. And you are a professional turn into a beginner. The only thing you should not forget about is the need to insure yourself. After all, you are doing work for someone you do not know. And if you insured the contract on a permanent place of work, then for this situation it too can become a good guarantee of fulfillment of obligations for payment of your labor. It is best to immediately ask about such a contract for a one-off performance. And if your employer refuses - you can safely give up work. If a person does not want to conclude a contract, there is no guarantee that your work will be paid.
We learn new horizons
You agree that maternity leave givesan excellent opportunity to gain new knowledge? Excellent! Did they remember that at the institute you were given good languages or, what is even better, at the time of your parents' insistence, the school ended up with a so-called English bias? So forward, you have an excellent prospect of remembering the well-forgotten old and gaining new knowledge, expand horizons. For example, try to learn technical terms. Time before the appearance of the baby is more than enough. And with the skills of technical translation you will be "torn off" on any Internet labor exchange. Start with what you already know. If in addition to the ability to simply translate texts you have a good syllable - this may be for you another answer to the question of how a woman earn money while on maternity leave. Make translations in a beautiful, literate language. And when you master the technical terms, it will be possible to proceed to more serious translations. All you need to start earning is to register on the Internet exchange, create an electronic wallet and put several of your translations in the portfolio. And that's all. As they say, all ingenious is simple. It is not superfluous to say that this method is suitable not only for those who are on maternity leave, but for women who lost their jobs for whatever reasons beyond their control. By the way, even after you return to permanent work, such activities will become an additional source of income for you.
Hobbies as a way to earn
A woman's life does not consist only of work. If you have hobbies that can help earn - use them. You will ask, how can I knit, embroider, work in Photoshop, photograph, draw or write poetry to extract money? Look at the ads, how many people need exactly what you are doing so well. If you are fond of embroidery, knitting or weaving of beads, then you have good options. Sell finished products, make them under a specific order or share skills. Do not shake your head, saying that except for you it is not necessary for anyone. If you've seen enough ads, you know what you need. It remains only to correctly advertise yourself - and you can start working. You can give your own ad; perhaps, it will respond to such a large number of customers that you will be surprised! Working with photo and video images is a great opportunity to earn money. But you need to remember that it's not enough just to be able to do something, you have to do it professionally. Because your reputation and your profit depend on it. Unscrupulous one-day people are not needed. If you doubt your professional skills, you can still learn or find something else. Do you have a good speech, good acting and a beautiful voice? Have you ever thought that this is also a commodity? And as for any product, there is a buyer for it. It's not about the narrative activity (although this is possible). You can record congratulations, messages for autoresponders. Here the choice is wide enough. And if you feel that you are capable of more, then start to voice tales. You will practice before the appearance of your own baby and make other children happy. To date, despite the fact that the number of audiobooks in the network is enormous, very little children's literature is in high-quality and competent reading. So why do not you fill an empty niche and start with a short tale?
Turn any situation to your advantage
Circumstances can develop in such a way that evenafter the end of maternity leave and reaching a kindergarten age, you can not go to work. The reason is rather banal: there are no places in the kindergarten and there is no money for a nanny either. But even from this situation there is a way out: become a nanny and take care of another baby. After all, such problems with the kindergarten can be not only for you, but for your friends and acquaintances. And if you are coping well with one child, one more you will pull with ease. Do not believe me? Ask those mothers in whose families twins are growing. By the way, such work and your child will help get rid of forced isolation. He will have a companion for games and prose, and you have an answer to the question "how to earn a woman with a child", until you have the opportunity to give it to a kindergarten and go to a permanent job. Ways how to make money to a woman while on maternity leave are very many. Perhaps, after reading our article, you will choose for yourself something suitable or find your way of earning. The main thing is that it came to your taste, helped to realize your hidden potential and satisfy your ambitions.