how to get rid of your opponent In the relationship between man and woman, there are differenttests, and one of them is the hobby of one of the partners by another person. Most often with such a temptation, it is men who are faced. What is the cause of such behavior - nature or the desire to assert itself - is not known. Forgive your man and try to build relationships or completely delete it from your life - it's up to you. If you are ready to fight for your loved one, then we will gladly share with you tips on how to get rid of the rival and improve the relationship. The first thing you should remember, if you decide to return a man - do not discuss what is happening with family and friends, especially your plan to get rid of your opponent. To keep everything in itself is, of course, difficult, and it is necessary to ease the soul in any case, but just do not run immediately to your friends, sisters or mother and do not bring down all this information on them. Share your experiences and doubts about the situation with people who are not part of your usual social circle - this can be communication on the forum or with a psychologist. The fact that your man's passion can be temporary, and he specifically keeps everything secret, because he does not want to ruin your relationship. He just wanted new feelings and emotions and he decided to make a romance for a while. Of course, this behavior is selfish, but these are men - they have a different logic. And if you decide, despite his fascination with another woman, to maintain a relationship, then try not to talk about it with close and common friends. And do not tell your beloved that you know about his novel, try to listen to him more, make it clear that you love him, that he cares you. Just do not bend the stick here - do not humble yourself before him. Get rid of the desire to please him in every way. You are an independent and strong personality - remember this. And how to act in this situation, we will tell you.

Get rid of your opponent

For any woman, the appearance of a rival issevere stress and strongly impacts on self-esteem. Because of this, many immediately begin to look for the cause of what happened in themselves, and as a result there is a terrible feeling of guilt, which simply "eats" you from within. If a man is carried away by another woman, this does not mean that you are worse than your opponent or do not fit him at all. Such thoughts must be immediately expelled from your head as soon as they appear there. It's not your fault that the man was drawn to bright emotions and emotions. So forget about the suffering and tears - it will not lead to anything good. Start loving yourself - make for yourself something pleasant that you have been dreaming of for a long time, start implementing plans that you did not have time for before. All these actions will be extremely useful for you, a kind of therapy or rehabilitation course, the purpose of which is to develop respect and love for one's own person. Only after you return your self-esteem, feel more confident, forget about tears and torment, you can move on to eliminating the opponent. Our advice will let you get rid of it forever. how to get rid of a rival forever

Play on contrasts

The essence of this method is toprovoke a man to begin to compare your actions with the actions of your opponent. Such an opposition can give you much more advantages in comparison with a clear and active conquest. This is because the male has fewer expectations for you than for your opponent. If you subtract his expectations from what you and your rival give to your loved one, then from this point of view you will become a clear leader. And in order to consolidate your leadership even more, you should give your lover more than the rival can give. For example, to be more caring, more attentive, more interesting interlocutor. To achieve this, act as if the man has already become yours, has already made a choice in your favor. But be careful with the manifestation of care and attention - try to find the time when your care and attention will be most appropriate. It is desirable that your behavior towards the man was filled with love. Become more generous with warm looks, sincere compliments, a smile, souvenirs about, and sometimes without reason. Your lover should receive all this from you in a larger number than from the rival. In addition, more often let him show his best masculine qualities. For example, never refuse, when he offers you to carry heavy bags, gives you a hand, when you get out of the car, you can ask him to even drive a nail. But do not overdo with requests for help - a man should feel not a free labor, but a benefactor. If you decide to get rid of your opponent using this method, then try to still remain within the bounds of decency and not "hang" your lover around your neck. It is not necessary to arrange outright competitions with your hated rival and do all the race-you do not benefit from such an approach. That you want to return your lover or draw his attention, neither he nor she should guess. If at this stage it is very difficult to compete with an opponent, it is difficult to achieve a clear contrast in your favor, since she copes with everything perfectly, then you may have to wait a little. Wait for the moment when she "relax" and the man will begin to feel a lack of attention and concern, and then begin to act - your efforts will be met more than favorably. Get rid of the rival slowly, but surely. To achieve the desired contrast, try to analyze its actions and character, if possible, and give the man what she can not give or does not want, and maybe just does not know that he needs it. Another option - determine what she is in the relationship "overdoing", and behave directly opposite. This tactic will help you defeat even the most-most attentive and caring opponent. Do not rush, follow the chosen strategy - and the success will become much closer. When you give a man more love, attention, care and understanding than what your opponent gives, then you put him in confusion, make you compare with her. And the principle "the more, the better" does not work here, and the simple logic of things - the woman with whom your lover is now meeting, should give him all the best and in greater quantity than anyone. It's her, you might say, duty, like his girls. But since you are superior in this respect, it means that she can not cope with her duty. A man will notice this and make the appropriate conclusions - he will reflect on who really is more expensive.

Re-entertain your lover

It is difficult to re-like your lover, but you can. Once you have already interested him in something, that means you can interest and again. Try to pay attention to your behavior, appearance, hobbies, and start to really love yourself, because if you do not like yourself, then no one, as you know, will not love you. Become independent and more independent, because such women are much more interesting to men than helpless and fully committed to their beloved. Despite the fact that men try to make us resigned and complaisant, in fact they prefer a girl who represents a person who has been held, and is not just a shadow of her beloved. If at the moment you do not have an interesting job that would bring you satisfaction besides money, now, perhaps, it's time to change it. So you become not only financially independent, but also get an excellent opportunity for self-realization. However, in pursuit of financial independence it is necessary to remember one important rule: you must show the man from time to time that you need him, that you still consider him smart, reliable and strong. This behavior on your part will increase his self-esteem and will cause you to patronize. To re-conquer a man, you can try to use his proprietary instinct - let him know that he is not the only man in the whole world. He leads a cheerful life, meets friends? So why should you stay at home and wait for him to finally pay attention to you? Go out with friends at a party, arrange a girlfriend with girlfriends, meet with friends, go on a trip and the like. A man must see that in your life there is something else besides him, in particular, other men. You can go on a date with a nice guy - so you will not only have fun, but also increase your self-esteem. Remember always that you are a unique personality with your individuality, so do not limit your own interests to the care of your lover alone. Men will not appreciate it - they do not understand sacrificial love. A new interesting hobby will raise your mood and your position in the eyes of the man. Radiate positive, because to look at a happy smiling woman is very nice for men. While those who are grief-stricken, depressed and sad girls have nothing but pity for them-and love and pity for the general have nothing. Learn to be happy regardless of external circumstances and people around you. This will not only help to attract the attention of a man, but also very useful to you in life. get rid of an opponent

Surprise the lover

Your beloved wanted a new brightsensations and he decided to find them on the side? Your task is to show him that he is mistaken, and everything he seeks in another woman, he can get with you. Of course, you will need to make changes in the habitual way of life and your relationships. To begin, review your wardrobe, including home clothes. What do you wear at home? A dressing gown, a knitted dress that does not mind, sportswear? You can not doubt that the rival strolls in front of your lover in a completely different form - sexy underwear, silk and lace dressing gowns, tight dresses. She thinks she has already gotten rid of you, but she is mistaken - you too can look no worse. Throw out all the things that do not emphasize the dignity of your figure, and get a new, more feminine and sexy clothes. Next, you need to correct your behavior - men appreciate caresses in women. Become an affectionate cat who looks at him with a loving gaze and is able to anticipate desires. Forget about reproaches and quarrels - open your female nature. But remember that everything is good only in moderation - excessive obsession and concern can cause irritation to the man and scare him away. Do not forget about the sexual side of the relationship. Perhaps, at the moment when he will have another woman, he will try to avoid intimacy with you - do not exert excessive perseverance, be wiser. Put on sexy lingerie, and on top is no less attractive silk dressing gown, make a haircut - you will not undoubtedly remain undetected. You can start a conversation about sex, suggest experimenting in caresses or watching a piquant video. Refresh and diversify intimate relationships in different ways. We will not go into details now, because you know your man better, and you know better what novelty will attract him more. You can read articles on the relevant topic, look for general development of erotic films, visit for inspiration sex shop and buy there a few toys or some costume.

Make friends with your rival

This strategy is ideal for you, if youknow how to understand people well. In this situation, you act as a diplomat, i.e. you are playing a very subtle game, not revealing your intentions. First, you never show your lover what you know or suspect about having a rival. Your goal is to find a common language with your opponent and make friends with her. Remember that you are playing a double game and do not betray yourself to him or her. You need to first gain the trust of your opponent, and only then you can proceed to a decisive attack. Approaching the new passions of your beloved, try to influence her actions towards him. According to one Chinese proverb, a man looks for a woman when he is ill, and finds another when he feels good. Not always these words can be perceived as true, but in some cases they correspond to reality. Let's say you learned about the secret connection of your lover. Do not reveal this secret at all. If the girl you know, then it will be easier to act, if not, then nothing prevents you from "making friends" with her. When you enter into her trust, you can proceed to action. For example, you can tell her about the relationship with your boyfriend (she does not know that you are aware of their secret relations), obviously distorting the facts about his preferences. Mean? Is it good to beat a man from you? Friendship with a rival who has risen in the way of your relationship will give you a clear advantage. Since she will always be in your sight, you can better know the nature of her character and plans for your lover. If by nature she is a conqueror and just does not want to give up, then do not be in a hurry to despair - get rid of her slowly but surely, continuing to conduct her guerrilla activity. Try to avoid revelations and do not forget to control your actions and actions, because your opponent can also try to manipulate you for your own benefit. If your opponent is quiet and peace-loving, then the chances that she herself will step aside, realizing that she has encroached on someone else's happiness, are very large. You can go the other way and give the man the opportunity to learn about your friendship with the rival. At first he, of course, will get scared - psychologically it will be hard for him to deceive you. In this case, there is a chance that he, on his own initiative, will stop the relationship with her. This strategy has one big disadvantage - in some cases, girls become real friends. With this outcome, the man you most likely will lose, but on the other hand - you will find a close person in the person of your rival. Here everything depends on you. To successfully use this strategy, you need to be patient and discreet, and if you do not know how to hide the truth, then you better go the other way.

Make the opponent jealous

Do not forget that your rival is also a woman,so she is also not alien to the feeling of jealousy and property. If at first she may, and will tolerate, that is not the only one in a man's life, then later she will want to change this situation and tie it to herself. And this man is very disliked. You can artificially accelerate the manifestation in it of these unpleasant qualities, "marking" your territory. The smell of your perfume on your favorite shirts, the trace of lipstick, your hair in the car or on his clothes, a forgotten thing (better intimate) in the pocket of his jacket or in the car. The rival should know about your existence and never forget about it. You can "accidentally" get caught in her eyes, walking in an embrace with your "common" man, showing at the same time tenderness and love for him - let him think that everything is fine with you. You can not doubt, at an opportunity, she will certainly arrange a scandal for him. We told how to get rid of your opponent, and you can decide whether to use these tips or not. But remember, before you start taking decisive action, you must first of all put yourself in order, both externally and internally - to start loving yourself, to increase your self-esteem. After all, you can achieve success in the struggle for a loved one only if you feel confident.

