In the relationship between a man and a woman, different things happentests, and one of them is the infatuation of one of the partners with another person. Most often, it is men who face such a temptation. What is the reason for such behavior - nature or the desire to assert oneself - is unknown. It is up to you to decide whether to forgive your man and try to improve the relationship or completely erase him from your life. If you are ready to fight for your loved one, then we will be happy to share with you advice on how to get rid of a rival and improve your relationship. The first thing you should remember if you decide to get your man back is not to discuss what is happening with your family and friends, especially your plan to get rid of a rival. Of course, it is difficult to keep everything to yourself, and you need to unburden yourself in any case, but just do not immediately run to your girlfriends, sisters or mother and do not dump all this information on them. Share your experiences and doubts about the current situation with people who are not part of your usual social circle - this can be communication on a forum or with a psychologist. The thing is that your man's infatuation may be temporary, and he is deliberately keeping everything a secret because he does not want to ruin your relationship. He just wanted new sensations and emotions and decided to have a temporary affair. Of course, such behavior is selfish, but that's how men are - they have a different logic. And if you decide, despite his infatuation with another woman, to save the relationship, then try not to talk about it with close and mutual friends. And do not tell your lover that you know about his affair, try to listen to him more, make him understand that you love him, that he is dear to you. Just do not go too far here - do not humiliate yourself in front of him. Get rid of the desire to please him in everything. You are an independent and strong person - remember this. And we will tell you how to act in this situation.
Get rid of your opponent
For any woman, the appearance of a rival issevere stress and hits your self-esteem hard. Because of this, many people immediately start looking for the reason for what happened in themselves, and as a result, a terrible feeling of guilt appears, which simply “eats” you from the inside. If a man is carried away by another woman, this does not mean that you are worse than his rival or that you are not suitable for him at all. Such thoughts should be driven out of your head as soon as they appear there. It is not your fault that a man is drawn to bright emotions and experiences. So forget about suffering and tears - this will not lead you to anything good. Start loving yourself - do something nice for your beloved self that you have long dreamed of, start implementing plans for which you previously did not have time. All these actions will be extremely useful for you, a kind of therapy or rehabilitation course, the purpose of which is to develop respect and love for your own person. Only after you regain your self-esteem, feel more confident, forget about tears and torment, can you move on to eliminating your rival. Our tips will help you get rid of it forever.
Play on contrasts
The essence of this method is toспровоцировать мужчину начать сравнивать ваши действия с действиями вашей соперницы. Такое противопоставление способно дать вам намного больше преимуществ по сравнению с явным и активным завоеванием. Это происходит по той причине, что по отношению к вам у мужчины меньше ожиданий, чем по отношению к вашей сопернице. Если вычесть его ожидания из того, что даете своему любимому вы и ваша соперница, то с этой точки зрения вы станете явным лидером. А чтобы еще сильнее закрепить свое лидерство, вам следует давать возлюбленному больше, чем может дать соперница. К примеру, быть более заботливой, более внимательной, более интересным собеседником. Чтобы этого добиться, действуйте так, будто мужчина уже стал вашим, уже сделал выбор в вашу пользу. Но будьте аккуратны с проявлением заботы и внимания – старайтесь находить момент, когда ваши забота и внимание будут наиболее уместны. Желательно, чтобы ваше поведение по отношению к мужчине было наполнено любовью. Станьте более щедрой на теплые взгляды, искренние комплименты, улыбку, сувениры по поводу, а иногда и без повода. Ваш возлюбленный должен получать все это от вас в большем количестве, чем от соперницы. Кроме того, чаще позволяйте ему демонстрировать его лучшие мужские качества. К примеру, никогда не отказывайтесь, когда он предлагает вам донести тяжелые сумки, подает вам руку, когда вы выходите из машины, можете попросить его даже гвоздь вбить. Но не переусердствуйте с просьбами о помощи – мужчина должен чувствовать себя не бесплатной рабочей силой, а благодетелем. Если вы решили для избавления от соперницы воспользоваться данным методом, то старайтесь все-таки оставаться в рамках приличия и не «вешаться» своему возлюбленному на шею. Не надо устраивать из всего этого явные соревнования со своей ненавистной соперницей и делать все наперегонки – вам такой подход не выгоден. О том, что вы хотите вернуть своего возлюбленного или обратить на себя его внимание, не должен догадываться ни он, ни она. Если на данном этапе соревноваться с соперницей пока очень сложно, сложно добиться явного контраста в вашу пользу, так как она сама со всем прекрасно справляется, то, возможно, придется немного подождать. Дождитесь момента, когда она «расслабится» и мужчина начнет ощущать недостаток внимания и заботы, и тогда уже начинайте действовать – ваши старания будут встречены более чем благосклонно. Избавляйтесь от соперницы постепенно, но верно. Чтобы добиться нужного контраста, попробуйте проанализировать ее действия и характер, если это возможно, и дать мужчине то, чего она дать не может или не хочет, а возможно и просто не знает, что ему это необходимо. Еще один вариант – определите, с чем она в отношениях «перебарщивает», и ведите себя прямо противоположно. Данная тактика поможет вам победить даже самую-самую внимательную и заботливую соперницу. Не торопитесь, следуйте выбранной стратегии – и успех станет намного ближе. Когда вы даете мужчине больше любви, внимания, заботы и понимания, чем дает ваша соперница, то тем самым ставите его в замешательство, заставляете сравнивать вас с ней. И работает здесь не принцип «чем больше, тем лучше», а простая логика вещей – та женщина, с которой сейчас встречается ваш возлюбленный, должна давать ему все самое лучшее и в большем количестве, чем кто-либо. Это ее, можно сказать, обязанность, как его девушки. Но поскольку вы в этом плане ее превосходите, значит, она со своей обязанностью не справляется. Мужчина это обязательно заметит и сделает соответствующие выводы – он задумается, кому на самом деле больше дорог.
Re-entertain your lover
It's hard to make your lover like you again, butYes, you can. Once you have already interested him in something, which means you can interest him again. Try to pay attention to your behavior, appearance, hobbies, and start to truly love yourself, because if you do not love yourself, then, as we know, no one will love you. Become independent and more self-sufficient, because such women are much more interesting to men than helpless ones who have completely devoted themselves to their beloved. Despite the fact that men try to make us meek and docile, in fact, they will prefer a girl who is an accomplished person, and not just a shadow of her beloved. If at the moment you do not have an interesting job that would bring you satisfaction in addition to money, then now may be the time to change this. This way you will become not only financially independent, but also get an excellent opportunity for self-realization. However, in pursuit of financial independence, you need to remember one important rule: you must show a man from time to time that you need him, that you still consider him smart, reliable and strong. Such behavior on your part will increase his self-esteem and make him want to take care of you. To win a man back, you can try to use his possessive instinct - let him understand that he is not the only man in the world. He leads a fun life, meets with friends? So why should you sit at home and wait for him to finally pay attention to you? Go to a party with friends, have a bachelorette party with your girlfriends, meet up with acquaintances, go on a trip, etc. A man should see that there is something else in your life besides him, in particular, other men. You can go on a date with a nice guy - this way you will not only have fun, but also increase your self-esteem. Always remember that you are a unique person with your own individuality, so do not limit your own interests to just caring for your beloved. Men will not appreciate this - they do not understand sacrificial love. A new interesting hobby will raise your mood and your position in the eyes of a man. Radiate positivity, because looking at a happy smiling woman is very pleasant for men. Whereas grief-stricken, depressed and sad girls cause nothing but pity in them - and love and pity have nothing in common. Learn to be happy regardless of external circumstances and the people around you. This will not only help attract a man's attention, but will also be very useful to you in life.
Surprise the lover
Your beloved man wanted some new bright onesfeelings and he decided to find them on the side? Your task is to show him that he is mistaken, and everything he is looking for in another woman, he can get with you. Of course, you will need to make changes to your usual lifestyle and your relationship. To begin with, review your wardrobe, including home clothes. What do you wear at home? A dressing gown, a knitted dress that you don’t mind getting dirty, sportswear? You can be sure that your rival is walking around in front of your lover in a completely different look - sexy underwear, silk and lace dressing gowns, tight dresses. She thinks that she has already gotten rid of you, but she is mistaken - you can look no worse. Throw out all the things that do not emphasize the advantages of your figure, and get new, more feminine and sexy clothes. Next, you should adjust your behavior - men appreciate affection in women. Become an affectionate kitty who looks at him with a loving gaze and is able to anticipate his desires. Forget about reproaches and quarrels - reveal your feminine nature. But remember that everything is good only in moderation - excessive obsession and care can irritate a man and scare him away. Do not forget about the sexual side of the relationship. Perhaps, at the time when he has another woman, he will try to avoid intimacy with you - do not be excessively persistent, be wiser. Put on sexy lingerie, and on top of an equally attractive silk robe, do your hair - you will definitely not go unnoticed. You can start a conversation about sex, offer to experiment with caresses or watch a spicy video. You can refresh and diversify intimate relationships in different ways. We will not go into details now, because you know your man better, and you know better what kind of novelty will attract him more. You can read articles on the relevant topic, watch erotic films for general development, visit a sex shop for inspiration and buy a few toys or some kind of costume there.
Make friends with your rival
This strategy is ideal for you if youyou are good at understanding people. In this situation, you act as a diplomat, i.e. you play a very subtle game without revealing your intentions. First, never show your lover that you know or suspect that he has a rival. Your goal is to find a common language with your rival and become friends with her. Remember that you are playing a double game and do not give yourself away to either him or her. You need to first win the rival’s trust, and only then can you move on to a decisive attack. Having become close to your beloved man’s new passion, try to influence her actions towards him. According to one Chinese proverb, a man looks for a woman when he is feeling bad and finds another one when he is feeling good. These words cannot always be taken as truth, but in some cases they are true. Let’s say you found out about your lover’s secret affair. Do not reveal this secret under any circumstances. If you know the girl, then it will be easier to act, but if not, then nothing prevents you from “becoming friends” with her. When you gain her trust, you can begin to act. For example, you can tell her about your relationship with your boyfriend (she has no idea that you know about their secret relationship), deliberately distorting the facts about his preferences. Mean? And is it good to steal a man from you? Friendship with a rival who has stood in the way of your relationship will give you a clear advantage. Since she will always be in your sight, you will be able to better understand the features of her character and plans for your lover. If she is a conqueror by nature and is not going to give up so easily, then do not rush to despair - get rid of her slowly but surely, continuing to conduct your guerrilla activities. Try to avoid revelations and do not forget to control your actions and deeds, since your rival can also try to manipulate you for her own benefit. If your rival is quiet and peace-loving, then the chances that she will step aside herself, realizing that she has encroached on someone else's happiness, are very high. You can go the other way and give the man the opportunity to find out about your friendship with the rival. At first, of course, he will be scared - it will be psychologically difficult for him to deceive you. In this case, there is a chance that he will end the relationship with her on his own initiative. This strategy has one big minus - in some cases, girls become real friends. With this outcome, you will most likely lose the man, but on the other hand - you will gain a loved one in the person of the rival. Here everything depends only on you. To successfully use this strategy, you need to be patient and restrained, and if you do not know how to hide the truth, then you better go the other way.
Make the opponent jealous
Don't forget that your opponent is also a woman,therefore, she is also not alien to the feeling of jealousy and possessiveness. If at first she may tolerate that she is not the only one in the man's life, then later she will want to change this situation and tie him to herself. And men really do not like this. You can artificially speed up the manifestation of these unpleasant qualities in her by "marking" your territory. The smell of your perfume on your loved one's shirt, a trace of lipstick, your hair in the car or on his clothes, a forgotten thing (preferably intimate) in the pocket of his jacket or in the car. The rival should know about your existence and never forget about it. You can "accidentally" catch her eye, walking arm in arm with your "common" man, showing tenderness and love to him - let him think that everything is fine in your relationship. You can be sure that at a convenient opportunity she will certainly throw a scandal at him. We told you how to get rid of a rival, and whether to use these tips or not is up to you. But remember, before you take decisive action, you must first get yourself in order, both externally and internally - start loving yourself, increase your self-esteem. After all, you can only succeed in the fight for your loved one if you feel confident.