how to get rid of pregnancy in the early stagesToday we will talk about such a delicate issue,as an abortion. We will not discuss the moral — ethical side of the problem — since you are interested in how to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages, then you have made the best decision for you. Let's make a reservation right away — if you are looking for ways to get rid of a pregnancy at home, you have come to the wrong place. Termination of pregnancy in itself is a great risk to a woman's health, even if the abortion is performed in a hospital and by the most highly qualified specialist. And there is no need to talk about "homemade" abortions performed at home — the mortality rate is too high. And if you are lucky and you survive, it is unlikely that you will ever be able to become a mother in the future. Is it worth trying to get rid of a pregnancy at such a high price?

Medical abortion

Recently, it has become increasingly popularacquires a medical abortion. The essence of this method of terminating pregnancy is as follows: a woman takes certain hormonal pharmacological drugs, under the influence of which the fertilized egg is rejected from the uterine mucosa. Supporters of this method of terminating pregnancy claim that it does the least harm to women's health. This method is suitable only for those women who want to get rid of pregnancy in its early stages - up to 5-6 weeks. If the period is longer, in no case should a medical abortion be performed, since firstly, it will be ineffective, and secondly, there is a risk of severe bleeding. That is why before performing an abortion, the doctor will definitely conduct an ultrasound examination to determine the exact period of pregnancy. In addition to the ultrasound, the doctor will conduct several other studies to get an accurate picture of the woman's condition. After all, a medical abortion, like any other, has a number of contraindications. By the way, that is why the drug should be taken under the supervision of a doctor, and the woman should be under medical supervision for a certain time.How to get rid of early pregnancy surgically

Vacuum — aspiration

If you have any contraindicationsto have a medical abortion, or for some reason you do not want to have it, but you need to terminate the pregnancy, you can talk to your doctor about vacuum - aspiration. Or, as it is popularly called, mini abortion. This type of termination of pregnancy is also carried out in its early stages - up to 6-7 weeks maximum. The fetus and fetal membranes are removed from the uterine cavity using a special device - a vacuum aspirator. It creates negative pressure in the uterus and sucks out the fetus, like a vacuum cleaner. Before this procedure, the doctor will carefully examine the woman, she will undergo an ultrasound examination and take a number of tests:

  • Smear on the purity of the vaginal microflora and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Blood sampling for RW and HIV.

If there are no contraindications, the woman will bethe pregnancy was terminated. After about five to seven days, an ultrasound check is required so that the doctor can make sure that the fertilized egg has completely left the uterus and that the woman has no signs of an inflammatory process. By the way, many doctors prefer to prescribe prophylactic anti-inflammatory therapy to to get rid of pregnancy in the early stages of medication

Surgical interruption

In case you didn't have time to do ittermination of pregnancy at its earliest stages - up to 5-6 weeks, the only way out is surgical intervention. Before it is performed, the woman will have to undergo a more thorough examination:

  • Manual gynecological examination.
  • Ultrasonography.
  • Blood and urine tests.
  • Study for infection.
  • Consultation of the therapist.

Before the operation, an anesthesiologistwill talk to the woman, assess her health and select the best type of anesthesia. Most often, curettage of the uterus is performed under general anesthesia - the suffering of a woman under local anesthesia has long since sunk into oblivion. After the woman falls asleep, special instruments - dilators, which are necessary to hold the cervix open, will be inserted into the uterus through the vagina. Then the uterine cavity is scraped out with a curette - the doctor removes the fetus and fetal membranes. As a rule, after anesthesia, a woman comes to her senses very quickly - just 30 - 60 minutes after the operation, and sometimes even faster. The first day will probably require several injections of oxytocin, which will help the uterus contract. On this day, the woman should stay in the hospital, under the supervision of a gynecologist. If there are no complications, the next day the woman will be able to return to her usual way of life. Of course, with the exception of intimate contacts - they can be resumed only after the doctor's permission: as a rule, in about two weeks. By the way, about the doctor. As you understand, such an intervention is very, very serious, so in about a week you need to visit your gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and ultrasound to assess your condition. And the woman herself should carefully monitor her health. If you notice the following symptoms, immediately contact a doctor or, if it happens at night, call an ambulance:

  • Strong painful sensations

Of course, after surgical removalDuring pregnancy, both the stomach and back may hurt - this is completely natural. The uterus contracts and the woman may feel cramping pain. But if the pain becomes too strong - this is a cause for concern.

  • Bleeding

During the procedure, everything is removedthe upper layer of the uterine mucosa, so bloody discharge is inevitable. But if there is too much of it - more than one pad per hour - you can suspect bleeding. This is also an alarm signal!

  • Increased body temperature

If the abortion was done correctly, the increasethere should be no body temperature under any circumstances. Hyperthermia is a symptom of an inflammatory process that has begun. Therefore, try to seek medical help as soon as possible. As you can see, if you decide to terminate a pregnancy, there are enough ways to get rid of the fetus without seriously threatening the woman's health. Although, of course, before making such a serious decision to get rid of a pregnancy, you should carefully weigh everything.

