early pregnancy detection Pregnancy in the life of any woman is verya serious and exciting moment. But in the early stages of its first signs can be deceptive and vain to mislead. It is clear that the girl wants to know in advance, without waiting for a delay in menstruation, there was a conception or not. Currently, there is the possibility not to torment yourself with guesses and to recognize pregnancy in the early stages. A positive pregnancy test can dispel all doubts, since modern tests promise an accuracy of 99% even before the delay. In this case, the instruction for use should be observed in clarity, otherwise the test may show both a false positive and a false negative result, or show nothing at all. Very often, for a couple of weeks before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, a woman does not know about her interesting situation, since any signs will be only indirect.

When is it worth thinking about?

So, by what indirect signs canto guess about their pregnancy at an early date. First, there is a swelling and an unpleasant sensation in the area of ​​the mammary glands. In the very first days after fertilization, the breast can become slightly swollen, painful when touched and increase in size. Although similar symptoms very often occur in the premenstrual period and signal the imminent onset of critical days. Secondly, the basal temperature rises to 37-37.2 degrees. This is due to the increased content in the body of the hormone progesterone. The increase in the level of this hormone begins even with ovulation, and if fertilization does not occur, the temperature in the anus is normalized to the usual 36.7 degrees. Thirdly, a woman can begin a toxicosis, which first manifests itself in the form of aversion to any smells, changes in taste. A little later, a woman begins to suffer from nausea, often provoking vomiting, fatigue and weakness. In pregnancy, the amount of vaginal discharge increases if they are not justified by any ailment. And, of course, we must not forget about such a feature, as women's intuition. Quite often, even before the delay of a monthly woman begins to suspect a possible pregnancy, and her suspicions are not unfounded. The first obvious sign of pregnancy is the delay in the menstrual cycle. Although in this case the cycle should be regular. After all, all diseases, inflammatory processes, stresses, drug intake or withdrawal, and other factors can lead to its malfunction. So, properly conducted tests to determine pregnancy in the early stages will allow you to accurately find out the result. types of pregnancy tests

What are the tests and how do they work?

Fertilized ovum in the very first daysbegins to allocate a particular hormone hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. This protein immediately gets into the blood and urine. In the absence of pregnancy, its level in the body is close to zero. If hCG is still present, it is regarded as a clear sign of having a pregnancy. With further development of the future embryo, the indicator of the chorionic gonadotropin will only increase. The action of all tests is based on the chemical reaction of the test impregnated with the reagent, which reacts to HCG and manifests itself in the form of strips, pluses, smiles, etc. Modern pregnancy tests can be divided into the following groups:

  • jet tests;
  • tablet tests;
  • test strips;
  • electronic tests.

Inkjet tests have a fairly high pricerange. They are a strip on which a layer of blue particles is applied. Thanks to these particles, the accuracy of the test is much higher than that of other types of tests. In use, it is quite easy and simple, since it does not require additional urine collection tanks. It is enough to bring the test under a stream of urine and after a minute or two to get a fairly reliable result. Jet tests are the most sensitive in their generation. They show the exact result even before the expected day of the delay in the monthly cycle. While other groups of cheaper tests show the correct result only after the first day of delay in menstruation. Tablet tests are in the middle price range. They are more expensive than test strips, but cheaper than inkjet tests. By the way they are used, they also differ. This test has two windows. In one window it is necessary to drip a few drops of urine with the help of an attached pipette. And in the other window, the result is estimated. Test strips are the most popular and cheap option for self-testing for pregnancy. They are a strip of paper, which is lowered into a container with urine and after 5-10 minutes, the result is estimated by the number of strips. But if you use these strips incorrectly, you can get a false-positive, false-negative result, and not get any result at all. This can happen if the strip is overexposed in a liquid, or lowered not strictly vertically, but under an inclination. Electronic tests have recently appeared on the market and have not yet gained such popularity as their previous counterparts. Although they are tens of times more expensive than ordinary tests, they literally perform miracles, as they not only accurately report pregnancy, but also show approximately what the period is in weeks, if pregnancy really exists. Still these tests are good because they have no unspoken results, that is, such a test can not fail. The answer is always an unambiguous yes-plus or no-minus. The principle of the electronic test is the same as for all, namely: inside is an absorbent strip, which reacts to the level of hCG in urine. The electronic monitor is activated when liquid enters it. It is interesting that some types of such tests are reusable and can show favorable days for conception with a negative test. They can even be connected to a computer and monitor ovulation. use of pregnancy tests

How to make an accurate test?

In order for the test not to fail and showed a true result, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

  • If you fully comply with all instructions and follow the instructions, then the reliability of the result will be quite high.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the expiration date and the tightness of the package. Truthfulness of the expired test decreases many times.
  • The higher the sensitivity of the test, the more accurate. This parameter is always indicated on the package. Inkjet tests are considered the most sensitive. They show a true result in a few days after conception. While the level of hCG in the body is still quite low.
  • On the eve of testing, do not drink a lot of liquid, because its large amount reduces the concentration of hCG in the body, and the result may not work.
  • It should be remembered that the hCG protein appears in the urinewomen only 7-10 days after embryo attachment to the uterine cavity. Therefore, you always need to wait at least a few days after the sexual act that caused doubts. Do not trust online pregnancy tests. Such tests can offer to bring a finger to the screen, and it will change color in case of presence or absence of pregnancy, or answer a small questionnaire. It's just a deception, and in some cases also a fraud. Therefore, you should never send a sms-message with confirmation of any data. In order to dispel all doubts, it is better to use several types of tests at intervals of several days. The test is better done in the morning, then the level of hCG in urine is highest. It should be remembered that even a weakly manifested second band is a positive result even with ectopic pregnancy, and one should not postpone the visit to a gynecologist. The doctor will perform a gynecological examination, which will determine the color, shape and size of the uterus. During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, rounds and takes on a pinkish color. In the future, he will send for ultrasound and will ask for a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin. After that, there will definitely not be any questions left.

    Folk ways and signs of pregnancy

    Most women are impatientessence, therefore they for a long time tried to learn early on the presence or absence of pregnancy, conducting various procedures. Most of them can be considered a complete absurdity, but some of the so-called "grandmother's methods" even work, it is tested by many generations of women. For example, urine color was evaluated earlier. It is more concentrated and has a dark yellow hue in a pregnant woman. Another girl was collecting urine and dripping a drop of iodine into it. If the drop spreads, then there is no pregnancy. If it stays on the surface, the lady is in position. A sheet of paper soaked in urine and dripped onto it a drop of iodine. It is believed that the pregnant girl will get a drop of violet, otherwise iodine will turn blue. Pour a little soda into the container with urine. If she immediately settles to the bottom, then pregnancy is absent, but if urine starts bubbling, then the answer is positive. There is a method based on the fact that a lot of protein is contained in the urine of a pregnant woman. So, the urine was heated in a saucepan, and when boiled, it was poured into a glass container. If a precipitate formed in the form of white flakes, it means that pregnancy has come. Two bulbs fell in two glasses of water. One was marked as a pregnancy, the other as not. In what glass the bulb quickly grew to 4 cm, so is the result. Fish, in any form of it, dreamed in a dream - to an interesting position. Whichever way or test the girl uses, she will sooner or later find out the right result, dispel her doubts. The most important thing is that this result is necessary and most desired in her life.

