frozen pregnancy in the second trimester Unfortunately, sometimes it happens thatThe long-awaited pregnancy ends with the fading of the fetus. And to do something in this case is no longer possible. Typically, the fair sex is faced with this in the early stages, but this can happen in the second trimester. Statistics are as follows: approximately 176 cases have only one pregnancy with an unsuccessful outcome. The rest of the girls manage to bear and give birth to a healthy child. But still there is a risk of this pathology. Therefore, it is very important for future mothers to know all about what can cause the fetal development to stop, how to recognize, identify and warn. Thanks to the methods of modern medicine, it is now possible to prevent a stagnant pregnancy, if you become on time in the register and be on the alert. For this it is very important to strictly observe the appointments of the attending physician-gynecologist and monitor your own health condition even at the first stages of planning the pregnancy itself.

What is a frozen pregnancy?

Very often, future mothers have no ideathat such a frozen pregnancy and do not know what kind of danger it may pose. So, first we should understand that this is a serious pathology, as a result of which the fruit ceases to develop and grow, which, naturally, leads to its death. Such an unfavorable outcome can cause the development of the inflammatory process in the body of the fair sex. Previously, the stalled pregnancy can adversely affect the subsequent conception of the child. There are often cases when girls after that could not normally conceive and give birth. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to identify the pathology of fetal development in a timely manner and seek medical help. Unfortunately, a frozen pregnancy in the second trimester can not be manifested in any way during a fairly long period of time. Then there is a worsening of the condition, there are spotting, can begin fights with a subsequent miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, you need to go to the hospital on time. Do not neglect the delivery of tests and visits to specialists, do not self-medicate. What causes can lead to a stunted pregnancy Proper development and growth of the fetus is equally dependent on both external and internal factors. In the first case, the health of the representative of the fair sex is affected by the environment. If you want the child to be born healthy and develop normally, change the situation. Find a place where there is no harmful production, and in the air does not weigh smog. An important role is played by the state of the fair sex (both physical and psychological). If a woman is constantly nervous, worried, frustrated, her nervous system fails. And this, in turn, negatively affects the fetus. The following health problems can also lead to fading:

  • cardiovascular disease in a pregnant woman;
  • various kidney diseases;
  • chromosomal disorders in the fetus;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • some fetal anomalies that lead to his death;
  • hormonal disorders in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • diabetes;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • infectious diseases of acute or chronic form.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages,abuse of cigarettes and narcotic substances, as well as such typical diseases as herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis and others - all this negatively affects the development of the fetus. Of course, if a woman knows what this pathology leads to and desperately wants to have a child, she will try to eliminate all the factors contributing to the appearance of such a problem early on. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention even to the most, as it seems at first glance, insignificant change in the body. Note, most often fetal fading occurs in women who have previously had an abortion, who have experienced an anamnesis with an ectopic pregnancy, who have problems with reproductive organs. Often, such problems are observed in the fair sex, which is more than 35. Especially if this is their first pregnancy. How to timely identify a frozen pregnancy Of course, every future mother is extremely difficult to survive such a terrible outcome of pregnancy, because in the second trimester the child is already large. A woman can even feel the stirring of a baby. She gives him a name, buys things, makes out the nursery. And then she realizes that it's over. Not everyone dares to immediately go to the clinic, because they hope that the doctors made a mistake. But, as it was said above, the factors that can not only lead to the death of the fetus, but also carry a real threat to the life of the future mother, influence the development of pathology. That is why it is so important to know the main symptoms, which indicate that the fetus has ceased to develop. Please note, each frozen pregnancy in the second trimester manifests itself in different ways. Therefore, do not make a conclusion based on your feelings. In any case, it is necessary to have an ultrasound, to take tests, to visit a gynecologist. But do not delay the visit to a specialist if the following symptoms occur:

  • Lack of movement (wiggling) of the fetus

If the child already has to move, or you have felt movement before, and now - complete silence, you should immediately go to the examination.

  • Cessation of toxicosis, which until this time was very clearly manifested itself

The first three months you were very ill and youvomited from smells, food, etc., and now you can easily eat herring with jam? Perhaps this is a strong stomach. But, most likely, the fetus froze. The sudden appearance of a feeling of nausea, in the absence of a previous toxicosis, is also a bad sign.

  • Breast Problems

When a woman from the fair sex becomes pregnant, her breasts begin to grow and fill. The first sign that something is wrong is the cessation of swelling, the appearance of cutting pain.

  • Stomach

If the stomach hurts and pulls in early pregnancy,then this is the first signs of a future miscarriage. The child in this period can be saved, since for the fading of the fetus in the first trimester, such symptoms are not characteristic. But if the pain occurred in the second trimester, the problem can be covered in this.

  • Change in basal temperature

This is not the main sign that you have a frozen pregnancy. But still it is worth paying attention to this symptom.

  • Presence of brown discharge from the vagina

Scant allocations may appear, as if youmonthly began. However, they do not stop for a long time. Therefore, if you find even one drop of blood on your underwear, call your doctor immediately. This is a signal that your body is trying to get rid of the fetus. What will happen if the pathology is not set in time? The fetus begins to decompose in the womb, causing serious inflammatory processes. These decomposition products can get directly into the woman's blood, which will cause serious intoxication of the body. And if in the near future do not make a cleaning, a pregnant woman can die. Such an operation should be carried out in the hospital, after that the representative is still in the hospital for a couple of days under the supervision of medical personnel. Frozen pregnancy in the second trimester symptoms

How is the diagnosis of frozen pregnancy carried out?

So, to diagnose a similar pathology inthe second trimester can be in three main ways: with the help of hCG analysis, ultrasound and by examining the gynecologist. Usually, doctors conduct several studies to make sure that the girl has a frozen pregnancy. The size of the uterus should correspond to the normal parameters at the current time of pregnancy, so the doctor first conducts a routine examination. Basal temperature is also measured. If there is a discrepancy or a strong deviation, the woman is referred for ultrasound (ultrasound examination). This will help determine if the heart beats the child or is no longer there. By the way, only this way anembrion is revealed - a disorder in which a fetal egg turns out to be empty and does not contain an embryo. Thanks to the hormonal analysis of the blood, it is also possible to determine whether fetal fading has occurred. In pregnant women, hCG is usually very high. If it is an order of magnitude smaller than necessary, then the woman has serious problems. Unfortunately, there are a couple of nuances here. So, if the fetus has stopped developing recently, the level of hormones can be normal. The embryo is dead, and your body has not reacted to it.

What to do when diagnosed as "frozen pregnancy"

Unfortunately, in this case the child is notsave. If the fetus is frozen and the condition worsens, immediately remove the fetus. Otherwise, miscarriage may occur, inflammation and bleeding may begin, which in the home can not be stopped. When an accurate diagnosis is made, such ways of treatment of a frozen pregnancy can be chosen, such as:

  • Expectant

The doctor may take a wait-and-see attitude untilthere will be a spontaneous miscarriage. This natural course of this pathology occurs due to a decrease in the level of placental hormones. The woman's organism will try to cleanse herself of the alien organism independently.

  • Medicamentous

A gynecologist can recommend specialmedication that will cause a miscarriage. The only condition for the appointment of these funds is the period of pregnancy - it should not exceed 8 weeks. Otherwise it will not help.

  • Abortion

A specialist can also prescribe a treatment that is frozenpregnancy operative way. In this case, the uterine curettage is performed. This procedure is a surgical procedure, therefore, after it is carried out, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. Two weeks later, an ultrasound examination is performed to assess the woman's condition. The postoperative recovery period lasts an average of one month. Many women who have encountered such a problem, ask themselves: how long can you walk with a frozen fruit? Doctors-gynecologists can not exactly answer it, because this indicator of each of the fair sex is individual. Someone can walk a week, and someone and a month, without noticing at the same time this problem. But do not delay with a visit to the doctor, because it will depend on your health and the opportunity in the future to have children. frozen pregnancy in the second trimester causes

How is the treatment and recovery period after a stiff pregnancy?

First of all, treatment after such a pregnancybegins with a complete examination, both of the mother and father, in order to prevent a similar situation in the future. For this, both spouses should be tested for determining the level of sex hormones. Also the thyroid gland is investigated (failure in work can lead to hormonal explosion). After full treatment, the fair sex again undergoes an examination. And if the tests are normal, you can start planning for a repeat pregnancy. Before that, she should use contraceptives. Condoms are best in this case. OK can harm the body of a woman who has not yet fully recovered from such a serious operation.

How to prevent the development of a frozen pregnancy in the future

On how to prevent a frozen pregnancy infurther, the woman who has transferred this illness, should reflect at the first stages of planning of the next pregnancy. Specialists strongly recommend after the operation to visit a doctor and undergo a special examination. Diagnosis and treatment is prescribed taking into account the personal characteristics of the woman's body. However, the main research methods, which are shown absolutely to all the fair sex representatives during the recovery period after the dead pregnancy and during the planning of the next conception, are:

  • ultrasound diagnosis of pelvic organs;
  • smears needed to identify various urogenital diseases;
  • a blood test for autoantibodies and homocysteine;
  • a blood test for thyroid hormone levels and her ultrasound examination;
  • ToRHC-complex (detection of various infections that pose a real threat to the health of a pregnant woman).

Such measures are simply necessary, sinceprevention of an undeveloped pregnancy helps reduce the risk of re-development of pathology and increase the chances of becoming a happy mother. It is important to know both spouses who plan to have a child, about what manifestations have a frozen pregnancy, how to treat it and how to prevent its development in the future. This will enable timely elimination of the consequences of this pathology and identify possible causes of its development. Only such an approach to the problem can guarantee success in the future when planning the next child. Frozen pregnancy in the second trimester tips

What consequences can be with a stiffened pregnancy?

Most of the women who survived such ashock, a reasonable question arises about what to do after an undeveloped pregnancy. Is it possible to have children in the future? How much should we wait before re-planning the conception of the unborn child. What precautions should be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur in the future. By the way, many cases of pregnancy fading at an early stage of its course remain a mystery even for medical workers. To begin with, it should be understood that if you have a fetus in the past, in the future you can still endure and give birth to a healthy child. But, of course, you should first find out why this pathology has arisen. First you should undergo a full examination, be cured of the disease or eliminate the cause. So, first of all pregnant women take a smear to determine if they have an infection. Sexually transmitted diseases can cause many pathologies. And if the child is born, then in any case there will be some deviations. Under such circumstances, a frozen pregnancy is not the worst thing that could happen. If this happens again, both partners should be sent for inspection. Pay attention, the undeveloped pregnancy seriously affects not only the physical health of women, but also its psychological state. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a psychologist or psychoanalyst. Even if the representative of the sex perfectly seems that she has coped with the consequences, subconsciously she will be afraid of repetition. By the way, after proper treatment, a woman needs a certain period of time to recover. To think about planning the next pregnancy is only after three months, and better - after six. It is very important to undergo a thorough diagnosis in order to identify possible pathologies and prevent the re-development of a frozen pregnancy. During this period of time, both partners should take care of their own health: do not drink alcohol, quit smoking and drugs. In some cases, the couple needs to take vitamins and make injections of hormones. It is desirable that the husband and wife on the eve of a trip to rest on the sea or in the mountains. Every evening you should walk for at least half an hour in the fresh air. And, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude from the diet harmful products, fried, salted, smoked, raw foods. Fast food, fast food products - all this negatively affects the work of the woman's body. As a result - the child simply nowhere to take useful substances and trace elements. What if you become pregnant again? The answer is one: be registered in a women's consultation. And immediately, as you realized that you are in position. And do not forget to visit your gynecologist regularly. As already mentioned above, pathology in the development of the fetus at an early stage is difficult to identify. This is directly related to the fact that in all women the pregnancy proceeds in different ways. Someone is sick for nine months, and some do not even know what is a toxicosis. We advise you to read:

