dead pregnancy cleaning The future mother should not be nervous - everyone knows this. Therefore, of course, it is better not to think about various diseases during pregnancy. But there is information that every woman expecting a child should know. This information is about a frozen pregnancy. Many women even have no idea about such a phenomenon, and if something similar happens to them, they are very frightened. There are tears, tantrums, even nervous breakdowns. But all this could be avoided if the doctors warned the pregnant woman in time that there is such a pathology as it manifests itself, what it is necessary to be ready for. Moreover, the best option is at the planning stage of pregnancy to consult your gynecologist. Explain that you are worried about this problem and ask what you need to do to prevent pregnancy fading. After all, there are special tests that, even before conception, can signal dangerous dysfunctions in the body. For example, if you pass tests for hormones not after, but before conception, then an increased number of male sex hormones in the female blood will make the gynecologist prick up. Then it will be necessary to conduct treatment, normalize the hormonal background, in order to prevent the pathology of development of the unborn child.

Frozen pregnancy - what is it?

Frozen pregnancy is a pathology, withwhich the fetus ceases to develop and grow and dies right in the abdomen of the mother. It is believed that such a disaster can occur both at an early age and at a later date of pregnancy. But most often the fetus perishes in the first trimester. After that, in the body of an unsuspecting woman, inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms can develop.

Symptoms of intrauterine fetal death

Unfortunately, not always frozenpregnancy manifests itself immediately. One of the signs is a sharp cessation of nausea and other signs of toxicosis. But rely only on this is not necessary, especially if the toxemia was insignificant or it was not at all. Fetal death is manifested by a whole series of symptoms:

  • decrease in basal temperature in the early periods (in norm it keeps within 37,1-37,3 degrees before the 20th week of pregnancy, and then decreases);
  • after "fading" of the fetus, the mammary glands cease to hurt;
  • at a later date there are spotting;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the baby stops moving.

Do not put yourself a diagnosis! The fact is that even with a stiffened pregnancy the stomach can continue to grow. And blood tests can deceive, because not the fetus develops, but only the fetal membrane, already empty inside. cleaning after a dead pregnancy

How not to miss a frozen pregnancy

In order to diagnose frozenpregnancy, do not need any special studies or complex tests. An experienced gynecologist can determine this even at the usual reception after examination and questioning of a woman. There are certain norms of the correspondence of the size of the fetus (uterus) to the current term of pregnancy. If the gynecologist detects abnormalities, then additional examinations are ordered - ultrasound plus a blood test for hCG (a hormone that accurately indicates the presence of pregnancy). Ultrasound examination shows anembrion (when in the fetal egg there is simply no embryo, it is empty). These simple methods allow, with an accuracy of 100%, to determine that after a certain moment the fruit has ceased its vital activity, and it is necessary to take measures so that the woman's health is not affected.

The causes that cause intrauterine fetal death

There are dozens of such reasons for doctors: it can be an infectious disease, and genetic failures in the fetus, and a change in the hormonal background of the woman (by the way, if it was before pregnancy, the tragedy could be prevented). Pregnancy can "stop" and as a result of bad habits - everyone knows that alcohol, drugs and nicotine adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, a reasonable woman who wants to give birth to a healthy baby completely excludes these factors, at least for the time of bearing the child. Let's take a closer look at what causes can lead to undesirable consequences in the development of the fetus. Genetic abnormalities Up to 70% of cases of fetal fading are due to genetic failures in embryo development. This applies, in general, to a period of up to 8 weeks. It turns out that nature itself determines the breakdown of genes in the fetus and does not allow such a child to be born. This can happen even if both parents are healthy. And after the termination of such pregnancy the couple will be able to give birth to a normal baby. But sometimes a few pregnancies end up so sadly. This already indicates a genetic malfunction in the parents. In such cases, parents need to undergo a genetic examination. Violation of the normal balance of hormones Hormones play a vital role in a woman's life. After a period of growing up, when teenage hormonal storms calmed down a little, a certain hormonal background is established. It changes only in connection with the fluctuations of the menstrual cycle. But if there is a deficiency of progesterone (a hormone that plays a crucial role in the development of pregnancy), the embryo can not normally attach itself to the uterus, so there is a risk of a frozen pregnancy. Another hormonal shift is when the content of androgens increases in a woman's blood (these are male sex hormones). Normally, testosterone and other androgens are contained in the blood of women in minimal amounts. But in 20% of pregnant women the level of androgens strongly "jumps", after which the female body acquires some masculine features - the vegetation on the skin becomes more severe, the voice becomes cruder, the body type may even change. Therefore, those women, in whose anamnesis were miscarriages, frozen pregnancy, hair grew in a male type, menstruation came with delays, that is a real risk of fetal death. Therefore, having such a history of the disease, before you become pregnant, you must donate blood and check the composition of your hormones. Acute infections carry danger to the child! It is known that during the gestation of a child the immunity of a woman is quite significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that the body adapts to the growing embryo and "learns" not to perceive it as a foreign body. But the decrease in immunity has a negative side. There is a danger of infection with various infections. For example, a viral rubella disease can cause a number of complications - from pregnancy fading to child development abnormalities. Malformations of development provoke and infection with cytomegalovirus infection (CMV). Even ordinary flu or ARVI are borne by pregnant women and it can be dangerous for the fetus. After the virus began to develop in the female body, a rise in temperature begins, severe intoxication. These manifestations disrupt the flow of blood to the growing fetus, from which it can perish. An interesting fact is that the exacerbation of a chronic infection that "smoldered" in the body of a woman before pregnancy, most often does not have such fatal consequences. And yet it is better to take care of your health in advance, when you are just starting to plan pregnancy. This means that you need to remove the tonsils, if they often become inflamed (infection from the nasopharynx sometimes gives complications to the kidneys with a decrease in immunity). In addition, the foci of chronic infection can be in the gums, which is why you need to treat teeth and gum disease. Chronic infections (chlamydia, gardnerel), which can "live" in the vagina for years, not manifesting themselves at all, after the onset of pregnancy, often begin to cause inflammation. This can damage the fetus if the infection starts to "go up", and gynecologists are well aware of the risks of intrauterine infection of the unborn child. The more dangerous the in vitro fertilization Despite the fact that IVF (in vitro fertilization, in other words, a "baby from a test tube") is considered almost commonplace, this way of conception often leads to various complications and anomalies of fetal development. After IVF, the risk of pregnancy fading, as well as spontaneous miscarriage, is high. But doctors always warn women about it. In addition, before artificial insemination a large number of tests are performed, a complete examination of the body is done in order to reduce the risk of complications. Incorrect way of life This includes not only smoking and drinking - of course, these bad habits must be forgotten after the onset of pregnancy. But constant stress in the workplace, too, does not bring anything good and may well lead to the fading of the fetus. Even the lack of regular walks in the fresh air and frequent use of strong coffee adversely affect the development of the baby. This does not mean that you should completely abandon your favorite drink, but you should drink it in very small quantities, because caffeine can cause increased uterine tone or placental abruption. As a result, the fetal blood flow is disturbed, oxygen starvation occurs, which threatens with severe consequences. Reception of various medicines during pregnancy Sometimes pregnant women themselves are afraid to drink a pill once again, because they heard about the harmful effect on the embryo of medicinal substances. But still not all follow this rule, many future mothers prescribe drugs themselves, not knowing that it can end badly. During pregnancy, without consulting a doctor, you should not take any medications. Even pharmacy herbs, which seem harmless, sometimes increase the tone of the uterus after frequent admission. Do not abuse and diuretics, with problems with kidneys and edema it is better to use less fluid than to drink diuretic drugs. Separately it is necessary to tell and about harmful manufactures. Women who work in harmful production, it is useful to know that the accumulation of toxic substances in the body is likely to cause complications during pregnancy. This may be anomalies in the development of the child, and the fading of the fetus.

dead pregnancy cleaning and treatment

How to treat a frozen pregnancy

Preserve a dead pregnancy, there is nomeaning, therefore, after the diagnosis is made the doctor must decide how to save the woman from the dead fetus. Tactics is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the body, also take into account the state of health of women, the presence of inflammatory diseases, the nature of the course of pregnancy before the fetus is frozen. When the tactic of waiting is applied After the fetus has died, the level of hCG gradually decreases, the uterus decreases with time, and everything ends in a miscarriage. This means that the fetal egg goes out on its own. Expectant tactics are used only in cases when the woman's health is not threatened, there are no inflammatory processes, acute pain or fever. Interruption of frozen pregnancy with medication Medical abortion with a dead fetus is exactly the same as with an ordinary pregnancy. A doctor gives a woman, according to a certain scheme, antagonists of progesterone (Mifegin or Mifepristone) supplemented with other medications. After several hours, the woman starts real contractions, and the uterus expels the deceased fruit along with the fetal egg. In 2 weeks after the uterus is released from the embryo, it is recommended to make an ultrasound to make sure that the rests of the fetal egg are completely gone. In addition, antibiotics are often prescribed, because medical abortion can be complicated by infection. Removing a frozen pregnancy by scraping It must be known that a pregnancy that has died out for a period of 7 or more weeks is removed promptly. Cleaning (scraping the uterine cavity) is done in a hospital under local anesthesia. In some cases, general anesthesia is used (this is decided on the spot by a surgeon and an anesthesiologist). The material obtained by scraping is sent to the laboratory to examine the condition of the cells and DNA of the fetal egg. This should be done with the purpose of prevention, so that subsequent pregnancies proceed normally. When the cleaning is finished, the doctor introduces a hormone for contraction of the uterus (Oxytocin). Then the woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics (this is necessary, because after the curettage the risk of infectious complications increases). Often, women are interested in the nature of the discharge after such curettage. Gynecologists warn that the allocation should be sacred and last no more than a week. One day or several days a woman spends in a hospital, then she is released home. If there is bleeding, the more abundant, then you should urgently see a doctor. When the normal monthly will be restored After removal of the frozen pregnancy by curettage, menstruation is usually restored in a month and a half and proceed as usual. After the first menstruation, you can resume sexual activity. Before this, it is better not to do, undesirable consequences (bleeding, infection) are possible. cleaning after a frozen pregnancy tips

How to behave after the termination of such pregnancy

Pregnant repeatedly after removal of the frozenpregnancy can only be in six months. Therefore, doctors always prescribe reliable contraceptives for this period. Most often it's OK (oral contraceptives - tablets). They normalize the menstrual cycle and protect the woman from being contraindicated in these 6 months of pregnancy. In addition to contraceptives are appointed fortifying means - vitamins, trace elements, and more often it is vitamin-mineral complexes, which are now a great many sold in pharmacies. They are dispensed without a prescription, so you can choose the one that is right for you at the price and composition (the composition is specified by the attending physician). After the results of the laboratory examination of the removed fetal egg are ready, the doctor can more definitely name the cause of pregnancy fading - infection, genetic disorders or other factor. In some cases, the cause can not be determined.

Treatment after surgery

If after scraping the woman findsa disease that definitely led to the death of the fetus, the doctor prescribes a scheme for his treatment. In the event that serious hormonal disorders are found, treatment with hormones is prescribed. Do not be afraid of it, in many cases only hormones injected from the outside will help to bear a healthy child. It must be remembered that a woman who has lost a child, even an unborn child, who was called a "fetus" or "embryo," is in a state of depression. This is not necessarily a clinical depression, in which a person does not communicate with anyone, moves little and thinks about suicide. Depression can be expressed in the decline of power, constantly in a bad mood, fear of becoming pregnant again and losing the child again. After the operation (cleansing) it is desirable that a woman is not only engaged in a gynecologist, but also a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine which medications for calming the nervous system can be taken in each specific case. For example, mild depression occurs after taking infusions of sedative dues, simple physical exercises, walking in the fresh air. But more complex cases require the appointment of tranquilizers and antidepressants (these substances are not sold without a prescription, they are prescribed for severe stages of depression).

Preventive maintenance of miscarriage

Frozen pregnancy belongs to a large groupdiseases with the general name "miscarriage". In order to avoid this traumatic disease, it is very important to monitor your health. Visit a gynecologist at least once every 6 months, should every woman reached childbearing age. And after a pregnancy that ended in fading, you need to seriously treat either a gynecologist or a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Sometimes you have to connect geneticists. Planning pregnancy includes a regular visit to the gynecologist, and timely treatment of sexual infections. We are not talking about serious illnesses, of course, they must be carefully treated. These are infections that women consider "easy", do not attach importance to them, and do not treat them, despite the prescriptions of doctors. It can be chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellez, trichomoniasis. After receiving the results of tests confirming the presence of such an infection, women often brush aside the doctor's recommendations, especially if they are not disturbed by pain and vaginal discharge. When planning pregnancy, all these diseases must be treated (most often antibiotics are administered orally and vaginal suppositories or tablets). And one more thing - viral diseases (rubella and chickenpox), which young children suffer relatively easily, can cause irreparable harm to a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is recommended to vaccinate against these diseases 3 months before the planned conception.

Who is at risk for a pregnant woman?

  • women who suffered several abortions;
  • women who had one or more ectopic pregnancies;
  • age over 30 automatically "records" you at risk;
  • untreated genital tract infections are likely to contribute to the fading of pregnancy;
  • women with an unusual shape of the uterus (there is a saddle and bicorne uterus);
  • women with uterine myoma - myoma should be treated before pregnancy;
  • women with endocrine pathology should necessarily be observed in the endocrinologist (especially with diabetes, thyroid disorders, menstrual irregularities).

In addition to purely medical preventiveIt is very important to start leading a healthy lifestyle a few months before pregnancy. And these are not just words, it is a vital necessity for you and your baby. Eat more fruits and vegetables, go for walks in the fresh air, do light gymnastics. And try to experience only positive emotions!

