correct development of the child We offer you a fascinating tour of the groupsmall cells, which in nine months after its termination will turn into a wonderful, throaty baby. It is nothing more than the development of a child in the womb of the mother from conception to birth.

Stepwise development of the child in the womb by weeks

Its development is a small cell thatlater becomes your child, begins around the third week, dropping down the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. The length of the future embryo is less than a millimeter, but already now it begins its active development, completely changing the life of its mother. The third-seventh week is the time of active development of the embryo, which for the present is little like a real man. From a set of cells begins to appear a living being, develop a nervous, circulatory system, the brain. Gradually, the simplest organs grow: the lungs, the liver, the head assumes familiar outlines. The weight of the fetus at this time is only a couple of grams, and the height is up to 12 mm. But this is already a real living entity, which is distinguished by its ability to feel. At the eighth-eleventh week of intrauterine development, the baby is already like a little man, his appearance is actively formed, but the internal organs are still in embryo. His heart beats, the brain has not yet begun its active development, only the bones of the axial skeleton, skulls, are beginning to appear. The legs try to make movements that resemble running, but are very weak.

  • 12-13 week is the middle of pregnancy, whenthe threat of miscarriage disappears. Try to determine the sex of the baby, as the reproductive system begins to form. The child begins to perceive the taste of food, which is mom, light, sounds. Weight is growing rapidly - 15-20 g, height - 60-70 mm.
  • 14-16 weeks - your future baby beginsto manifest himself, he reacts to substances in the amniotic fluid, to light, sounds. The formation of the heart is almost complete, the first leukocytes appear in the blood. On the surface of the body a fluff is formed, which later completely disappears. My mother at this time increases discharge from the vagina, but this is completely normal. The baby himself begins to write more, his bladder is emptied every forty minutes. Weight - about 110 grams, height - 12 cm.
  • 17 week - the heart of the baby begins its work, through the stethoscope can be discerned his first strokes. Begins to develop a pigment of hair, the baby begins to hear and perceive sounds.
  • Week 18 is the time when the digestive system starts, the baby swallows the amniotic fluid, although there is no need for it. Height - up to 18 cm, weight - 200 g.

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The first manifestation of baby's activity

  • 19-21 week is the time of activity of the baby, whenhe moves his hands, his legs, and pushes his mother. There is development of the respiratory system, the general condition of the baby. He can smile, play with the umbilical cord, perform many other movements. The spleen takes an active part in blood formation, the skin finishes its formation.
  • 22-23 week is a crucial period inthe formation of the baby. The mother at this time should undergo another ultrasound, which will show whether the organs of the child were properly formed. Now you can also determine the sex of the future baby, if he shows it, and not "shy". This time of brain development and neural connections, the child begins to form the first feces in the intestine, the baby receives food through the amniotic fluid, the placenta. Height - up to 28 cm, weight - 500-510 g.
  • 24 week is considered the most active for the lasttime, the baby's body begins to develop rapidly, hair, cilia, ears, senses begin to work, the child can show discontent. At this time, you should start talking with the baby, show positive emotions. The weight of a child is up to 600 g.
  • Week 25: the behavior is more active, the regime of the day often does not coincide with the regime of the mother. Weight - 700-750 g, height - up to 33 cm.
  • 26 week: the skin of the child is wrinkled, but gradually smoothes, the rhythm of the heartbeat is 120-160 beats per minute. Height - 32.5 cm, weight - 800 g.
  • Week 27: the endocrine system begins to form, growth hormone is produced. The kid trains the muscles of the lungs. Height - 33-35 cm, weight - 1 kg.
  • 28 week: the production of hormones is started, since the baby's brain has already established contact with the adrenal cortex. The child gradually begins to rebuild his body for life outside the conditions of the uterus. The legs are now crossed, tightly pressed to the chest, the child's arms are pulled to the face. At this time, the brow arches begin to form, the eyes open more often, the nail plates begin to appear. The skin becomes more dense, similar to the skin of the newborn. At this time, the kid has already clearly determined which hand will be the main one, that is, he will be right-handed or left-handed. From education, as many mistakenly believe, little depends. Weight is 1-1.3 kg, height - up to 35 cm.
  • 29 week: the kidneys begin their work, the baby can have up to 500 ml of urine a day, adrenal-like substances are produced in the adrenal glands, blood red corpuscles are produced in the blood. The navel is still low, but the baby's place in the mother's belly is getting smaller. This begins to encourage him to turn a little down, taking the right position for delivery. Weight is up to 1.3 kg, height - 35 cm.

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Preparing for the birth

  • 30 week is the time when the future mother can already go on maternity leave, visit a doctor for preparation before childbirth, start taking all kinds of tests.

The baby begins to develop a brain, he is able tonow remember and analyze information. At this time, the child begins to try to do a little breathing exercises, training his little lungs to a difficult first sigh. Its height is at this time 37 cm, weight - about 1400 g.

  • At the 31st week, the baby begins hisappearance to the light. His eyes are often open, although in bright light he frowns, the color of the peephole is blue. The pancreas grows, the volume of blood increases, as well as muscle mass, the liver adds weight. The child actively grows stronger, his skin becomes bright pink, the network of vessels is perfectly translucent, since subcutaneous fat is not yet formed. Weight is 1.6 kg, height - 40 cm.
  • At week 32, the child is already quite differentvoices, all sounds. From his face, the last wrinkles disappear, a large amount of hair appears on the head. Weight quickly increases, receiving immunoglobulins, the baby already in the womb is not so spacious and cozy, as before. At week 32 the child can begin his gradual turning head down, although it is not necessary, some children wait a couple more weeks. The child starts to push hard, to behave very actively. This is the most troublesome time for my mother. To calm the baby, it is recommended to lie quietly on the couch, to stroke the stomach. The belly button of the woman at this time can start to bulge, but this phenomenon is normal, you should not worry. The weight of the child is now about 2 kg, height - about 42 cm.
  • 33 week is the time for repeated ultrasound, whichWill show, how much the child is already ready to forthcoming sorts and whether there are any pathologies in development. The brain is fully formed, the number of nerve connections is increasing. Continues to accumulate fatty layer, the heart gradually gaining weight. The face of the baby has already been formed, the layer of fat under the skin is gradually increasing, the baby is demanding more and more nutrients from the mother, since the body is growing rapidly. Growth and weight in comparison with previous indicators do not change much.
  • 34 week is a period for active developmentSucking reflex, for which he uses a thumb. It is at this stage that the child begins to prepare for how to properly eat in the first few months. All the bones begin to gradually strengthen, for which the child requires a lot of calcium from the mother. The baby in the uterus is already cramped, he starts to actively tossing, turns the head down, getting ready for birth. The lungs are completely ready to take oxygen. The height of the baby at this time is up to 45 cm, weight - up to 2.4 kg.
  • On the 35th week the baby has a dermalcover, begins to lay aside a little fatty tissue. The fluff has almost disappeared, the adrenal glands are actively developing, the nail plates have almost grown. The ears turned around, they took their right position. In the intestine, the child now has the original feces that will come out after birth. Weight is 2-2.6 kg, height - 43-45 cm.

The last intrauterine weeks

  • Week 36 is the period when the baby is awake, fullforces, actively moving, as in the uterus for him the place is not enough. Its head is oriented downwards, at this time active perfection of circulatory systems, thermoregulation, nervous system begins. The heart is completely formed, there is only a very small opening between the atria, but it will close, as soon as the baby makes his first sigh after birth. Taurus child becomes more rounded, begins to form a fat layer, polishes the endocrine, immune, nervous system. In fact, the child is already ready for his birth, only small details remain. The weight of the baby is 2.7 kg, height - 44-45 cm.
  • At the 37th weekthe formation of the reproductive system, the sucking effect develops, that is, the baby is fully ready for breastfeeding. Now fat is actively accumulating, up to about 30 g per day, the baby's body is covered with original grease, all the cartilages become very dense, reliable, strong. The child begins to gradually train the lungs, preparing for the first sigh.
  • Week 38 is the time whenlost original lubrication, the adrenal glands are enlarged, the length of the hair on the head is approximately 1-2 cm. The boys begin to fall into the scrotum of the testicles. The weight of the baby is about 3 kg, height - up to 45 cm.
  • 39 week: the baby's organs have already fully developed, they are in their places. The child is ready for childbirth, there are recent changes in his body. Nails are already fully grown, although very soft. The body length is about 50 cm, weight - up to 3 kg.
  • 40 weeks is the time before the very birth, whenthe kid is already fully ready to get acquainted with his mother and the surrounding bright world. Bones of the child at this time are still very soft, which gives him the opportunity to safely pass through the birth canal, in the blood of it begin to actively stand out norepinephrine and adrenaline, which will help to cope with oxygen starvation during childbirth. The sugar content in the blood also increases, the heart rate increases. At this time the length of the body of the baby is from 48 to 54 cm, its weight - from 3200 to 3800 g.

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Magic intrauterine process and its completion

Childbirth is a completely separate process,He deserves his close attention and understands what exactly is happening. By birth, the future mother should be prepared not only physically, but also morally, since the appearance of the baby in her life will completely change the habitual way. With modern advances in medicine, you can tell up to the day exactly what exactly happens to the unborn baby in the mother's womb. This process can be called the most real miracle, when from one cell the little man gradually develops, already from the first days of his life perfectly understanding and feeling everything. The development of the child in the womb is a real magical process that takes nine months, during which the baby gradually grows in size, at this time his body is actively formed, a small heart is launched, the child acquires the ability to feel and hear. No wonder many experts recommend communicating with their unborn baby, constantly talking with him, singing songs, reading fairy tales.

