how to let a man know that you like himIn our society it is generally accepted that a manmust be the first to show attention to the lady he likes, using a variety of methods from banal compliments and flirting to staging some atypical situations. Women are supposed to play a more passive role, which involves accepting signs of attention from one man or another, either favorably or not. However, recently, due to the increasing spread of the idea of ​​gender equality or even radical feminism in the world, women have begun to show sympathy for the man they really like more often. There is nothing unusual in such a desire of beautiful ladies, but not all of them know how to beautifully and elegantly let a man know that they like him. This can be done in different ways, which we will consider in more detail.

Unobtrusive flirting

A win -win way to show anyoneмужчине, что он тебе очень нравится, является ненавязчивый легкий флирт. Однако пользоваться этим способом стоит аккуратно и дозировано, чтобы не выглядеть в глазах интересующего тебя представителя сильного пола смешно или нелепо. Излишняя навязчивость также ни к чему хорошему не приведет, так что флиртовать следует тонко и изящно. Множество молоденьких девушек как минимум раз в жизни давали понять парню, что он им симпатичен, с помощью эффектных соблазнительных нарядов, «стрельбы» глазками и тому подобных приемов. Несмотря на кажущуюся эффективность таких действий, мужчины достаточно часто воспринимают их не очень положительно. Дело в том, что девушка или женщина, которая пытается намекнуть какому-то мужчине, что он ей нравится, с помощью различных ярких атрибутов своего внешнего образа и явных кокетливых действий, зачастую выглядит слишком наигранно, что, наоборот, только отталкивает от нее всех мужчин. Для того чтобы тебе не попасть в столь неприятное положение, следует вести себя во время флирта максимально естественно и не пытаться казаться той, кем ты на самом деле не являешься. Сделать это не так-то просто, как кажется на первый взгляд, потому что женщины зачастую на подсознательном уровне хотят казаться лучше для того мужчины, который им нравится. Отличным способом отследить свое естественное поведение является видеосъемка собственной персоны. Лучше всего попросить друзей или родных какое-то время поснимать тебя или, что еще лучше, установить скрытую камеру так, чтобы ты не знала, что происходит съемка. Затем следует внимательно проанализировать все записи и постараться как бы зафиксировать у себя в голове то, как именно ты себя обычно ведешь. Именно такие реакции и должны быть у тебя во время флирта на различные реплики мужчины, который тебе нравится. Впрочем, это вовсе не значит, что ты не можешь немного приукрасить свою речь, просто не нужно переигрывать и пытаться делать то, что в обычное жизни тебе не свойственно. Не стоит также забывать о невербальных сигналах, считающихся одними из самых эффективных для флирта. Самой простое проявление интереса с помощью так называемого языка тела – это поворот туловища в сторону мужчины, который тебе нравится. С таким же успехом можно повернуть в его сторону не весь корпус, а только носки туфель или же одну ногу, если ты сидишь в позе «нога на ногу». Во время разговора ты можешь как бы невзначай коснуться руки интересующего тебя мужчины, и тем самым на подсознательном уровне дать понять, что он тебе нравится. Также можно попытаться «отзеркаливать» его жесты, повторяя легкий наклон головы, положение рук и тому подобное. Такие действия способствуют появления расположения к тебе твоего собеседника и более непринужденному течению беседы. Только очень важно не перестараться, чтобы не выглядеть комично. Даже самая простая улыбка может помочь тебе выразить свою симпатию без всяких слов, а открытый взгляд «глаза в глаза» даст понять, что ты всецело поглощена мужчиной, который сидит напротив. Если ты очень застенчива и считаешь, что флирт в любых проявлениях тебе категорически не подходит, то знай: большинство женщин думали точно так же, пока не заинтересовались тем или иным мужчиной настолько, чтобы показать ему, что он им очень нравится. Даже если ты робеешь перед тем, кто тебе небезразличен, все же постарайся немного пересилить себя и проявить хотя бы самые минимальные знаки внимания. Как только ты почувствуешь хоть какой-то отклик со стороны мужчины, то показывать свою заинтересованность тебе станет намного проще. how to let a man know what he likes

"Innocent" Friendship

If you want to do more than just make it clear to someone oranother man that you like him, but also guaranteed to arouse reciprocal sympathy from him, then the best thing would be to simply become friends with him. It is best to build such a friendship on the basis of some common interests, for example, a passion for dogs, visiting various sports sections, etc. If such intersections are not observed, then you should start to take a keen interest in what the man you like is interested in. Believe me, even if it seems to you that it is impossible to find common ground, you just need to show a little ingenuity and feminine cunning to find out from the friends of the guy you are interested in or from him himself all his passions and hobbies, and then start building a friendly relationship on their basis. Over time, such an “innocent” at first glance friendship can be easily transferred to the plane of a romantic relationship. Men really like it when a woman is sincerely interested in their hobbies, and they very quickly become attached to their girlfriends. However, it is very important to let the man know in time that you no longer want to be just his friend, so that he does not burn out and does not shift his attention to another lady who is not shy about showing her interest in him. You can also start a friendship with a guy you like casually, constantly communicating in the same company. To do this, you will first have to make friends with some girl from his social circle, so that she introduces you to their company; this will allow you to immediately become at least a little "one of their own." Another option is to attract the young man you are interested in to your company with the help of your friend's brother or boyfriend. This strategy is a little dangerous to use, since the guy you like so much may well interest some other girl from your company or even your friend, which is fraught with the development of serious competition or even hostility. To prevent this from happening, you should immediately let your girlfriends know that you have certain views on this particular man.

Request for help

Most men really like to feel themselvessuch all-powerful defenders of the weaker half of humanity, and, if necessary, you can use this to your advantage. So, if you ask a man you are interested in to fix a faucet, change a tire in a car or do any other man's work, then this will only play into your hands. A woman asking a man for help, as if automatically makes it clear that she likes him, since among all the representatives of the stronger sex, she has now chosen him. In addition, the man himself in such a situation pays close attention to the woman and quite often finds her quite attractive enough to continue the acquaintance in a more relaxed atmosphere, and then, perhaps, to start a romantic relationship with her. Of course, it will be better if before asking for help of this or that kind you are already at least a little familiar with the guy you like, since this increases the chances of further development of the relationship. However, if desired, you can express your sympathy to a barely familiar man in the form of this or that request, which only he can cope with. Whenever you ask for help, you should try to make it clear to the man that you specifically chose him because you consider him to be the strongest, smartest, and most resourceful. In addition, you were allegedly repeatedly told in advance that he is simply a genius at fixing a kitchen faucet, changing tires in a car, reinstalling a program on a computer, etc. Men really love it when their abilities are appreciated, and they, in turn, begin to appreciate the girl who is able to notice their uniqueness.

Sincere laughter

Most men really like laughing girls,who laugh sincerely at their jokes, even if everyone else doesn’t find them that funny. Every man believes that he has an unrivaled sense of humor, and the woman who constantly confirms this with her open, natural laughter will become the personification of an ideal life partner for him. Of course, it will be quite difficult to completely captivate a man with laughter alone, but it is quite possible to make him understand that you have sympathy for him. If you decide to stick to this strategy and laugh at all the jokes of the man you are interested in, it is very important to follow it to the end and not show that sometimes you don’t really find it that funny. There is nothing worse for a man than humiliated pride, and he will perceive insincere admiration for his sense of humor in exactly this way. However, if you manage to start a long-term romantic relationship with a man, then over time you may begin to treat his jokes a little cooler; However, at first you will have to live up to the image of a light and carefree laugher for some to let a man know that he likes you advice

A sincere confession

The riskiest way to make it clear to someone orto another man that you are interested in him, is to tell him about it directly. The result of such a frank confession is often completely unpredictable, and not every woman will dare to do it. The reaction of a man largely depends on whether he likes you or not. So, if a man has obvious sympathy for you or is in love with you, then he will most likely perceive such a confession very positively. At the same time, even if he outwardly tries to remain unperturbed, then by certain gestures, facial expressions and tone of speech it will not be difficult for any woman to understand that he really likes the whole situation. If a man does not have any feelings for you, then his reaction to such a confession will entirely depend on his level of culture and moral principles. An intelligent young man will most likely thank you for such a flattering attitude towards him and will try to explain as gently and tactfully as possible that there can be no relationship between you. But the man who perceives all women more as sexual objects will probably try to play up your interest in order to achieve intimacy with you, or will simply immediately offer to spend the evening alone. Whether or not to agree to such an offer depends only on your own views and beliefs, but in any case, it is worth understanding that in most cases such short-term relationships do not end well. You can also use a softer version of recognition, trying to hint to the man about your interest in him, but it should be taken into account that few guys understand such hints. However, if a man has long secretly dreamed of having an affair with you, then he can adequately interpret your hint. If you are of no interest to him, then, most likely, he simply will not understand you, or will understand you completely differently than you need. Whatever way of expressing your sympathy for a certain man you choose, know that the main thing is it is to act, because, as the saying goes, "no water flows under a lying stone." If you wait for a long time for the man you like to pay attention to you, then you may not get anything. However, if you are not afraid to show your interest, then you can very well start a beautiful romantic relationship, which over time will develop into a strong family union. If you still have doubts, then pay attention to the dating stories of many "star" couples, in which the decisive role was played by the woman who overcame her shyness and made it clear to the man that she was not indifferent to him. Such a start to the relationship made them even stronger and more trusting, and the husbands of their bold lovers, as a rule, throughout their lives with pride and genuine delight that has not faded over the years of life together, remember how their wife was the first to show her interest. We recommend reading:

