how to distinguish love from love Finally, you met him! Unique and unique! All your life (at least, you think so!) You were waiting for a man who will make your heart sing with happiness. And here he is with you, and all your thoughts are occupied only by him - a real fine prince, albeit without a white horse. Your relationships are beautiful, and everyone sees you as a couple. And you yourself begin to talk about your future. But very often such promising at first sight relations are doomed to failure. Why is this happening? Psychologists say that the reason is the inability to distinguish true love from temporary hobbies or, in other words, love. People place too many hopes on such relations. In order not to face disappointment, it is worthwhile to arm yourself with certain knowledge. How do you see your future together? Do you think you will always be comfortable together? Is this really the person you are willing to spend your whole life on, or are you just afraid to go to the future alone? These issues deserve careful consideration. The passion that encompasses lovers, puts such an emotional "make-up" on their relationship, that sometimes even a simple falling in love can seem like a serious feeling. How not to be mistaken, walking on the thorny paths of love? How to distinguish love from love? To answer these questions, let's first determine what love and love are. how to distinguish love from love

Love is…

It is impossible to give an unambiguous definition of love,because it is not an exact science. Love is a dynamic process. This means that over time relationships change, grow and acquire additional shades. Love reveals the best personal qualities in people. It helps both in work, in building a career, in solving family problems and tasks - loving people act as one team, helping and supporting each other, showing understanding and flexibility in the relationship. And from this their relationship only flourishes. The dynamics of love is conditioned by the exchange of emotions, trust, deepening of relations. The couple turns into a symbiosis - they enjoy each other's company, trust each other all secrets that could not trust anyone else, depend on each other and share with each other cares about the upbringing of children and caring for their aging parents. They themselves grow old, but grow old together. Of course, there are sometimes conflicts between people who love each other, sometimes very serious ones. This life and otherwise simply can not be - it's only in fairy tales, everything is always smooth and cloudless. And then - the authors of fairy tales do not tell us about the family relations of the characters, preferring to dispense with the phrase "they lived happily ever after and died in one day." This is completely normal - all people periodically quarrel and loving each other is not an exception. With the only difference that a loving couple successfully overcomes all conflict situations - the strength of their union and the warm relationship to each other do not affect the quarrel. Of course, over time, the relationship in the pair is undergoing some changes. Which, however, and naturally - it is impossible to treat each other after 15 years of joint life in the same way as in the first year. Yes, maybe adrenaline and passion will be a little less. But if we are talking about true love, they will be replaced by warmth, care, respect. But if people live together for a long time, in which love has never developed into love, irritation, dissatisfaction with each other, insults, insoluble conflicts, treason will come to the place of passion. Such a couple will sooner or later cease to exist and this is the best option. If people who do not love each other continue to live under the same roof, no one will benefit from this. to distinguish love from love

Is it just love?

So, with love, is it ever less clear. And what is enthusiasm? When you are in love, and do not love, you also constantly think about your lover, and all your interests are focused on him. You have your own joint history; it can be very short, and it can continue for quite a long time. You also like to be together, also dream about each other, and with one memory of your beloved creepy run through your body. In a word, the picture is exactly the same as in the case of love. Then how to distinguish love from love, if everything seems so similar? The love that we are now talking about is a static process that is characterized by unrealistic expectations of blissful passion without positive growth and development of relationships. There is no such full trust, there is no loyalty, commitment, there is no such reciprocity. Passion is not necessarily a prelude to true love. On the example of men, it becomes especially clear how love differs from being in love - an enthusiastic, but not a loving man often thinks about the subject of his passion only when he meets or immediately before it. All the rest of the time his thoughts are occupied with other vital issues. While a loving man almost all life issues are solved for the sake of his beloved. Incidentally, this rule does not apply to women - in most cases during the period of falling in love the object of adoration does not leave the thoughts of the young lady. But it lasts not so long - a maximum of a couple of months. And after that the same scheme - about the man she remembers only before the date. And how else to distinguish love from simple love? Hardly the above example is enough to understand what you are actually experiencing, because everything is very individual. Asking a question is easier than answering it, however we can look for other answers. Let's try to ask ourselves additional questions:

  • Do these relations reveal the best in both of you? Answering, try to analyze and evaluate yourself, your partner and your relationships, just be honest with yourself.
  • Yes? (Only honestly!) When you wake up, are you excited about a new day, of life itself?
  • And your parents already know about you and about your relationship? Did you introduce your parents to your friend? Did he introduce you to his parents?
  • Are you satisfied with your life today? Do you feel that your life has become much better just because it appeared in it? Do you have any hopes for the future? Do you build joint plans for several years ahead, do you have any common dreams?
  • Do you think and plan your business as a couple? Do you have to give up something for the sake of a relationship, or do you consider each other's dreams and desires?
  • Do you automatically assume that the weekend you spend together, or do you just expect that the meeting, perhaps, will ever happen?
  • Do you accept each other as you are? Do not you try to re-educate each other, change something in one another?
  • Feel the difference! After answering all the questions, look bravely at the facts in person. Honest answers will help you understand how love differs from falling in love. When you are passionate, it is possible that your views are attracted to this person, and all your thoughts revolve around him. Perhaps your whole world has narrowed to a relationship with this person. But! Trying to consider your future together, you feel like a blind eye. You, frankly, even try not to think about your future together. And this shows that you are not sure about your relationship. If you do not see any shortcomings in your darling, then this, of course, is understandable. Euphoria also serves as a blinker before your very eyes. But you are not able to determine if you are ready to put up with its shortcomings, are you ready to accept it as usual, everyday, with your zamorochki and quirks. They in fact are at each of us. Euphoria sooner or later will pass, and where is the guarantee that you will not start to annoy his habits? As soon as the re-education begins, that's all! End of romance! A lot of relationships broke up because of this. And when people love each other - there is no euphoria that makes them blind. Lovers perfectly see the shortcomings of each, but they love and accept each other exactly as they are. And do not try to remake - because then it will be a completely different person, not the one who was loved until now! Euphoria is typical for the period of love. Many of us had such experience, especially if we recall the period of our youth. We fell in love with quite ordinary boys, who at that time did not seem ordinary to us at all. In retrospect, it is easier to see and understand your delusions. At that time, we were not ready to consider the routine and even the shortcomings of the object of our secret sighing. Our romantic thoughts were full of fantasies, and the chosen one was attributed to those features, which in fact he did not have; fascination - that's what we felt then. Passion and love. Now, when we understand this, we must not repeat the mistakes inherent in youth. How did your relationship begin? Have you run away from loneliness? You wanted to feel no worse than others? Then there is a real possibility that even today you give your elect a feature that he really does not have, and your feelings have very little in common with the real object of your hobby. All this happens more in your head than in reality. Trying to find salvation from a lonely life next to this person, you become especially vulnerable, because your dreams, most likely, are destined to someday collapse. In case you have love, all your dreams can become reality. Because they become common. To take and give, to find a compromise and to be in constant cooperation is what is characteristic of love relationships. Achieving common goals, sharing the values ​​of each other determine the dynamics of relationships in love. Some tips we gave you. And now you can distinguish love from falling in love. Of course, attempts to differentiate your relationship will require you to be courageous and courageous. They will also require you to mature and be able to take a step back to examine the big picture. As a result, you will gain more confidence and make a confident step toward love. Love and be loved!

