The rich want to be everything. Many of us are convinced that if they were better off, the lion's share of problems would disappear without a trace. Probably, it really can be so. However, wise people say: "You can not buy happiness for money". And this is also true. It's enough to take a closer look at the wealthy people to understand that not everyone is happy: some are afraid of losing their capital, some do not trust anyone, not even their relatives, someone is preoccupied with profits and has forgotten what a smile is. In a word, how to become a rich and happy person at the same time is the question. Yes, happiness for money can not be bought. But after all, without money, too, do not clear up! If you constantly think about what to live for tomorrow, what kind of happiness can we talk about? At the same time, good capital also creates a lot of problems. Then they try to take it away, because of it we do not allow ourselves to relax, then we need to invest it. Yes, you never know! Money is not just paper or large numbers on accounts. They can radically change a person, making him morose, distrustful, withdrawn. And, of course, unhappy. How to be? Is it possible to become rich and happy at the same time? And here not! These concepts are compatible, still as compatible! You just do not know how to do it. But you want to learn so much! Well, then, we will strive to be rich and happy with our lives! First let's see who can become a very wealthy person, and who is not yet. So…
The difference between a potentially poor person and a potentially rich person
Money is not just a bundle of big billsdignity. This is also an indicator of our internal state, our ability to revive and experience life crises. A potentially poor person, even after receiving a large fortune, after a couple of years, loses it without the prospect of once again building up solid capital. Potentially rich, falling, rises time after time and, in the end, firmly rises to his feet. It's all about our attitude to money and to all related factors. So what's wrong with us? Why do some people have an internal welfare reserve, while others do not have it? Because those who have such a reserve are available, treat themselves and others differently. The point of reference they consider themselves and their own opinion. This is not egocentrism. This is the position of a person who, listening with interest to the reasoning of other people, derives from them the most valuable for themselves. People without a wealth-related reserve either completely ignore someone's opinion, or excessively fall under its influence. The one who is potentially poor, someone else's life interests more than his own. People of the opposite warehouse, someone's actions and status are of little concern. They are mainly concerned with their own plans and victories, and they do not have time to closely monitor the neighbor. A successful person is not inclined to discuss neither side nor personal problems for a long time. He seeks to solve his problems with maximum benefit for himself and for others. People with the psychology of the poor, instead of finding solutions to problems, constantly complain about life, on someone's injustice, that they are not lucky. At the same time, they do nothing to change anything, and even if they do, it is somehow stupid - as if only to fail to justify their own laziness and passivity in the future. A subject with a poverty potential is afraid to radically change his life and consoles himself that someone is even worse than him. Rich in nature, the individual does not frighten change. He is always sure that it will be better, even if at the moment he has a lot of difficulties. Such a person is not ashamed of talking about money and without constraint can ask the bosses for an advance, an increase to the salary or some bonuses. The inner poor will suffer from a lack of funds, but this will not work. People inclined to riches have a habit of paying someone's services with money or gifts, and without embarrassment they demand payment for their own services. People who are predisposed to poverty are uncomfortable at the slightest reminder of the monetary reward and shun aid, for which, perhaps, it is necessary to pay. A potentially poor person can secretly desire good money, while demonstrating to others that he is indifferent to them. Potentially rich people do not hide that they want to put together a decent capital, and openly express respect for money. They do not take on extra responsibility, but do not shift their own to someone. People who are not predisposed to wealth, try to do so that their duties are performed by someone else, or take on too much. At the same time, they are sure that the whole world owes them: authorities, neighbors, relatives, sellers and so on. Anyone who, in the future, can become a rich man, communicates, mainly, with the people useful to him. They are good specialists, recognized authorities, talented representatives of the human race, those who have a lot of knowledge, excellent organizers, professional businessmen ... Future oligarchs independently form their environment so that they can constantly receive new information. For most of the potentially poor people, friends and acquaintances are always worried about financial troubles and because of this are unhappy. All these people do not know how to make profitable monetary decisions and, of course, they can not give a sensible advice on this issue. The person surrounded by them is not able to become rich either because he is accustomed to eternal poverty, and because he does not have the source of information necessary for the creation of capital. Successful people pay their bills on time, try not to miss a profitable financial deal and do not put off settling their material problems for a long time. Those, from whom success constantly escapes, carelessly refer to the terms of payments, do not know how to make deals and draw with the repayment of debts. Ignoring the questions associated with the "despicable metal", they are always worried and always worry about tomorrow. These are the main differences in the actions of potentially rich people from potentially poor people. They clearly demonstrate that the cause of poverty is not in the absence of money, but in the psychological mood of a person, in his attitude to money. If you want to become wealthy, you should analyze your own thoughts and bring them into the appropriate material wealth. Otherwise, you will not see wealth as your ears. Even if quite a lot of money and will appear, they will not be delayed. Therefore, change your mindset, habits and approach to the material side of life. After all, it has quite a lot of significance! Oh well. We changed our habits, attitude to money and even made our capital. How can you be happy with him if you are always worried about not losing your hard-earned money? And for this you need to move on and protect yourself from "insanity" on the financial side of life.
How to combine wealth and happiness?
As we have already understood, in order to be goodto earn, you need to audit your attitude to money. And, if necessary, change it. But it's not enough for you to just become rich! You want to be happy at the same time. A well-known saying about happiness says, say, not to be born rich and beautiful but born happy. But where to dig it, is this condition? Its true meaning is that happiness is a feature of the soul. Conclusion: if we want both wealth and happiness, over the state of consciousness, again, we will have to work. You will need to soberly assess yourself and, if necessary, develop such qualities as:
Everything that we just talked about can be reduced tosimple formula: "If you want to be rich, if you want to be happy, change your world and give yourself freedom." Money has the peculiarity of being attracted to the one who respects them, appreciates and knows that they too must live, and not die in pouches. People who exist only for the sake of their capital, are not able to experience true delight from some event. Money becomes an idol that manages, presses on, oppresses. No matter how free this person does not consider himself, he is the slave of his capital. Capital orders, executes, pardons, manipulates thinking and actions. Slaves are not happy. Shackles of money have to be dropped - let wealth serve us, and not us. A man must at least sometimes be happy. Otherwise his life, even if it passed among the fantastic luxury, can be considered lived in vain. We advise you to read: