can one believe the dreams Everyone at least once woke up in the morning with the thought: "What did I dream about?" And it does not matter if you believe in a dream, or you were just surprised by the bright night "movie". Seeing something unusual in a dream, people think: what if it's not for nothing? There is a whole theory on the classification and decoding of night visions. And the funniest thing is that the same thing can mean absolutely different events. Has the fish been asleep? To pregnancy. The woman is already mentally preparing for motherhood, and the dream book is hurrying to "calm" it. Like, if you dreamed of a dead fish, it's to the loss. And if alive, then to a happy love. And the girl walks in thought: did the fish live to her dream or dead? It seems that a good half of the readers learned themselves in this description. So whether to believe that our dreams have some special meaning, or is this an empty occupation and your night visions do not need to attach any importance?

Dreams in antiquity

So, let's figure it out: Can you believe the dreams, or they do not predict the future? The Bible interpreted this unequivocally. Do you remember how the virgin Mary learned about her pregnancy? Her husband had a dream. And he just did not think: whether to believe what he saw, or to look in his environment for a quicker man, ahead of him. We will not question the biblical theory. We will simply accept it as a fact that they were believed in dreams even before the coming of Christ. And if you look at the date of the first edition of the dream books, it turns out that our great-grandmothers were also interested in the interpretation of the dreams. In ancient times, it was thought that the deceased ancestors were trying to contact us with the help of dreams, and the person who believed in such statements was not considered an eccentric at all. So what do our dreams really mean? An ancient way of predicting the future or prejudice, whose roots go back in the past era? Is it worth to believe dreams, or dream books - it's just entertainment for the naive young ladies? is it worth to believe dreams

Dreams in history

Do you believe in dreams or do not believe, but in favor ofprophetic night vision says a lot of facts. Let us recall the unusual dreams of great men who led the latter to great discoveries. Mendeleev saw his famous table in a dream. Mendel discovered the laws of heredity. Gauss is the law of induction. Fleming had a formula of penicillin. But the results of such dreams are very easy to explain. All of the above people for a very long time thought about future discoveries, and in a dream the brain just prompted the necessary decision. He "figured out" all the combinations. And if a person did not remember his night's sleep, he would have come to the right decision in a natural way. In the morning. However, there are cases in history when dreams were realized and were absolutely inexplicable at the same time. For example, Alexander of Macedon saw a dream in his sleep, which could be cured from the death of his friend's illness. Abraham Lincoln dreamed on the eve of the death of his own funeral. Do you believe in prophetic dreams after this? Skeptics argue that these facts are a mere coincidence. But in ancient times people did not think much about whether one should believe in dreams, and the blind confidence in the prediction sometimes saved lives. The Emperor Augustus saw in his dream that the enemies had shredded his tent, and, waking up, ordered to set up another. And the old tent was ordered to be left as a bait. And what do you think? In less than a few days, the first tent was cut into pieces. Such dreams can be relied on with certainty for providence. This is something inexplicable, forcing scientists in confusion to spread their hands. But we must admit that such prophetic visions happen very rarely. And we dream every day. So let's leave the unexplained facts to science, and we'll continue our reasoning about simple, everyday dreams.

Believe it or not?

So, back to our question: Can you believe your dreams? You can, sometimes you even need to. Because often with the help of dreams "our brain", our subconscious, "speaks" with us. You automatically analyze what is happening, and in a dream you get a picture of the logical conclusion of the situation. For example, a student led an idle lifestyle, and on the eve of exams she dreams that the teacher puts in a student's record-book "bad luck". And what, may I ask, did he have to deliver? As a result, bad dreams are guilty, an equally bad teacher, and the girl herself remained in the role of a victim. And there is an opinion that dreams do not have to come true overnight. It takes time to realize some dreams. So we came to the next explanation of the effect of prophetic dreams - autosuggestion. to believe in dreams

Will it come true? Of course it will come true!

In fact, whether you believe in dreams or not -depends on the degree of your exposure to external influences and suggestions. Did you get a piece of raw meat? The dream book helpsfully: "illness". And what are you doing? Begin to listen to your own body in search of anxious symptoms. As a result, the mood spoils, the head starts to ache, and then all the other sores that may appear in the once healthy body are followed. And everything began with what? Just from the dream of meat!

Let's sum up the results

So, is it possible to believe dreams? You are probably already confused in long reasoning. In fact, everything is simple. Do you want to believe dreams? On health. Just look, so that the interest in the dream books does not affect the course of your life. And always try to analyze the dream. Dream cat? The directory will tell you that a cat is evil. But in a dream you saw your favorite. Is she capable of bringing you something bad? Or just last night you long stroked a domestic cat, so she dreamed? Whether to believe dreams is up to you. And finally we want to wish you pleasant dreams. Let nothing cloud your night's rest! We advise you to read:

