how to properly pass an interview The Internet is full of tips on how tocorrectly to pass job interview at employment. To understand them to a normal person is sometimes just not possible. Especially for you we have collected in this article the most working and effective psychological techniques that will help you tune in to the right way and get the desired work.

How to behave in an interview

The main line of behavior you want tothe interview was normal? Then in no case should you take it as an exam. It is rather an equal negotiation. On them you together with the employer (or the person representing it) discuss the conditions, specify the details, analyze the variants of the working situations that may arise. The goal is one: everyone should receive an answer to their question. You, the applicant, should clearly understand, by the end of the interview, whether this post is suitable for you. And your counterpart should be sure that you are the candidate he is looking for (or not the one). For the HR manager, there is no one worse than a listless, apathetic and not interested in the position of an employee. The question is, why then did they come to this meeting at all? If you want the employer to see your motivation for work, be persistent, but not intrusive, and be active - ask questions and clarify the details of future activities. When answering questions, try to be extremely sincere. This puts you a potential employer. Do not seem better than you really are. If you will only talk about your own merits, trying to hide weaknesses, this immediately alerts the interlocutor, and he will doubt your sincerity. Respectfully respect his desire to understand what kind of person you are. Show your strengths and do not be afraid to talk about weaknesses. Perfect people do not exist, and your interlocutor is very aware of this. At the same time, the boundaries of truth can be quite broad - it all depends on the perception and understanding of each individual person. For example, what for one is slowness, for the other - corrosiveness and attention to detail. Do not lie and talk about yourself, which is not in sight - if you are not communicative, then do not specify this quality in the summary. But try to compensate for his lack of other advantages (and you have them anyway). Another very important point, one might say, is key. Remember: do not qualify for posts that you knowingly do not fit (and which you do not fit too). Otherwise, your interview will really resemble an exam, to which you, alas, are not ready, and the recruiter will inevitably turn into a strict examiner who wants to fill up the negligent student. How to convince the employer that the position you are applying to is really up to you? This is not easy enough, and there are no ready-made recipes and can not be. After all, a lot depends on the specifics of this or that work, and it is practically impossible to write down the algorithm of behavior. For example, people who claim to be a designer and to the post of financial director will behave differently in an interview. In the first case, you need to demonstrate such qualities as creativity, creative mindset, efficiency, and in the second - profound professional knowledge, concentration, analytical thinking, etc. The interview can take place in different ways. How to behave if a so-called stress interview is applied against you, during which the recruiter creates circumstances that provoke you to unworthy behavior, and behaves in the most insolent way? If you really want to send it to hell, stop and try to understand: maybe the employer simply checks your stress resistance? In that case, try to get out of the situation with honor. Often, stress interviews are similar to the circumstances that will have to face in the course of working activities. The most important thing is confidence in yourself and your strengths. Be extremely polite in communicating with the employer, follow the rules of etiquette. Do not forget about the important role played by the appearance, so dress appropriately for the desired position. And most importantly - be punctual. There is nothing worse than a late applicant - well, unless drunk. Do you want to become a leader? It is possible that you want to not just get any work, but to pass an interview for a leadership position. This requires some clarification in the recommendations, since the work of the manager has its own specifics. The head is not just an ordinary employee, he is a person on whom the income and future of the company depend to a large extent. Therefore, during the interview you will have to give all one hundred percent! An important factor influencing the decision-making on the leadership position is trust in the candidate. This does not mean that you should "swear that you will not fail" at the interview, but the ability to place yourself in confidence and create confidence is your trump card. Do not hide your eyes, speak in a calm and confident tone. Actively give examples of how you can solve problems. A leader is a confident person who is able to make decisions of any complexity independently and take responsibility for these decisions. It is possible that during the interview will be deliberately used those or other situations that test this ability. Your task - quickly enough to make an adequate decision that will bring you benefits. Well, in the end, we should not forget about the main function of the leader - the ability to organize the activities of the team. Agree, it is very difficult - to make a person do their work. Being in the role of leader, you, one way or another, will affect the people around you. Probably, the employer will try to test this ability, therefore for you the superfluous knowledge of human psychology will appear superfluous. how to properly pass an interview

How to Prepare for an Interview

Do I need to prepare for the interview? Required! You should be able to answer the most tricky questions of the recruiter. We have prepared a list of these questions and answers, you just need to project them.

  • Your strengths and weaknesses?

It is necessary to mention its merits, importantjust for this post. Do not forget about the shortcomings: mention some of them that you successfully compensate and that will not be a hindrance for this post. Do not use stamps such as "my biggest drawback - workaholism" - it only causes irritation.

  • Who do you see yourself in a few years?

This question assesses your motivation, abilityto planning, your expectations of work. Answer it should be neat - do not tell the employer about their grandiose plans, if you are taking a job in a small company. In this case, you can tell about what projects you want to realize, being in this position. If you find yourself in a big company that encourages career growth, you can pay more attention to your dreams of leadership or promotion.

  • Why do you want to work in our company?

First, the answer to this question shows thatyou know about the company and how to treat it, and, secondly, your main motivation becomes understandable. That is why it will be useful to learn as much as possible about the firm in which you are going to work, and honestly enough to answer this question. Why honestly? Because then it becomes clear if your motivation is suitable for this work.

  • Why did you leave your previous job? Why are you looking for a job now?

When answering these questions, do not respondnegatively about the old work or former colleagues. It is worth pointing out that you are faced with a really important obstacle for you that you could not overcome in any other way, except for the search for a new job. For example, you have reached your peak in the company and have not been able to fully realize your abilities, so look for a position with more powers and perspectives.

  • Your salary expectations?

The answer to this question must be prepared,having analyzed all the factors: your knowledge and experience, the cost of a similar position in the labor market, the salary in the previous place, interest in vacancies and other moments.

  • Questions about your personal life

Responding to them, try to show yourinterest in a career, but do not go too far. A person with a complete lack of personal life, first, looks strange and a little frightening, secondly, he does not know how to rest and is inclined to burn out and, thirdly, may not correspond to the image of an ideal employee (as the employer understands). Remember that there are no insurmountable obstacles. In order for the interview to pass normally and you got a decent position, you do not have to do much: professional knowledge and skills, self-confidence and a properly structured line of conduct. All this you have, which means that you will certainly find a good job and will be able to be realized as a specialist. We advise you to read:

