According to modern canons of beauty, a womanshould have graceful thin legs with thin calves. Therefore, if a representative of the fair sex has pumped up muscles or excess fat, she should get rid of such "wealth" as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to acquire the desired forms without the help of plastic surgeons. Training alone does not always bring the desired results. And many girls often stop halfway. Especially if they do not succeed within one or two months. In fact, you need to show maximum effort and patience in order to realize your dream in six months or a year.
Diets: will hunger help get rid of problems
First of all, you should understand that refusing to eatnever led to anything good. You should go on a diet and exclude fatty, floury, sweet and other pleasures from your diet only if you have problems with your weight. Unfortunately, this option will not help completely thin girls cope with thick legs. But this does not mean that you can go all out and eat fried potatoes with pizza, washing it all down with sweet soda. A healthy lifestyle has never harmed anyone.
We go to training
To reduce calves and not walk withsagging skin on the legs, you need to not only eat right, but also exercise at least twice a week. However, not all types of exercise are equally beneficial. In some cases, you can even greatly increase the volume of your calves.
- Yoga
Representatives of yoga talk about the magical properties of yogathe fair sex have known for a long time. This kind of sport is less traumatic and painful. At the same time, physical activity will be within the power of girls of any age and body type, and the effectiveness of the classes remains at a fairly high level. Most of the exercises are designed in such a way that students can quickly lose weight without experiencing much discomfort. People who prefer yoga improve their metabolism and burn excess fat. By the way, if a girl has only one problem - thick calves on her legs, the teacher can increase the load on this part of the body. As a result of constant training, women acquire an ideal figure, excellent proportions, flexibility and elasticity. But in order to achieve high results, you also need to eat right. The master should explain what you can eat before and after classes, based on your weight and body type.
- Pilates
Joseph Pilates is the founder of the newdirection, which includes elements of sports acrobatics, yoga, diving, boxing, etc. The main task that the inventor set for himself was to improve the condition as a whole. Therefore, if you do Pilates, not only will your calves shrink (as a result of stretching), but your coordination will also improve, and your joints will stop hurting. All exercises are done in a certain sequence, with the pace of each set by an experienced instructor. Usually, the movements are slow and based on proper breathing. But do not forget that you should only train under the supervision of a specialist. Otherwise, you can seriously harm yourself.
- Streching
Have you noticed that rhythmic gymnasts andballerinas almost always have thin calves? The fact is that these girls constantly do stretching exercises, as a result of which the muscles become more elastic and toned. Of course, no one forces you to do such heavy sports, since for some such loads are even dangerous. It is better to choose a more gentle option - stretching, which can be done even by the elderly and those with health problems.
- Step aerobics
The main advantage of step aerobics isthat girls have the opportunity to work out not only in a fitness club, but also at home. To do this, you will need a platform, a couple of weights, a CD with recordings of lessons and a good mood. Anyone, even the busiest businesswoman, can set aside half an hour for training. However, be careful, because incorrect foot placement, uncomfortable shoes and similar "little things" can cause pain in the knees and joints. At the same time, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to reduce your calves. Beginners are recommended to attend group classes for two or three months to master the principles and learn the basic exercises.
- Swimming
This is probably the easiest and fastest way toget rid of fat on your legs. But if you do this sport professionally, you can get a new problem - broad shoulders. Therefore, when buying a subscription to the pool, be sure to train with an instructor for the first months. By the way, aqua aerobics is very popular these days, the main goal of which is to help people in the fight against excess weight.
- Training apparatus
This option is not suitable for you at all.Only thin girls should pump up their legs with the help of special equipment, be it standard bicycles or regular strength training machines. If you pumped up your muscles in a fitness club, it is better to give up doing such exercises for a while.
When the sport is not fun
Before training, your legs start to hurt, andyour mood drops at the mere thought of group classes? Then you need to find a more interesting way to lose weight. And you don’t have to go to gyms with dozens of strangers if you can do the exercises on your own. For example, you can opt for Pole-dancing and install a pole at home. Your boyfriend will be incredibly happy to watch the tricks you perform in front of him. Or you can get a skipping rope and jump in the evenings while the neighbors below are still awake. Also, don’t forget to do fifteen minutes of exercise in the morning. Swings, stretching, squats and jumping on your toes – this will be enough to keep yourself in shape. It’s great if you decide to go jogging every day. As a last resort, you can get an inexpensive treadmill. Thanks to this exercise machine, you can exercise and watch your favorite movie. Home workout rules
- Rule one: take care of health
Before you start running, jumping andperform various steps, undergo a full medical examination. You can train independently only if no pathologies or abnormalities are detected. Also, do not forget that you cannot exercise if you are very tired, feel slightly unwell. If you are losing weight or have just had a snack, drank or smoked, then physical activity can be harmful.
- Rule two: first - warm-up
Do not begin without warming up your muscles performing complex exercises. First, run in place for about five minutes, then do some squats and bends. Anyone who tries to do the splits right away will suffer from sprained ligaments later.
- Rule three: watch the technique
It is very difficult to understand without the help of a specialistthe exercise is not performed correctly. But still try to watch your posture, foot placement, arm movements. By the way, you can contact any trainer so that he can develop a special complex for you and show you how to do it correctly. Do not experiment! Complex tricks and elements should not be performed at home, even if you have worked them out with an instructor in the gym. Doing this without backup and protective equipment (mats, platforms, walls), you risk not only your health, but also your life.
- Rule five: do it in a uniform
Choose comfortable sports shoes and clothes,made of quality materials. This will help to avoid injuries and allergic reactions to the fabric. Since you will sweat during your workout, be sure to wash your equipment every time.
- Rule six: everything has its time
You need to exercise two or three times a week,preferably for an hour. The time, place and amount of exercise should be the same. It is best to devote yourself to sports in the evening (three to four hours before bedtime). In the morning, when your body has not yet woken up, you can only do the simplest exercises for your legs.
- Rule seven: Keep a journal
Get a notebook in which you write everything down,what you should do during the allotted time. Otherwise, you can simply forget the order, number of approaches, as well as the method of performing this or that element. Also, do not forget to indicate the current volume of your legs. Every week, measure your calves and write down how much you managed to lose this time.
Exercises for slender legs
Sometimes there is no need to reinvent the wheel, because the mostпростое оказывается наиболее действенным. Вспомните, чему вас учили на уроке физкультуры и постарайтесь это проделывать самостоятельно. Ведь в любом случае лучше выполнить пять действенных упражнений, чем десять, которые не принесут никакого результата. Упражнение первое: для ног и ягодиц Исходное положение: спина полностью ровная, стопы разведены в стороны и стоят на одной лини, колени согнуты, словно вы присели на стульчик, руки расположены на бедрах. На счет раз делайте глубокий и начинаете пружинить на носочках. Делается тридцать раз по два подхода. Данное упражнение позволит девушкам уменьшить икры ног, подтянуть ягодицы и укрепить суставы. Упражнение второе: для суставов и икр Исходное положение: ступни вместе, руки на талии. В быстром темпе начинаем пятьдесят раз подниматься и опускаться на носочках. Обратите внимание, первое время после занятий могут болеть мышцы ног и вам будет сложно ходить на каблуках. Это вполне нормально. Спустя неделю все неприятные ощущения полностью пройдут. Упражнение третье: подъемы на одной ноге Исходное положение: корпус прямой, одна нога приподнята и согнута в колене. Пятнадцать-двадцать раз поднимитесь на носок. На всякий случай поставьте возле себя стул, чтобы ухватиться за него, если вы потеряете равновесие. Для начала рекомендуется сделать хотя бы два подхода. Упражнение четвертое: прыжки со скакалкой Если у вас есть возможность, занимайтесь со скакалкой минут по пять в день, пока не заболят икры. Вы можете прыгать на носочках, задом наперед, на ровных или согнутых ногах – вариантов масса. Если у вас дома нет такого приспособления, его можно заменить обычной бельевой веревкой. Кстати, неплохо помогут справиться с проблемой обычные прыжки в высоту. Итак, сначала слегка присядьте (как вас учили в школе на уроке физкультуры). Представьте, что вам нужно достать до потолка. А теперь попытайтесь пружинить так высоко, как только можете. Упражнение пятое: растяжка Вариант первый: девушка становится на носочки, затем делает выпад вперед. Под коленом должен образоваться угол в девяносто градусов. Спина остается ровная. Для равновесия руки кладутся на бедра. В таком положении необходимо пружинить секунд тридцать. Затем передняя нога должна медленно отъехать, словно вы пытаетесь сесть на шпагат. После этого следует сесть на ногу, которой делался выпад, а заднюю – согнуть и поднять. Отлично, если вам удастся ухватиться за ступню, чтобы подтянуть ее к голове. Будьте осторожны и не делайте ничего через силу, иначе ближайшие две-три недели мышцы на ногах будут ныть. Обратите внимание, если икры начнут покалывать, рекомендуется уменьшить нагрузку. Вариант второй: садимся на пол, ступни вместе. На выдохе – плавный наклон вперед, на вдохе – выравниваемся. И так десять-двадцать раз, в зависимости от вашей физической подготовки. Затем пытаемся ухватиться руками за ступни и лежим в таком положении минуту. Раздвигаем ноги как можно шире. При возможности, сядьте на поперечный шпагат. Делаем наклоны вправо, влево и посередине. Остаемся в том же положении, только правую руку выпрямляем и кладем на бедро, а левую – вытягиваем вверх и стараемся ей достать до носочков. Во время отдыха прижимаемся к полу секунд на сорок-пятьдесят. Чем ниже вы ложитесь, тем лучше для вас. Но, естественно, без фанатизма. Упражнение шестое: приседания и махи со стулом Нечто подобное проделывают танцовщицы и балерины. Только вместо стула у них специальное приспособление (станок), которое служит им опорой для ног. Итак, повернитесь боком к спинке, закиньте ступню наверх. Выполняем приседания (сорок раз), затем меняем положение. После этого переходим к махам. Руками обопритесь о стул, встаньте на носочек, прогните спину и поднимайте высоко ногу (из стороны в сторону). Все элементы делаются в быстром темпе. Но не забывайте о собственной безопасности и выполняйте упражнения аккуратно, чтобы не повредить и не потянуть мышцы.
Massage and wrapping: pleasure and benefit
Unfortunately, even professional massage does notwill get rid of fat on your legs. But if you do it regularly, it will help you to consolidate the results. Plus, you will be able to relax after heavy physical exertion. And your body will not hurt so much in the first days of training. As moisturizers, you can use either regular lotions or slimming creams. However, it is quite difficult to say whether the latter will have an effect or not. You can also do wraps, thanks to which, as promised in spa salons, it will be easier for you to burn subcutaneous fat on your legs. If health allows, representatives of the fair sex are recommended to visit saunas and baths a couple of times a month. First, of course, you should consult a doctor.
To the legs after training did not hurt
For many, playing sports is a real torture,because after an hour of training your legs are buzzing as if you had been wearing heels for a week. In fact, your calves should hurt a little, because you made your muscles work. But if comfort is above all else for you, then try to follow a number of rules that will help ease the torment. Of course, you will not be able to completely get rid of the unpleasant sensations.
- When starting classes, do not forget to do warm-up and stretching. Do the same after training.
- Once you return home, take a hotbath or shower. If possible, wash your feet with warm water in the fitness club. In some sports establishments there are special massage jigs.
- The next day immediately after awakening,Avoiding pain and tingling, take a little exercise. By stretching the muscles, you will bring them into a tone, so you can walk normally. If you do not, then go down and climb the stairs without sighs and tears, it is unlikely to succeed.
In extreme cases, when the pain is unbearable,take a painkiller. And, of course, see a doctor. Perhaps these are symptoms of something you have injured during training. You should not delay a visit to a specialist if your joints or knees ache or if your temperature rises. We recommend reading: