Honey is a product that is known to everyone withoutexceptions. The beneficial properties of honey are so diverse that they allow it to be used both as a food product and as a cosmetic product. The use of honey for medical purposes is also quite common. For example:
- It is an excellent anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic;
- With burns, cuts and other skin damage, the use of honey speeds up the healing process;
- For people involved in sports, honey is a natural source of energy;
- Also, this product removes inflammation, accelerates metabolism, supports the immune system and improves digestion;
- Honey massage is the most commonway in the fight against obesity. In addition, this procedure not only saves extra pounds, but also makes the skin supple and smooth, prevents the appearance of cellulite.
What is the secret of honey massage?
Using honey massage for weight loss is notnot only possible, but also necessary. Honey is a partially processed product, so its absorption can occur both from the inside and from the outside. The glucose and water it contains are retained in the upper layers of the dermis, and the beneficial substances penetrate inside. Thus, the body's cells receive the missing vitamins and microelements. For the massage to work, you need to remember only one rule - use only high-quality and uncandied honey! So how can honey help you lose weight? After all, when you eat it, the blood is saturated with glucose, giving energy to the body. And excess glucose forms fat reserves. Where is the logic? As such, honey is not able to burn fat, therefore, the matter is in the massage itself. Improved blood circulation, saturation of the body with oxygen, nutrients, physical impact - all this leads to a loss of energy, that is, excess calories are burned. In addition, massage according to this system very effectively affects the fat layer under the skin. Of course, it is unlikely that you will lose 5-10 kilograms with the help of honey massage, but it is quite possible to reduce the volume of your hips and get rid of subcutaneous fat on your stomach. Your skin will become more elastic, toned and smooth. Before you start studying the technique, it is worth talking about contraindications and erroneous actions.
- Do not massage honey with women who have serious diseases of the peripheral nervous system. In this case, it is absolutely necessary to consult with your doctor;
- Massage is contraindicated in violation of the integrity of the skin;
- Do not perform the procedure in a hot steam room. Firstly, honey will drain, which will not give you the right massage. Secondly, at high temperatures honey can seriously harm. It is best to massage on a warmed and steamed body;
- Do not combine sauna, honey massage and alcohol;
- Do not suffer the pain of a massage. Movements should be coordinated and calculated exactly on your pain threshold;
- After the massage, be sure to wrap yourself in a towel or bathrobe, soak 15 minutes. Only after that you can take a shower.
Technique of carrying out of massage
That honey massage is necessaryThat's right, it's not even a question. This is a mandatory condition for any medical procedure, and body shaping is certainly one of them. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the areas to be massaged. You can perform the procedure on individual zones, but it is better to do a general massage.
- So, take a shower, sit in the steam room. In the absence of the latter, simply warm the skin well with hot water;
- Well rub the body with a waffle towel, until light redness;
- Massage begins with the legs and then rises consistently upwards. Coverage of the upper zone begins with hands and ends with a collar zone;
- Never use honey in areas with a lot of hair: axillary hollows, bikini zone;
- If the massage is performed on the face, then protect the eyebrows, eyelashes and hair roots, and the antennae will disappear during the massage, which will surely please;
- We put honey on the massaged area, which should not exceed 12-15 centimeters. It will be enough for one teaspoon;
- First we rub (stretch) it around the zone. Then we do the passes with our hands, lifting and lowering them to the site;
- After the first 5-7 rises, the skin slightly reddens,honey will drag on and stuck. With each subsequent separation, it will be harder for you to do a massage. Here you need to focus on the sensitivity of your skin. Movement can be either smooth or sharp;
- A massage of one zone is carried out until the honeywill not get a greyish shade. This means that he absorbed all dead skin scales, dirt from clogged pores. You will be surprised at how much it is in the body you just washed! Massage of one zone takes on average 7 to 15 minutes.
Massage the abdomen
Particular attention should be paid to the abdomen.After all, it is often his condition that leaves much to be desired. And if honey massage cannot cope with a large volume of internal fat, then it can remove subcutaneous accumulations and smooth out the skin. The abdomen is a fairly sensitive area, so the technique is somewhat different. Before applying honey to the skin, it is prepared with oils. Massage oil is applied to the skin, it is massaged in a circular motion for 5 minutes. Then you can proceed directly to the honey massage. Tearing will be more bearable with this method of execution. Otherwise, the massage for weight loss of the abdomen is no different from the technique described above. Of course, honey massage helps in the fight against excess weight, but it is worth remembering that this is only an auxiliary tool - a kind of tool that allows you to keep the body in good shape. With targeted weight loss, you must also follow a diet and choose a program of physical exercises aimed at problem areas of the body. Only with a comprehensive effect can you achieve effective results in a fairly short time. We recommend reading: