dehydrated facial skin Summer time is a time of renewal and rebirth. This time of year requires special attention and care for the skin of the face and body. From the sun, the skin may look overdried and tired. The moisture and elasticity, tonus and color of the skin are lost. Most women who think that their skin is too dry, use a very fatty, tight cream texture to restore the water balance. The reason for the tightness of the skin is often hidden in the fact that the sun really dehydrates it. The skin itself can remain quite elastic and healthy. In this case, she does not need fatty creams, but in light, but very moisturizing lotions or mousses. Fat will not help to retain moisture. The skin, whose problems arise in the summer, is quite successfully restored in the home. Dehydrated with heat, it will return the lost moisture if you use affordable and simple means that are always at hand. We provide several recipes for skin improvement, which will be interesting for those who have dry skin, and for those who have fat skin.

The main condition is the water-fat balance of the skin

In order to return the skin a healthy and radiant appearance, itsshould be saturated with water and oxygen. This can be achieved if you regularly apply warm compresses and steaming trays. Just do not forget that steam and high temperatures can be harmful to people who have heart or pressure problems. They are not shown in patients with asthma or suffering from bronchial diseases, and also if you have very thin skin and vessels located very close to its surface. Steamers are prepared as follows: First, the facial skin is cleansed with a suitable lotion or simply with water with a foam for washing. Boil one and a half liters of water and turn off the fire. In a container of hot water, pour two or three tablespoons of dry grass: lime, chamomile, violets, calendula and so on. Cover your head with a towel and sit so that your face is showered with a warm, pleasant and incredibly useful steam. The time that is necessary to achieve the optimal result depends on the type of your skin:

  • If the face is dry, prone to redness and irritation of the skin, it is only 5 - 10 minutes;
  • If the fat, prone to rashes and formations of black spots and acne, skin - 15 - 20 minutes;
  • If the skin is normal - 10 - 15 minutes.

After the due time, wash warmwater and pat the face with a soft towel. Half an hour later, use a mask with nutritional properties. Dry skin is very sensitive to sudden temperature changes, climate change, weather conditions. To reduce sensitivity and restore her healthy and radiant appearance, take on board a few simple recipes for beautiful face masks.

  • Vitamin and mineral nourishing face mask

Take five drops of sea-buckthorn berriesbutter, St. John's wort, one egg yolk, a little mayonnaise, one tablespoon of kefir or curdled milk. Stir all the ingredients and apply on face for twenty minutes. After that, wash and use any nutritious cream. This mask will smooth out fine wrinkles and make the skin more elastic.

  • Moisturizing and nourishing face mask

Take 100 grams of natural honey, 100 gramsgrams of any vegetable oil (better than olive oil) and two yolks. Heat the oil a little on a water bath. Apply the mask step by step in several layers. First the first, then, in five to ten minutes, the second. After the mask has dried, moisten the cotton pad in a decoction of herbs, chamomile, linden, and wipe your face.

  • Citrus Mask for those with dehydrated skin

Take two teaspoons of natural honey and juiceone grapefruit or orange. Apply the mixture on your face for about ten minutes. After that, wash your face with cool water. This mask not only moisturizes the skin well, but also cleans it from dirt, smooths the complexion and, due to the acids it contains, lightens it.

  • Mayonnaise Face Mask

Such a mask is done when the skinfatty. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, which can be replaced with the juice of one lemon, castor oil, mayonnaise and honey. All components carefully move and apply the mixture on the face for about ten minutes. Do it before bedtime. After the mask has dried, wash and apply a nourishing cream. Then, when the skin is dehydrated, vinegar or lemon juice is not added to the mask described.

  • Banana mask for damaged and rough skin

Take a ripe banana and mash it in a mash, mix it with one or two tablespoons of cream. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the hands for about ten minutes.

  • Masks with honey for dry skin
  • Take one tablespoon of naturalhoney and warmed milk, add to them sour cream, cottage cheese, hot tea, which has recently been brewed, and cream. Apply this compound on the face skin for about fifteen minutes. After that, wash with cool water.
  • Take a little honey, one teaspoon of any vegetable oil and one yolk. All this carefully rub and apply on the face skin for about fifteen minutes.
  • If the skin is dry or dehydrated, for washingthe most suitable is a special compound, which is prepared from milk and water, taken in equal proportions. Note: if your skin is prone to allergies and couperose, then it is better to give up honey.

    • Moisturizing and toning mask for the neck and face

    Take one teaspoon of milk powder. It should be stirred in slightly warm water until a liquid mash. Here we send one teaspoon of honey heated on a water bath. The composition is spread on the skin of the neck and face. Leave to absorb for twenty minutes. After that, you need to wash with warm water.

    • Lotion for skin with grape juice

    Grapes juice is obtained from the pulp of grape berries. We knead and leave for two hours, after which we express the juice. The resulting 400 milliliters of juice should be mixed with two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of salt. Filter the composition and add to it one glass of ordinary vodka. Sprinkle your face with water and grease it with the resulting lotion. Leave for two hours, after which you can wash yourself. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator for about one month. oily dehydrated facial skin

    Soft and smooth handles

    Delicate and sensitive skin of the hands constantlyfalls under the influence of negative and aggressive factors: cold, sun, water, detergents. Therefore, care for her should be appropriate - proper and thorough. For moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the hands, use the following recipes:

  • Take one tablespoon of herbs calendulaand plantain. Dip the mixture into boiling water. For this, take half a glass of water. Leave to infuse for one hour. Strain the mixture and add to it one teaspoon of natural honey and fifty grams of butter.
  • Take a few leaves ordinaryCabbageWeat them on a grater. To them, add half of the banana, previously ground to a puree state. Here, send one teaspoon of cream and warm honey. Mix everything thoroughly. Spread the resulting mixture on the skin of your hands and let it soak for about twenty minutes. Then rinse your hands in warm water and apply a greasy cream. After such a mask, you just do not recognize your pens!
  • Honey is not only suitable for the face,but also of the body. For example, the skin on the lower legs often flakes and dries up. Take some honey and heat it in a water bath. Moisten the skin on the shins with hot water and carefully rub the warm honey into it. Leave him for thirty minutes. Then rinse the treated area with warm water. Skin on elbows, knees grease with lemon juice or any citrus juice. You can simply rub it with lemon or orange peel.

    The Secret Secrets of Cleopatra

    In order for the skin on the body to become elastic,moisturized and smooth, you should take a relaxing bath once every five or seven days. They say that this bath was preferred by Cleopatra herself - the great and beautiful queen of Egypt. To make such a bath, mix half of one glass of butter and half a cup of milk. Pour this mixture into a warm bath and immerse in it for fifteen minutes. After that do not wipe the skin with a towel, but rather put on a soft terry robe and go to sleep.

    • Another secret of Cleopatra is a luxurious cream:

    Take 40 milliliters of distilled water andaloe juice. Add to them infusion of pink petals, which can be prepared from two tablespoons of leaves of rose buds, steamed in one glass of boiling water and infused for about thirty minutes. Instead of infusion, you can take and pink water. You need 20 milliliters of rose water. This composition is heated in a water bath. Add 100 grams of lard to the mixture. The cream is applied once a day to the skin of the neck and face. You can store it in the refrigerator.

    • From the rose petals, you can prepare a moisturizing lotion and use it in case the skin is dehydrated.

    Take two tablespoons of rose flowers andjasmine. Fill them in two glasses of hot water. To insist 6 hours. After this, strain and add vitamin B1. This lotion perfectly tones and refreshes the skin of the face and neck. It also fits when the skin is too fat. If the skin is oily or dehydrated, the following composition can be used: Apply corn or olive oil to the skin. Then make a hot compress from the decoction of chamomile, calendula or any other herb. Rubbed cabbage leaves on the skin for twenty minutes. The course consists of twenty procedures that should be conducted three times a week. In cabbage gruel you can add yolk, honey, butter or flour.

    • To improve the complexion, toning, nutrition and moisturizing, masks with carrot juice perfectly suit:

    If the skin is oily, take two tablespoons ofsour cream, one teaspoon of carrot juice, one yolk. Stir all the ingredients and spread on the face for twenty minutes. After that, wash with water. This same mask can be prepared a little differently for dry skin. Take one tablespoon of sour cream and mix it with one teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply on face and leave for fifteen minutes. Wash with warm water.

    • Scarlet juice

    Take a hundred grams of leaves of ordinary scarlet anddip them into one liter of cool water. The infusion should be left for two hours. The field boil for about five minutes. Do not bring to a boil. Strain the broth and pour into a container that is suitable for storage in the refrigerator. The resulting lotion can wipe the skin on the neck and face several times a day. This compound is perfect for compresses, which should be done three times a week for ten minutes. After the compress, do not forget to use a nutritious cream.

    • Mask of chamomile:

    Take one tablespoon of anyvegetable oil, natural honey one egg yolk, half a glass of chamomile infusion. The infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, brewed in one glass of hot water. The mask is left on the skin for twenty minutes, after which we wash ourselves with hot water. The course is about a month and a half twice a week. We advise you to read:

