hardware face cleaning In order to cleanse the face of the upper deadcells of the epidermis and various types of rashes, manual and hardware cleaning of the face is applied. As with other cosmetic procedures, when cleaning a person there are contraindications: herpes, eczema, vascular changes, neuralgia, increased blood pressure and heart disease. Currently, beauty salons offer several methods for cleaning the face with the use of various devices: ultrasonic and vacuum cleaning, as well as cleaning by the type of brashing (brossage).

Ultrasonic face cleaning

In the procedure of ultrasonic cleaning is improvedmetabolism in cells, increases the production of collagen and elastin, stimulates tissue regeneration and activates the lymphatic system. Microvibrations, which are created with the help of ultrasound, easily and gently massage the skin, deeply cleansing it of skin fat, keratinized cells, releasing clogged sebaceous glands. The whole procedure is painless and quick. Unlike mechanical cleaning, ultrasound does not leave visible traces - redness and swelling, can be used not only for the face, but also for the back, shoulders. The procedure is indicated for women with a face that has enlarged pores, suffering from fatty seborrhea, hyperpigmentation. The merits of ultrasonic cleaning, of course, include the restoration and rejuvenation of the skin - the procedure excludes stretching or squeezing the skin. The general appearance of the face after such cleansing is improved, its permeability for cosmetic creams and masks increases. Due to cleansing, the natural moistening of the skin increases. There are no preparatory steps for the procedure, the face skin is simply cleaned with a conventional lotion, and then a special solution is made, which consists of a peeling agent and mineral water. After that, the face is exposed to light ultrasonic waves emanating from metal plates. useful hardware cleaning of the face

Vacuum cleaning of face

Vacuum cleaning of the face is performed withuse, the so-called vacuum tube, in which the negative pressure is artificially created, as a consequence of which contaminants and sebaceous plugs are drawn from the pores. During the procedure, the tube gradually moves along the skin areas, acting in places of accumulation of sebaceous pores, blocked by stoppers. Unlike manual cleaning, this action is less painful and more hygienic. One of the drawbacks of vacuum cleaning is its relative superficiality. It also can not be used for people who have sensitive skin or tender vessels prone to damage and the formation of a vascular network. Before the procedure, the skin is completely cleared of make-up, then wiped with a degreasing tonic. Further problem areas are treated with a special cosmetic solution. Afterwards, they are acted upon by currents with low voltage, dissolving skin fat and thus clearing the surface of the skin and pores from contamination. After that, the skin is treated with a vacuum sucker, which is periodically washed using hydrogen peroxide. This procedure is contraindicated in dry skin, chronic dermatoses, pink, deep-seated acne, pimples.

Brushing (brashing) cleaning

When performing brushingA special apparatus is used, which has a variety of interchangeable brush brushes that rotate in different directions and gently remove the dead cells of the epidermis. The method perfectly influences the blood circulation of the skin, renews it, has the effect of light peeling. It is used as an independent procedure, or as preparation for other procedures, such as cleaning or massage. But it should be remembered that this method is good only for cleaning the surface layers of the skin, and for its deep penetration it is not enough. After brashing, a soothing mask is applied to the skin. Due to the fact that each of these methods has an intensive effect on the skin, similar procedures can not be carried away. It will be enough to clean one in two to three months. We advise you to read:

