green tea for weight lossGreen tea is not just aromatic and deliciousdrink, but also an excellent assistant in such a difficult task as losing weight. Note that it is just an assistant, not a panacea. After all, you can wash down various sweets like cakes and chocolate with tea, but your weight will not change in the smaller direction, but on the contrary, it will increase. So, you can’t forget about rational nutrition and physical activity in any case. Green tea for weight loss has come into our lives relatively recently, while in China and Japan it has been widely popular for more than one millennium. By the way, among these peoples, who pay a lot of attention to tea, it will be quite difficult to find a fat person. But black tea, which is loved in Russia and other countries, is valued much less by the eastern peoples. And all thanks to the beneficial properties of green tea and its features.

Useful properties of green tea for weight loss

There are many legends and myths about the benefits of green tea.many articles have been written. First of all, this aromatic drink is valued for its ability to perfectly quench thirst. But the healing power of green tea is also known, because it is not for nothing that the inhabitants of the East, for whom this drink is in a special place, are distinguished by good health, youth and longevity. Green tea has properties that promote weight loss, and it also helps to cleanse the body, remove toxins and restore normal metabolism. In addition, this wonderful drink contains B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K, as well as copper, zinc, fluorine and many other useful substances. Separately, it is worth mentioning catechins and antioxidants, which are contained in sufficient quantities in this tea. They help to fight extra pounds, it is enough to drink only 2-3 cups of the drink every day. Green tea for weight loss is also useful in that it can reduce appetite and maintain blood glucose levels at the proper level, helping to get rid of hunger pangs. In addition, this drink has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, helps improve immunity and is a great invigorator, replacing morning coffee. Only, unlike the latter, green tea does not increase blood pressure, but on the contrary, lowers it.losing weight with green tea

Green tea for weight loss

Nutritionists recommend drinking green tearegularly to speed up the weight loss process. Moreover, there are no restrictions on the amount, you can drink as much as you want. Green tea will help the body remove excess fluid that caused swelling, and then get rid of fatty tissue. But, of course, without adjusting your diet, you can’t achieve a good result on tea alone. To get rid of extra pounds, it is best to reduce or completely eliminate coffee from your diet, replacing it with green tea, flour, sugar-containing products, instead of fried foods, eat steamed or baked foods. It is advisable to completely eliminate meat, but introduce fish into your diet. The main thing is that the menu should have a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially now, when all this is easy to get in the store or at the dacha.

How to use green tea for weight loss

The classic recipe uses Chinese green teaIt is necessary to drink without adding sugar and milk. Those who cannot do without sweets or do not like the bitterness that green tea has can add a little linden or flower honey to a warm (not hot!) drink. In hot tea, honey will lose its healing properties. It is best to brew green tea in ceramic dishes, so it infuses better and retains its deep taste. This drink must be drunk fresh, that is, it is better to brew it for exactly one or two mugs. You will achieve the maximum effect if you drink the drink not hot, but slightly cooled.

How to choose green tea for weight loss

Choosing green tea is quite an important point.If you buy a low-quality product, then the effect will not be noticeable. Therefore, do not save on yourself. It is best to buy tea leaves in specialized departments by weight or in factory packaging, but not in bags, but in bulk. You can use tea with the addition of various petals, zest and fruits. It is up to you to choose what drink to drink, because it is important that the tea brings pleasure.

Green tea with milk or milk

One of many green recipe optionstea, which is often used for weight loss - milk with green tea. This drink promotes especially rapid removal of excess fluid from the body and improves well-being. To do this, heat 2 liters of skim or low-fat milk over low heat until bubbles appear, but do not allow it to boil. Add 3-4 tbsp of dry green tea leaves to the milk, cover with a lid and leave the tea to brew for 10-15 minutes. Then strain the drink and you can safely drink it. This recipe is good during fasting days. But you should not get carried away with such tea, otherwise you may have problems with appetite and stomach function. Another version of green tea with milk is easy to prepare: brew the tea in the usual way, let it brew, and then add skim milk in a 1:1 ratio with the tea leaves. Put the resulting drink on low heat and heat for 5 minutes. This tea helps reduce appetite and causes a feeling of satiety.helps green tea lose weight

Green tea and diet

As mentioned earlier, the drink itselfwill not bring quick results. This means that it is ideal if you have decided to go on a diet. Whatever diet option you choose, with green tea you will only speed up the process and get to your cherished goal faster. After all, everyone wants to become slimmer and more beautiful as soon as possible! You can also drink milk tea during fasting days or fasting days, if you are on such a diet. Regular consumption of green tea will allow you to feel better, as well as lose a couple of kilograms of hated weight. Now you know the answer to the question of whether green tea helps you lose weight. So go to the store, choose which type of tea you like and go ahead, recharge your batteries, enjoy yourself, lose weight and look younger with this wonderful drink. And at the same time, cleanse your body and strengthen your immunity for the fall. We recommend reading:

