graduated haircuts for long hair Owners of long hair often causedelight with others. However, most of them can not cope with the usual styling. And the tresses in the pony tail with the ends visited look unattractive. Therefore, you have to look for options, and most often the long strands are simply clipped. But not everyone knows that there is an excellent option for those who want to spend little time on the way and keep the length of the hair. This option is graded haircut. It is much like a cascade, with even more advantages. First of all, it, certainly, giving a hairdress of a larger volume, why the hairdress turns out elegant and magnificent. Graduated haircut on long hair allows you to make strands healthy, rid them of split ends. Correctly chosen variant of calibration will change your image for the better. fashionable graduated haircuts

We choose a grading for the type of face and hair structure

This haircut is suitable for any type of face. Ideal this option will be for girls with a rectangular or oval type of face. To calibrate well, it is also necessary to choose and make a bang. Girls with rounded lines of face are perfectly suited to the option of graduated haircuts with oblique bangs. This combination will give the person a subtlety. A straight fringe in conjunction with graduation will look very good for girls with high cheekbones and a rectangular face. Graduated haircut on long hair visually lengthens the short neck, but the owners of the elongated face because of this same effect it is better to add to the haircut a thick bang combed sideways. With the help of grading, you can soften large facial features and make it more feminine. Especially popular among middle-aged women, due to its unusual texture, it allows you to visually reduce age. Do not forget about the structure of the hair. FILM very thin hair should be carefully, so as not to damage the tips and do not spoil the styling. The main thing is that the transitions between the different lengths of the strands are visually imperceptible and smooth. If the shortest curls in the upper layer are more than 5 cm, then even thin hair will look amazing. For thick curls, stepped haircuts are the most ideal option. By reducing the severity of the hair, the strands become elastic. At the same time on the top of the curls must be cut very short, otherwise there will be some similarity with the poodle. Depending on the type of hair, graded haircuts give either firmness or volume. stylish graded haircuts

Graduation rules

This haircut allows you to change your hairstyle, notreducing the length of the hair by one cm. Only the upper strands are cut off, the elongation occurs due to the inner layers. When grading, the tips of the hair are arranged in layers - one on top of the other. This method gives the hair the missing volume, animates them. In order to ultimately get the perfect hairstyle, several simple rules must be followed in the process of cutting. Visually increase the density of the hair can be, only if during haircuts raise the strands under an angle of less than 90 degrees. Otherwise, because of the reduction in the weight of the haircut, the hairs will most likely begin to separate. To get the volume in the middle or lower occipital area, the curl is drawn at an angle of 45 degrees. High graduation is obtained by pulling the strand parallel to the floor. The hand that clamps the curl should also be positioned at the right angle. Ideally, the fingers are at an angle of 60 degrees to the base of the strand. Otherwise, the graduation will be too sharp or otherwise weakly expressed. It should be remembered that long curls, due to their weight, give the hairdress a visual uniformity and density. And when cutting curls, the use of a smaller angle of lifting will be optimal, in contrast to the angle of ascent for straight hair. This is due to the ability of the curling strands to shorten when drying. A graded hairstyle for long hair is already a complete hairstyle. With the help of wax or gel after washing ringlets can be given an even larger volume. But do not forget that in this case, curly hair to ruffle your fingers is not recommended, so that they do not become stronger to curl. Of course, such a haircut has a variety of options for styling, for example, in retro style. Curl neat curls or just the tips, give the right direction strands - enough to experiment to decide which image will be the most spectacular. Sexuality, femininity, volume - all this can be created with the help of grading. Graduated haircut forever won the owners of long hair for its simplicity in laying and caring for it.

