how to grow a bang Luxury hair - a business card of eachwomen. It is not by chance that the French, who have long been considered fashion legislators, say that the main thing in the image of any representative of the beautiful half of humanity is a beautiful hairdress and elegant shoes. It is difficult to disagree with this statement. But if suitable shoes are easy to buy in any store, then with the hair of the situation are more complicated. Hair requires constant care. And picking a suitable hairstyle is not an easy task. Here you need to consider the oval face, and figure, and even character. After all, beautifully laid hair - this is an integral part of the image, which to some extent reflects the inner world of its owner. The mood of the mistress of hair gives out everything: curls curl, or they freely flow on the back, or fantastically laid on their side ... It is believed that when a woman changes her hair, then often in her life, too, there are changes. The easiest way to diversify the image is the haircut. Long hair, of course, will not be difficult to shorten. Many women who decide to change the image, cut a bang: long, figured, angle, obliquely. It can be done easily in any hairdressing salon. It can then be worn in different ways: to comb, make round, screw and lay on its side. However, in the course of time you want something new, bangs up boring. And here there is a problem. How to grow a bang? It will take more than one day. I'll have to wait a few months before it grows to the desired length. Before deciding on this step, decide whether in the future you see yourself without this hair detail? Perhaps a bang is something without which your image will look incomplete. And maybe, it is she who hides minor shortcomings and emphasizes the dignity of your appearance?

Advantages and disadvantages of bangs

So, first of all, think about the merits anddrawbacks of the bang. She adorns many women and gives femininity. It is believed that the bang is a detail of the hair, which allows you to look a couple of years younger. It is suitable for women with a high forehead. A straight, even bang is indispensable for those women who have rhythmic tufts on their temporal parts. Chalka skillfully conceals this defect. Why do women still decide to grow it? Not always the reason is the desire to change the image. Some simply do not have enough time to properly care for the broom. It must be periodically cut to maintain in order. This detail of the image requires constant laying, otherwise it looks sloppy. So, weighed all the pros and cons, you can finally decide whether to change your image. And if you still decide to grow a bang, then you'll have to be patient. You can, of course, turn to the help of professionals and build it. It only takes a couple of hours. However, many women prefer to look natural. And the procedure for building up is very expensive. Therefore, it is better to wait a little until the bang grows on their own. And we will try to give you some tips to make this process as quickly as possible and without compromising the appearance. Because to walk with eternally combed on the side of a bang a few people like. How quickly the bang grows depends on the speed of hair growth. It depends on many factors. Proper care, a healthy diet, a lifestyle and an environment all influence how quickly it will grow. It is believed that even the hair color reflects their density and growth rate. The most luxurious curls are, as a rule, red-haired beauties. But the blondes can not boast of this. However, each of us can activate hair growth. Special care will help that the hair, and, consequently, the bangs will grow much faster. We offer several ways that stimulate hair growth. grow a bang

Head massage for hair growth

Regular head massage due to the improvementblood circulation will accelerate hair growth. You can do it both in the salon, referring to the help of a professional, and independently. For the procedure, you need a round massage comb of medium stiffness and a means to stimulate hair growth. It can be all kinds of oils, lotions, sprays, bought in a specialized store or made independently. Pour a little of the product on your hands and gently massage your scalp for a few minutes with your fingertips. You can carry out as a massage the entire head, and only the area bangs. Then within 10 - 15 minutes, carefully comb the hair along the entire length of the round comb. This procedure will significantly accelerate the growth of your curls. But provided that you will correctly perform it regularly in the morning and evening.

Essential Vitamins for Hair

To stimulate hair growth it is necessary to nourishnot only from the outside, but also from the inside. You must properly and fully eat foods rich in all sorts of useful vitamins and trace elements. The growth of hair is promoted by vitamins A and C. They are in the liver, eggs, carrots and sauerkraut. An important role for the beauty of women is played by vitamin E, which is found in any unrefined vegetable oil. It is not superfluous to take pharmacy drugs to sufficiently include vitamins in your diet. Now there are quite a lot of complexes with vitamins and minerals that contribute to the youth and beauty of women. However, be careful! Follow the instructions and do not abuse drugs. Excess of vitamins can lead to opposite results.

Folk remedies for rapid hair growth

Folk remedies have proven themselvesassistants, stimulating hair growth. Their advantage lies primarily in the fact that they can easily be prepared on their own. Ingredients for such products can be found in the home of any hostess. And in the end we get a sufficiently high-quality and affordable means for rapid growth of hairpins and hair in general.

  • Onion Juice Onion Juice To Maintain Beautyand the health of the ringlets was used by our ancestors. This is a very simple but effective tool. You will need juice of 2-3 large bulbs. Intense movements rub it into the roots of the hair. Then put on a warming cap and wait a couple of hours, then rinse off with a little warm water. The minus of this remedy is a persistent onion aroma. Particularly strong smells absorb fatty hair. Therefore, it is recommended to make such onion wraps before the weekend. A couple of days is best to sit at home and wash your hair 2 times a day with shampoo. From the smell there will be no trace, and the effect of the procedure will be noticeable after the second rub.
  • Burdock and castor oil Burdock and castor oiloil has long been considered the best means for beauty of hair. With their help get rid of excessive fat content and dandruff, treat dry pointed ends. For a quick growth of a bang slightly warmed up burdock or castor oil put on roots, shake a head and sustain about an hour. Rinse off with warm water. To improve the effect to the oil, you can add a tincture of red pepper, diluted in half with water (for 2 tablespoons of castor or burdock oil, 4 tablespoons of peppery tincture).
  • Home masks "in a hurry" EffectiveThe warming mask can be prepared from mustard powder. Beat 1 egg yolk with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and the same amount of hot water. Pour 4 teaspoons of dry mustard. The resulting mass should be quite warm, but do not burn the skin. Before using it, apply a small amount of the mixture on your arm. Massage circular movements rub the composition into the roots of the hair, wait 20 minutes, then rinse the product.
  • Stimulate hair growth and B vitamins,contained in beer. Grind a banana with a blender. Fruit pulp mix with half a glass of dark beer, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 egg. Keep the mask on your head for about 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. A rinse aid from juniper and birch broths will perfectly cope with the problem of slowly growing hair. Take the birch leaves and juniper branches in equal parts, chop and mix. 3 tablespoons of the resulting composition, pour 3 liters of water and put on medium heat. After boiling, let the broth steep for an hour. Wash your head as usual, then rinse your hair with a decoction of plants.

    Professional means for hair growth

    Many do not trust the means for hair growth,manufactured independently. Perhaps there is some truth in this. Shop drugs often act more quickly and efficiently. The modern cosmetics market offers us a lot of various sprays, balms, conditioners and masks to activate hair growth. In any store you can buy ampoules with a special composition, which is applied to the roots and stimulates the growth of curls. In addition, beauty salons provide services for various procedures that help to grow a bang for as short a time as possible. Massage, mesotherapy, biolamination and glazing will prevent the fragility of the strands and greatly accelerate the growth of hair. In the salon you can also take a course of procedures with therapeutic mud and essential oils in the form of masks. how to grow a bang on the side

    Gentle hair care for the time of growing bangs

    Few women imagine their lives withouthairdryers, irons and hair varnishes. However, they adversely affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, during the growing of bangs from these objects it is better to refuse. Do not also tighten your hair with tight hairpins and elastic bands. This disrupts blood circulation and slows hair growth. Try to avoid waving and dyeing your hair.

    Hair styling for the time of growing

    Even with the use of all means forstimulation of hair growth, bangs will grow slowly enough - no more than 1.5 centimeters per month. The problem is that at first the bang will begin to climb into the eyes, and in the course of time it will be more inconvenient to walk with it. In addition, looks like a fagot is not very attractive and sloppy. Therefore, the main task can be considered the ability to learn how to beautifully stack an excessively long bang. At home, hair can be simply picked up by a rim. But now this accessory is not a success. Therefore, for events outside the home it is better to learn other ways of laying. First, the bang can be simply combed on the side. Here, by the way, you can experiment with the parting. You can change it every day. As the bang grows, you will need to pin it beautifully. Many believe that the most popular way of laying for a grown bang is to pin it invisible on any side. Fact, this is the fastest and most elementary way. To do this, use small claws, different in shape and color. An interesting styling will be obtained if the brow is given a volume, lightly combing it, and then stabbing it back or laying it on its side. It's very easy to do this. You can braid a bang in a beautiful pigtail, which can also be sent back or on its side. Get as many accessories as possible. Very elegant looking hair bands. They not only help to hide neatly the grown bang, but also will add charm and originality to your image. You can choose a hair ribbon of any color and thus change the image at least every day. If you do not have time to pack, do not get upset. In some cases, a straight bang can be left hanging freely on the face. After all, according to many experts, strands, freely falling on the face, look very attractive and sexy. To give the hair volume, the bang can be slightly curled, sprinkle with varnish and lay on any side. Of course, this kind of packing is not suitable for business events. However, with loose hair, you can easily go for a walk with friends or on a romantic date. Another option for laying out the bared bang may not be to everyone's liking, but for a change you can use it. Divide the bangs into strands of equal parts, twist them and kill them up using invisible or hairpins - small crabs. You can leave your hair loose or put it in the tail. As you can see, growing a bang - though lasting, but to some extent fascinating process. You can experiment with your image, stamping your hair in different directions and doing all sorts of pro-selections. And unusual hair clips and ribbons will give your image a special style and personality. Do not be afraid of change. After all, very often a new haircut entails positive changes in your personal life! We advise you to read:

