causes of thrush Quite a common disease of the XXI centurycentury is candidiasis, or, as it is also called by the people, thrush. The occurrence of this problem is facilitated by frequent use of antibiotics, stress, decreased resistance of the body due to a violation of the protective forces of the human immune system. The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of white cheesy discharge and excruciating itching. Thrush is an inflammatory fungal disease that affects the human genitourinary system, its mucous membranes and skin. Today, there are many methods and modern drugs for the treatment of thrush. Well, if for some reason these remedies are unacceptable, then traditional medicine offers its own methods of healing from this unpleasant ailment.treatment of yeast herbs

We get rid of thrush with the help of herbs

As is known, an excellent folk remedyhealing are herbs. For intimate hygiene and treatment of thrush, a collection of dry herbs, composed in equal weight proportions, from yarrow herb, juniper berries, sage leaves, eucalyptus, birch buds, calendula, chamomile flowers and black poplar is suitable. To prepare the infusion, you will need 2 tablespoons of the collection, which must be poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos for 12 hours. The resulting liquid is used for local baths, and for the treatment of thrush, take 30 minutes before meals, 1/4 cup up to 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment with this method is 1 month. The second method is treatment with soda and herbs. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to warm boiled water. This will give you the first solution for douching. And to prepare the second remedy, you will need calendula and yarrow herbs. They must be brewed in a proportion of 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiling water. The resulting solutions must be used for alternate douching for 3-4 days. During the treatment, you should refrain from sexual intercourse. Another herbal infusion of 4 tablespoons of juniper leaves, sage, 1 tablespoon of yarrow will help get rid of thrush. A mixture of these herbs is brewed in 1 glass of boiling water, filtered after 15 minutes and taken 1/2 cup up to 3 times a day, and also douched in the morning and evening. Traditional medicine promises a positive result on the second day of treatment. But for complete healing, these procedures are recommended to be taken for 10 days. If you have a Kalanchoe indoor plant in your home, it can be an excellent improvised remedy for treating candidiasis. To do this, squeeze the juice out of several leaves and soak tampons, which should then be inserted into the inflammation site. Of course, the undisputed leader in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases with folk remedies is chamomile. The presence of special substances, saponins, in its composition determines its immunostimulating properties. Therefore, it is no coincidence that pediatricians recommend bathing children with the addition of chamomile infusion. And for an adult, you will need 1 pack of chamomile. It must be poured with boiling water and left to brew in a thermos for 5-6 hours. Then, when taking a bath, you need to add the strained liquid and spend in the healing solution for up to 45-60 minutes, not forgetting to add hot water to the bath as it cools.Other ways to treat candidiasis

Other ways to treat thrush

An effective method of treating thrush is considered to bea remedy made from borax and glycerin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. According to this method, it is necessary to insert a tampon soaked in this mixture into the vagina at night. And before inserting the tampon, it is advisable to douche with a solution of calendula and chamomile, infused in a water bath for 20 minutes in a proportion of 1 teaspoon of herbs per 1 glass of boiling water. There is an opinion that using borax with glycerin to treat thrush allows you to get rid of this problem for several years. Thrush can also be treated with the following solution: 1 teaspoon of boric acid, 1 teaspoon of alum purchased at a pharmacy, 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate, poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 2 days. The solution poured into a special container is subsequently used in the amount of 5 teaspoons per 5 liters of water for taking small baths (sitting in a basin). Folk remedies for treating thrush also include the use of garlic water, which can be prepared independently by grinding two cloves (never the head) of garlic and pouring the resulting gruel with 1 liter of boiled water. The cooled liquid is used for douching. And the second method of treating with garlic is to use its juice. The juice squeezed from 1 clove is applied to a tampon, which is then inserted into the vagina overnight. The course of treatment in this way is designed for 10, and in advanced cases - 14 days. It is not recommended for women with increased sensitivity to garlic components, since a garlic tampon causes severe burning. Eucalyptus spherical will help to cope with thrush perfectly! For this method of treatment, 30 g of eucalyptus leaves are taken, which are poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Subsequently, the solution, infused for an hour, is filtered and used for douching or soaking tampons for subsequent insertion into the vagina. This practice of using eucalyptus promises to stop itching after the first use. But for complete healing, it is necessary to continue performing the procedures until the white discharge disappears. Good luck and excellent health to all!

