flowers by own handsThere are probably no people who are indifferent to flowers.And if there are such people, then, by and large, they are unhappy people. But women do not belong to this category, because it is women, like no one else, who know how to appreciate and understand the beauty of flowers. And, of course, children are delighted with any flowers: be it live flowers, hand-made or painted. Perhaps that is why women love to decorate their clothes and hair with flowers, and children adore making all sorts of crafts in the form of flowers. But it is not only children who like to make flowers with their own hands. If children are content with the opportunity to make crafts from paper or plasticine, then adult craftswomen experiment with a wide variety of materials. Everything is used, from noble silk or leather to literally garbage - plastic bottles. And these crafts can turn into chic brooches, decorate bags or hairstyles, become an element of a panel or a decorative bouquet on a windowsill. And children's crafts will bring a lot of pleasure not only to the children themselves, but also to those for whom such flowers are intended as a gift. Let's look at flower-shaped crafts that are accessible to children, as well as more complex, but also quite masterable techniques that will allow adult craftswomen to make flowers with their own hands.


Children enjoy doing handicrafts.Flowers made by hand for the Eighth of March or for the birthday of your beloved mother or grandmother - crafts that will successfully replace a bouquet of fresh flowers. And made by children, they will also carry a special energy of love. For snowdrops we will need:

  • green clay,
  • several pieces of wire for the frame of stalks,
  • pumpkin seeds,
  • green corrugated paper for leaves and grass.

By the way, more advanced craftsmen can do itsuch flowers using salt dough. So. We mold the base for the bouquet from plasticine: roll a ball and turn it into a dome-island. Cut off three (four, five) pieces of wire for the stems. Wrap the stems in paper or coat them with plasticine, and bend the upper ends of each stem into an arc. Now attach a small ball of plasticine to the bent end of the stem, which we also form into a dome with an expanded base. At the base (lower part) we make a small depression into which we insert three pumpkin seeds, sticking them into the plasticine with their sharp ends. We fix the stems with flowers in an island of plasticine. From corrugated paper we cut out leaves (according to the number of stems). We make the leaves lanceolate, elongated, and carefully stretch the edges, forming a light wave. Attach the leaves to the stems or simply stick them into the plasticine base. To make the "grass", cut a strip of corrugated paper into a fringe on one long side and curl it. Wrap the green island with snowdrops in the grass. Our spring primroses are ready!own flowers


Flowers can be made with your own hands from leftoversyarn. By the way, children really like to make crafts that use yarn or threads. You can make dandelions from yellow, lemon or white yarn, but other colors of thread will look no less impressive in these pompom flowers. Yes, we will make them from pompoms. To make such flowers, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • soft wool or wool blend yarn,
  • dry twigs,
  • cardboard,
  • scissors and pencil.

First, we make patterns for the pom-poms.Cut out two circles of the same diameter from cardboard. Cut out a round hole in the center of each circle to make a ring. Cut the rings, making one cut from the outer circle to the inner one. The size of the pompom is determined by the width of the ring, which will be equal to its radius. Stack the rings, take the thread and start wrapping the rings with it, passing the thread through the cut, which we leave free from the thread, and the cut out center. Having wrapped the ring tightly enough, take the scissors and push them between the rings. Now the hardest part. Carefully cut the winding, while holding the threads in the middle of the ring with your fingers. Next, without separating the cardboard rings, push the thread between them and pull both halves of the yarn winding tightly. Tie the thread in a knot and remove the rings. Now the last step remains - fluff up the pompom and cut off the protruding threads. The final stage of making dandelions is gluing pom-poms to the branches.

Flower ball

Crafts in the form of delicate bouquets or exquisiteflower arrangements can be diversified. You can make flowers for a topiary with your own hands, or, as it is also called, a tree of happiness. And if you do not want to make a tree, you can make a flower ball. It is incredibly beautiful! And such crafts not only develop a sense of beauty, but also decorate the interior of your home or become a nice addition to a strict office environment. For such a craft you will need:

  • multicolored corrugated paper;
  • PVA glue
  • a tangle of yarn,
  • balloon,
  • scissors,
  • hand cream,
  • sewing thread.

First you need to make a ball of thread,which will become the frame. Inflate the balloon to the desired size and coat it with hand cream (so that the yarn does not stick to the surface of the balloon). Place the ball of thread in a bucket of glue. Now, pulling the end of the ball, begin to wrap the balloon with the threads soaked in glue. When the web of threads becomes thick enough to hold its shape, hang the balloon to dry. After the threads have completely dried and hardened, burst the balloon and carefully remove it from the thread frame. Let's start making flowers. To do this, cut strips of corrugated paper twenty centimeters long and two centimeters wide. Make sure that the "grain" of the corrugated paper is vertical (perpendicular to the long side). Now slightly stretch one long side of each strip, making it wavy. Next, gather the strip into an accordion and twist the other (not stretched) edge. We fix this edge with threads or wire, fluff up the flower and attach it to the thread ball. We cover the entire surface of the frame with such corrugated paper roses. To make the flower ball look neater, we arrange the flowers in a checkerboard pattern. We place the finished ball in an empty flower pot and put it on the windowsill. Or we attach a beautiful ribbon or braid to the ball and hang it from the ceiling or on the window.flower by one's own hands

Other techniques

There are many techniques that can be usedYou can make artificial flowers. And if children's crafts seem too simple and even primitive to adults, then try, for example, a technique called tsumami kanzashi. This is almost origami, only silk. Small squares of silk fabric are folded in a special way and flowers with sharp or round petals are assembled from them. No less interesting is a technique called quilling. Strips of white or colored paper twisted into spirals turn into unusually beautiful openwork flowers. By the way, this technique is used to make not only flowers, but also, for example, New Year's snowflakes or even entire plot panels. Flowers from fabric can be made in the simplest way, by cutting out petal blanks from organza or silk and singeing them over a flame. Or you can get a special tool (bull) and make traditional flower bouquets from starched fabrics. Gorgeous flowers, almost indistinguishable from real ones, are molded from cold porcelain, which is prepared in a special way, and the flowers are painted by hand. Flowers are also knitted, made from plastic bottles, woven from beads, felted from wool, crafted from felt and leather. In a word, almost any handicraft technique can be adapted for these purposes. So if you are friends with any handicraft or just decided to make flowers with your own hands, then be sure to put your plans into practice. The main thing is to start. Go for it, you will definitely succeed! We advise you to read:

