first time to gynecologistHas your little girl from yesterday grown up?Along with the transformation of a girl into a woman, a number of new concerns come. One of these is the first visit to the gynecologist in her life. The first visit to the gynecologist very often greatly affects how the woman's relationship with gynecologists will develop in the future. Of course, a lot depends on the doctor himself - the gynecologist, on his attitude towards the girl. However, a lot also depends on the mother - after all, it is she who must properly prepare her daughter and tell her about all the features of a gynecological examination of a woman. Very often, a girl tries by hook or by crook to avoid a visit to the gynecologist, while throwing terrible tantrums. Many girls do not want to be examined for the first time by a gynecologist, considering online consultations more acceptable. As a rule, such a feeling of protest arises in two cases:

  • Fear and embarrassment A girl can give upvisit a gynecologist if she is afraid of medical manipulation or embarrassment. Mom should describe in detail to her daughter everything that will happen to her on a medical examination with a gynecologist. It is very important to inform the daughter that gynecological examinations are necessary to maintain women's health and that all women visit the gynecologist from time to time.
  • Early onset of sexual activity Another oftenthe meeting reason for the refusal of a girl to see a gynecologist is the fear that parents will find out that she is having sex. The main mistake of many parents is to underestimate the age of their daughter. The realities of modern life are such that very many teenagers begin to have sex very early - at 15-16 years. And nothing can be done about it. Calmly tell your daughter that you will understand her in any case, and neither punishing nor scolding her will not.
  • And really, try to pull yourself togetherhands and cope with emotions. No amount of shouting and punishment will return your daughter's virginity. But it is very likely to ruin the relationship. It is better to use the opportunity and talk to your daughter about personal safety and contraception. This article provides answers to the most common questions. And if your relationship with your daughter, for some reason, does not encourage frank conversations, you can always give her this material to read, from which she will receive answers to the questions that interest her.

    When should the first inspection be?

    Any mother should closely monitor the development of the girl and her health. There are certain stages of the normal process of growing up a girl:

    • Approximately in 8 - 12 years the girl has the first minor discharge from the genital organs - the mother can notice their traces on her daughter's underwear.
    • Approximately in 9 - 11 years there is a pilosis of sexual organs, and armpits - in 11 - 15 years.
    • The first menstruation should normally appear between 11 and 15 years.

    In the event that the daughter's development does notcorresponds to the age limits, or the mother is worried about something in her daughter's condition, she should seek help from a pediatrician - a gynecologist. Ideally, if the girl is not bothered by any problems in the intimate sphere, the first visit to the doctor - gynecologist occurs at about 18 years old, or a few months before the onset of the planned sexual life. However, recently there has been a trend when gynecological examinations are included in the planned medical examination of high school students at school. The girl's parents should remember that they have every right to refuse an examination by a gynecologist. Remember also that if the girl has already reached puberty, the days of visiting the doctor are also important - it is most advisable to visit the gynecologist a few days after the end of menstruation, or a week before it begins. Going to the doctor during menstruation is unreasonable. Of course, this only applies to preventive examinations. In the same case, if something bothers the girl - severe pain, excessive bleeding or bleeding not related to the menstrual cycle - it is necessary to consult a doctor - a gynecologist as soon as possible. However, there are a number of cases in which it is necessary to consult a gynecologist long before the age of 18. Such cases include:

    • The early onset of menstruation - before 9 years, or too late - its absence after 15 years.
    • Irregular menstrual cycle throughout the year.
    • Abundant menstruation, or too painful.
    • Unusual vaginal discharge, itching and redness of the genitals.
    • Pain sensations in the lower abdomen.

    Choosing a gynecologist

    Choosing a good gynecologist is very importantand a responsible task facing the girl's mother. The doctor must have several important qualities at once. Firstly, the doctor must be experienced and competent. After all, the doctor will have to assess the development of the girl's reproductive function, determine whether she has any inflammatory processes in the genitals or infectious diseases. In addition, the gynecologist must be ready to answer all the girl's questions regarding various types of contraception, help choose the right ones for her if the girl is already sexually active. If the girl is still a virgin, a good gynecologist can very tactfully tell her about the harm of early sexual activity, without hurting the girl's feelings and dignity, and without creating the impression that he is lecturing her - after all, the so-called spirit of contradiction is very strong in teenagers. Strictly speaking, a lot depends on the personal qualities of the doctor - he must be tactful, in no case should he humiliate the girl in any way - neither with a rough examination, nor with a sidelong glance, nor with an inadvertently dropped word. It is desirable that the doctor knows the fact that the girl is visiting a gynecologist for the first time. The mother can talk to the doctor beforehand. You should not choose a male gynecologist for your daughter for the first time. Even adult women often refuse to visit a male doctor, experiencing an overwhelming feeling of embarrassment and even shame. And what can we say about a teenage girl? By the way, do not forget to tell your daughter that she can refuse an examination by a particular specialist at any time if something in the office frightens or embarrasses her.

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    Talk to your daughter - does she want to go?to see a doctor - a gynecologist alone, or is it better for you to go with her. Moreover, going to the doctor, together with your teenage daughter, does not mean at all that you will also go to the office together. As a rule, waiting in line for the psyche of a teenage girl is much more difficult than the visit to the doctor itself. Perhaps your daughter will refuse to be accompanied by you. Do not be offended by her and even more so insist on going together. You can quarrel with your daughter, and a visit to the doctor will turn into a real test of the nervous system for strength - both yours and your daughter's. And this tension and negativity associated with a visit to the gynecologist will remain with the girl for the rest of her life, although over time she may completely forget about the reason that caused these emotions. Perhaps it will be much easier for a teenage girl to go to the doctor with an adult sister or girlfriend? Leave the right of choice to her. Believe me, the girl will definitely appreciate the right to choose given to her, and, ultimately, will be grateful to you for respecting her choice. But if it concerns a little girl under 12 years of age, the gynecologist's examination should be carried out only in the presence of the mother. After all, the girl is still too young to adequately respond to medical manipulations and, even more so, to answer in detail all the questions of the gynecologist. And the first time, as a rule, there are quite a lot of questions.first time with a gynecologist

    What can you expect from your first visit to a gynecologist?

    In the event that a girl comes to a gynecologistproperly prepared, she will feel much more confident. Of course, not every mother remembers what it was like - the first visit to the gynecologist. This is what will be discussed in detail below:

    • Gynecological set

    Buy it in advance and bring it with youdaughter a disposable gynecological kit. These kits are sold in any drugstore. Otherwise, the girl risks frantically searching for this kit at the last moment, or even lying down on a bare chair. Unfortunately, the funding of state clinics is such that gynecologists do not always even have disposable gloves. If the girl is examined in a private clinic, such a problem is not relevant.

    • Clean socks

    Don't forget about such a detail as clean socks. There's probably no point in telling you why they're needed - it's obvious anyway.

    • clothing

    Make sure the girl is dressedappropriate comfortable clothing. The best option would be a loose skirt that is easy enough to lift. At the same time, the girl will not have to be embarrassed by the fact that she will have to walk around the doctor's office naked from below. You should not wear trousers, as they take a long time to take off.

    • Personal hygiene

    Many women, when going to see a doctor,gynecologist, are overly keen on personal hygiene. Of course, this is a very important point - the girl should wash herself thoroughly and put on clean underwear. However, douching or using special products for intimate hygiene is inadmissible under any circumstances. During any visit to the doctor, the gynecologist will definitely take a smear for analysis. And douching and hygiene products can significantly distort the true results.

    • Visiting the toilet

    Tell the girl about the need to go totoilet before entering the doctor's office. If the girl's bladder and intestines are full, she may experience a lot of unpleasant sensations during the examination. And the examination itself is significantly more difficult and takes much more time.

    • Menstruation

    Any gynecologist will definitely askgirls about when she had her last menstruation. Moreover, the girl should name not only the month, but also the exact date when her last menstruation began. By the way, the mother should show the girl how to keep a special calendar in which critical days are marked. For teenage girls, this information is especially relevant, since their menstrual cycle, as a rule, is extremely irregular.

    What happens at a gynecologist's appointment?

    So, about how it should be preparedgirl to visit a doctor, you already know. Now it's time to talk about what happens during the visit to the doctor. Having this information and knowing what to expect, the girl will have fewer fears. At the beginning of the appointment, the doctor will ask the girl in detail about when she had her last menstruation, whether she is sexually active, whether she has any complaints. Explain to your daughter that she should answer all the doctor's questions extremely honestly - the doctor does not evaluate the moral qualities of his patients, he cares about their health, nothing more. The girl can ask the doctor any question without fear that the doctor will consider her bad, "spoiled" or stupid. The next stage of the gynecological examination includes an examination of the mammary glands. The doctor will feel the girl's mammary glands to find out if she has any neoplasms or lumps. Many gynecologists explain to girls how she can check her breasts herself. This skill is very valuable, since mastopathy sometimes occurs in very young girls aged 14-16. After this, the doctor will conduct an examination on the gynecological chair. If the girl is not sexually active, the doctor will first conduct an external examination of the genitals to find out if there are any pathologies in their development. Then comes the turn of examination with the help of mirrors. Do not be afraid of such an examination, since it does not damage the hymen. Some gynecologists prefer to do without an examination with mirrors. They conduct an examination through the girl's anus - they insert a finger there and feel the ovaries and uterus, excluding tumors. This procedure is completely painless, except for a little unpleasant. In the event that the girl is already sexually active, the so-called two-handed examination will definitely be carried out. The doctor inserts two fingers into the girl's vagina, and carefully feels the abdomen with the other hand. This is necessary to examine the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Some doctors prefer an alternative to such an examination - an ultrasound examination. Of course, any girl is afraid to go to the gynecologist for the first time. However, the mother herself should not panic, as her fear will certainly be passed on to her daughter. And although it cannot be called pleasant, the examination is completely painless and takes only a few minutes. And even more so, you cannot ignore the need to visit this doctor - women's health is very unpredictable. And it is much better to notice the problem in time than to deal with its consequences later. We recommend reading:

