Currently, the office worker is leadingpractically sedentary lifestyle. Constantly sitting at the computer, meetings, telephone conversations deprive us of physical activity. And here is the result - a bad mood, fatigue, and, consequently, poor performance, and even excess weight! If after lunch you feel sleepy and it seems that your strength has left you - know that you are not alone. Every second woman experiences a lack of energy in the afternoon. Instead of another cup of coffee to maintain your strength, try doing exercises in the office - a small complex that will wake you up better than coffee. Physical exercises instantly provide energy, and besides, after them you will not get the opposite effect after a while, unlike caffeine or sugar, which give a quick invigorating effect, followed by an even greater decline in strength. Doing physical exercises in the office will saturate the blood with oxygen, help you make your head fresh and clear, and the release of the hormone of pleasure - serotonin - will improve your mood. Changing the forced posture, relaxing tense muscles, doing a few bends and arm swings, warming up the joints and other exercises are great for relieving tension. These very easy exercises will help you relieve fatigue, get rid of stress, and, what is important for women, burn a few calories. Doing exercises in the office requires following a few simple rules:
- Do each exercise slowly and carefully.
- Do not hold your breath.
- Close clothes and shoes should not interfere. For example, you can take off your shoes and jacket.
- Before you do the exercises, open the window.
A set of exercises in the office can be done almost without leaving your workplace.
Exercises for the muscles of the arms and chest
Sit in a chair or on a wheeled stool.Grasp the desk top with both hands at shoulder width apart, with your thumbs underneath the top. Lift your feet off the floor, tighten your abdominal muscles, and slowly move your chair away from the desk until your arms are straight, your head is between your hands, and your gaze is directed at the floor. Then begin the reverse movement toward the desk. Continue until your stomach touches the desk. Repeat 12-15 times.
Exercise for the muscles of the lower half of the trunk
Stand with your back to the table, feet shoulder-width apart,Back straight, stomach pulled in. Keeping your back straight, bend your knees as if you were going to sit on a chair. Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the line of your toes. When you are almost lowered onto the chair, stop the movement and return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times. On the fifth time, lower yourself down, hold for a while, then return to the starting position. Repeat 2 more times. Do a total of 15 squats.
Exercise for leg muscles
Sit on the edge of a chair or armchairwheels, keeping your back straight. Lift your toes off the floor, pressing your heels into the floor and straightening your knees, move back in the chair until your legs are straight. Remember that only the muscles of the lower half of the body should be tense, while the muscles of the upper half should remain relaxed. After this, again pressing your heels to the floor, return to the original position. Repeat the exercise 12-15 times, spending 3 seconds on each forward-backward movement.
Exercise for the muscles of the shoulder girdle
Stand up straight and grab the lid with your hands.table at a distance slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, step back from the table and take a body position that is comfortable for table push-ups. Straighten your arms, but not completely. Bending your arms so that your elbows are turned out to the sides, slowly lower your chest to the table top. Your head, back, hips and legs should be in one line. Hold the bottom position for 2 seconds, then straighten your arms and return to the starting position. Do the exercise 12 times.
A few stretching exercises
- Twist your fingers in the lock and pull your arms out in front of shoulder level. Turn your fingers away from yourself and stretch your arms forward even more, rounding your back and feeling the stretching of your muscles. Hold in this position for 15 seconds, then lower your hands.
- Put your hands on your lower back, your fingers look down. Slightly pressing his hands on the lower back, remove the shoulder blades, lowering his shoulders and lifting his chest. Do not tilt your head. Hold in this position for 15 seconds.
- Sit on the edge of the chair, put your hands on your knees. Bend your back, bent in the lower back. Repeat 8 times.
- Sit on a chair directly, throw your foot on your leg. Take a deep breath and on exhalation smoothly turn your body to the left, look over your left shoulder. The hips do not change the position. Grab your hands behind the back, seat or armrests of the chair and strengthen the twisting movement. Hold in the extreme position for 10 seconds. Repeat the other way. Execute 2 times in both directions.
If you don't have the time or opportunity to do the entire set of exercises, do at least one exercise from each category, fitting one exercise into your work schedule.Or you can go the other way - sitting at your desk, do a few exercises "on the sly" at any time convenient for you, unnoticed by others.
Exercises for leg muscles
- Remove the shoes and "run" feet on the floor.
- Knock your heels on the floor. With this exercise, you disperse blood and lymph through the vessels.
- Try to take small objects from the floor with your toes.
- Roll the sole of your foot on some cylindrical object, such as a water bottle.
- "Walk" in a sitting position on the toes, on the heels, on the inside of the foot, on the outside.
Exercise for the muscles of the chest
Sit on a chair, straighten your back, clasp yourarms, "pull" them towards you, press your elbows to your body. Hold the tense position for a few seconds, then relax your arms. Repeat the exercise several times.
Exercise for arm muscles
Press your palms against the table top with the backsides and try to "lift" it. Hold your arms tense for a few seconds and then relax. Do this exercise until you feel fatigue in your muscles.
Exercise for abdominal muscles
Sit up straight on a chair, keep your back straight,Tighten your buttocks. Pull your stomach in as much as you can, tense your muscles. Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat several times. And don’t miss the opportunity to walk down the hallway, preferably at a fast pace. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Everyone has left the office – get up, do a couple of bends or squats. If you have five minutes of free time and you are faced with a choice – to drink another cup of strong coffee with a chocolate bar or to do physical exercises in the office – it is better to prefer exercises. They are more useful. We recommend reading: