exercises for a flat stomach and a thin waistThere is hardly a single woman in the world who100% satisfied with their appearance. Even the slimmest girls with parameters of ninety-sixty-ninety notice extra millimeters on the waist and rush headlong to the gym to correct the situation. What can we say about those whose figure cannot be called ideal even with a stretch? They look at their tummy and the place of the supposed waist with sadness in their eyes. But unlike the first, they are in no hurry to do physical exercises, preferring to cast an envious glance at the skinny lucky ones and refer to hundreds of reasons for their "forced" inaction.

What prevents us from doing sports?

So you come home from work all tired,broken, hungry. There is a ton of chores around the house! Wash the dishes, cook, clean up after the cat, rein in the kids (it happens the other way around: clean up after the kids and rein in the cat - as luck would have it). And then your husband comes home from work, grumbles and demands clean socks. What exercises for a flat stomach, you say, in this endless series of everyday problems? If only I had enough strength to get to the couch at night - that would be good! But no! If you are extremely honest with yourself, you will understand that you would prefer eating pies in front of the TV before going to bed to a half-hour session with a hula hoop or dumbbells. And the main justification for this disgrace will not even be fatigue or laziness, but the thought that “it’s useless anyway, I was fat - I’ll stay fat.” As the not-so-kind saying goes: if you've gained a lot of weight, then you can eat until you're full again. Right? Will we never become thinner and sexier? Not at all. In fact, it all depends on our own motivation. No matter how much we want to convince everyone that we want to lose weight, our actions (or rather, inactions) often say the opposite. It's hard to admit, but for some of us, the fat that reliably hides a flat stomach and a thin waist from others serves as a kind of protective barrier. Why put in the effort to improve your appearance if being overweight will ruin everything anyway? Sit quietly on the couch and eat dumplings, wincing painfully at the sight of slender beauties flashing on the TV screen. And exercises - will they help with such and such diseases and at such and such an age? Think about this: not long ago, a woman with a waist of thirty-eight centimeters got into the Guinness Book of Records. Do you know at what age she achieved such results (her figure parameters at the time of recording the record were 99-38-99)? At seventy-three years old! Even if she is a well-fed, wealthy American woman, not familiar with the harsh life of Russian housewives, this does not deprive her of the same hundred reasons to sit back and do nothing. Surely, you are younger than this nice lady, and also stronger in terms of health (whatever you say, seventy-three years are certainly making themselves felt!). Of course, we will not advise you to have such a radically thin waist, but we can tell you what exercises will help you remove fat from your stomach and waist. The main thing is to really, really want to become slimmer and younger, and then you can do anything!Exercises for a thin waist and a flat stomach

Exercises for a thin waist

You can find a great variety of the most popular ones onlinevarious techniques to increase muscle tone and burn fat in problem areas. We offer you two simple exercises that will do real wonders to your waist! Side stretch

  • Legs at a width of thirty to forty centimeters, hands on hips, just above the knees. Bend your knees as if you were about to sit down.
  • Inhale, exhale and hold your breath. Pull in the belly, stay in this position for five to six seconds, then take the original position.
  • Lower your right hand so that your elbow touches your right bent knee. With the maximum amplitude, extend the left leg to the side, pulling the toe off.
  • Do not tear your foot off the floor, stretch your left hand upward - as if you want to reach the invisible top (the hand remains straight and is near the head).
  • Important: it is necessary to bend at the same time strictly to the side!
  • Fix your position, count to eight. Take a breath, change position.

Do this exercise three times in oneside, and three times - in the other. Exercise "Airplane" This exercise is a great stretch for your sides and waist. Surely you have already done this exercise before - in physical education classes or together with the TV presenter of morning exercises. It's time to remember the good old "airplane" and sharpen your waist to the desired size.

  • Place your feet shoulder width apart, slightly bending your knees.
  • Put your palms just above your knees and hold your breath for eight seconds (take your time, count out the seconds slowly).
  • As soon as you hold your breath, take the straight left leg to the side and reach out with the elbow of the left hand to the bent knee of the right leg.
  • With your right hand, do a swing back. Lock the position for five seconds.
  • Lean lower to touch the left forearm of your right foot.
  • Fix this position for eight seconds.

Repeat this exercise three times for each leg. Do not ignore the breathing rules during the exercise, otherwise the result will be far from expected.correct exercises for a thin waist and a flat stomach

Exercises for a flat stomach

Unfortunately, no amount of exercise will help you.get a flat, toned stomach in a week. For example, men who show off their powerful torso cubes on the beach devote at least five hours a week to working out in the gym. You and I don’t need these cubes at all, but unfortunately, we won’t be able to simply burn off the “fat cushion” of the stomach in a couple of sessions. But we are not afraid of difficulties, right? So, let’s get started! Before starting the exercises, you need to do a warming massage of the stomach. For this purpose, apply a massage cream (anti-cellulite can be used) to the problem area and begin to treat the skin with pinching movements. This procedure is done for at least five minutes. However, if you have serious diseases of the internal digestive organs or female internal organs, be vigilant, most likely, abdominal massage is contraindicated for you! Consult your doctor about this. It is better to pump up the press after exercises for the waist - this way you will prepare your tummy for physical activity and avoid possible injuries. The thing is that an unprepared person should not immediately switch to strength exercises for the press, otherwise you simply will not straighten up the next morning, and your desire to improve yourself will disappear. So, lay a soft mat on the floor and get comfortable. Let's start the exercises: Strengthening the lower and upper press

  • Accept the sitting position and lift your legs, bent at the knees. Pull the socks off and lock in this position, without lowering your legs to the floor.
  • Bend your elbows in the arms, place your palms next to your buttocks.
  • On exhalation, start slowly bending your elbows, turning the body back.
  • Try to straighten your legs so that they are parallel to the floor.

Do this exercise five to six times. Strengthening the lateral abdominal muscles

  • Accept the prone position, turn to the side.
  • Leaning your elbow on the floor, slowly lift the entire body until the forearm fully straightens.
  • Fix this position for one minute.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.

Do this exercise at least twice toeach side. Having taken up physical exercise, do not forget about proper nutrition. Unfortunately, another portion of pies during your favorite TV series will easily cross out all your efforts: you will not get a flat stomach or a thin waist. And do not limit yourself to only exercises at home: the more active your lifestyle, the sooner you will say goodbye to the hated kilograms and centimeters on your waist. You can sign up for a swimming pool, spin a hula hoop, go to a climbing wall, in the end. By the way, the last method - a climbing wall - is great for removing fat on the sides and waist. In just a month of climbing the "rock" will allow you to change beyond recognition: extra pounds just melt off your body. The main thing is to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start acting. And a flat stomach and a thin waist - will follow! We advise you to read:

