Not natural causes of delay of monthly Everyone knows that a slight deviation in the beginningmenstruation is quite normal. But it is normal only if the delay does not last more than 5 days. Normally, a monthly cycle of 28 calendar days is considered. It is necessary to count the cycle starting from the 1st day of menstruation and before the beginning of the next monthly period. In some women, the cycle is 30 days. In case the duration of the cycle is more than a few days, we can talk about the delay of the monthly. The reasons for the delay in menstruation can be very different: both pathological and natural, and physiological.

Delay in menstruation: causes

Delay of the menstrual cycle up to 7 days is considerednormal and does not apply to pathology. If, however, after this time, the monthly did not come, you should already seek help from a doctor who will help you to identify the cause of such a malfunction. The delay of menstruation can be observed absolutely at any age. More often hormonal failures happen during puberty, in a reproductive age, during perimenopause. The most common and normal phenomenon is the lack of timely menstruation during puberty. Here there are irregular irregular periods. Finally, the cycle is restored after 1.5-2 years. During the period of reproduction (during pregnancy) and breastfeeding, the menstrual cycle may also be delayed. But during perimenopause, menstrual cycles first lose their cyclicity, and then completely cease. Natural causes of menstruation delay Perhaps, one of the most common and main causes of menstruation delay is pregnancy. The onset of pregnancy is accompanied not only by the absence of menstruation, but also by exacerbation of olfactory and taste sensations, increased appetite, drowsiness, nausea, chest pain, etc. It is not necessary to exclude such a reason for a delay in menstruation, even if any contraceptive was used. After all, everyone knows that none of them gives 100% guarantee. And even if the sexual act took place in the so-called safe days, when the probability of becoming pregnant is very low, yet this does not preclude the onset of pregnancy. To exclude this reason for the absence of monthly, or, conversely, confirm it, you can use a pregnancy test, which is sold in any pharmacy. Absolutely all pregnancy tests are aimed at identifying the hormone hCG. This hormone begins to develop within a week after the fertilization of the egg. HGH hormone rises in the body gradually, so a week later the test may not show that a pregnancy has occurred. But after 2 weeks more likely that the strips on the test will show a positive result. To accurately determine or confirm pregnancy, after several days, repeat the test again. For some, this reason for delaying the months is very pleasant, but for someone not at all joyful. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended that you carefully monitor your menstrual cycle, monitor it and, of course, use contraception. natural causes of delay Other Natural Causes of Delay One of theThe natural causes of delay in the menstrual cycle can be breastfeeding, or lactation. During breastfeeding in the woman's body, an active hormone prolactin is produced, which blocks ovulation. After breastfeeding is discontinued, menstruation usually recovers within 2 months. As already mentioned, a normal phenomenon that does not require any intervention and treatment is considered to be a delay in the menstrual period in the pubertal period. As a rule, the menstrual cycle is finally restored within 1.5-2 years after the onset of menstruation. If, however, after 2 years nothing changes, the monthly and continue to go irregularly, it is worth turning to the gynecologist. Another natural reason for delaying menstruation can be perimenopause. This phenomenon is observed in women over 45 years of age. First there is a delay in the monthly, which increases with each time, and then they stop altogether. This phenomenon is called the menopause. During the period of perimenopause, there may be a decrease in mood, hot flashes, and sometimes a lack of sexual desire. Pathological causes of delay in menstruation If the reasons described previously do not suit you, you should seek help from a specialist doctor who can help determine the exact cause of the delay in the cycle, carry out diagnosis, and prescribe treatment. Very often the reason for the delay may be various gynecological and endocrine diseases. So, one of the most common diseases is considered to be the syndrome of polycystic ovaries. This disease is characterized by a violation of the development of the female hormone, and the synthesis of the male sex hormone increases on the contrary. It is because of the large production of testosterone in the middle of the cycle that ovulation does not occur and as a result the egg does not leave the follicle. If the disease is not treated in time, it can lead to infertility. In women who suffer from this disease, there is active growth of facial hair, weight gain, acne, too fatty hair. This disease can be caused by several reasons. One of these causes is a violation of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland function, which are responsible for the monthly cycle. To the causes of the disease is a violation of the thyroid gland, diseases of the ovaries and adrenal glands. The diseases that cause a delay in the cycle include others. So, for example, the delay can be caused by inflammation of the uterine appendages. This disease is called andexitis. During this disease, the production of hormones that are responsible for the regulation of menstruation is disrupted. No less common disease is uterine myoma, otherwise a benign tumor, or endometriosis. During the disease, both delays and, conversely, uterine bleeding can be observed. Other causes of delays There are other reasons for delaying menstruation. These include: colds (flu, ARVI), endometritis, diabetes mellitus, chronic gastritis, thyroid problems, kidney diseases, defects inside the ovary itself, thrush, and other infections of the genitourinary system. In addition to the above, the cause may be sunburn, as well as incorrect placement of the intrauterine device. The cause of hormonal failure is very often an abortion. In addition to abortion itself, which leads to an imbalance in the body, an excessive amount of uterine tissues can be removed, which are excreted in the form of blood during menstruation. As a rule, the cycle is restored 2-3 weeks after the abortion, but if this does not happen and there are still no monthly ones, you should consult your doctor to find out the reasons. Sometimes the delay is observed after the use of drugs aimed at interrupting pregnancy by medication. Very often hormonal failure occurs immediately after the abolition of contraceptives. Monthly may be absent up to 4 months. If the hormonal background is not restored, as a rule, prescribe drugs that stimulate the maturation of the egg or the pituitary gland. If certain oral contraceptives caused a similar phenomenon, then in the future, its use is canceled. diagnosis of the disease What else can lead to hormonal failure? It is not uncommon for cases when a monthly medication is caused by a delay. These drugs include corticosteroid and anabolic hormones, various antidepressants, antiulcer drugs, diuretics, oral contraceptives, drugs for the treatment of endometriosis. If any of these drugs were used and as a result there is a hormonal failure, it is worth knowing that it should be restored no later than 2 months. If this does not happen, be sure to visit the gynecologist. Obesity can also be the cause of the failure. The hormone estragen in obesity is transformed into androgen, and without estrogen menstruation is almost impossible. Fat people very often have problems with ovulation and there are delays. The female organism is also capable of damaging unnecessary physical exertion, which depletes the body. The delay in menstruation is in this case a protective reaction of the body. If such a problem arose, it is worthwhile to think about and reduce physical activity. The organism thereby informs you that its forces are at its limit. Very similar to physical stress is the delay in menstruation in dystrophy. The body develops a protective reaction without bleeding, without which it can weaken even more. Critical low weight (44-46 kg) can cause hormonal failures. The female organism can easily be affected by any change in the situation. It does not matter what it will be: a new job, moving to another city, a trip to the sea or something else. Often even pleasant events for us are a stress for our body. The body begins to fight this stress, thereby provoking hormonal failure. Negatively, women's health is affected by excessive use of alcohol, narcotic drugs, which weaken immunity and cause hormonal failures. The cause may be hereditary diseases. It is necessary to consult with a specialist and identify possible diseases. uzi at a delay

Diagnosis and treatment of delayed menstruation

Before embarking on treatment and rehabilitationhormonal background, it is necessary to determine the cause of the failure. It is worth saying that there are no such drugs that can cure the delay in menstruation. There are drugs that can cause menstruation. But such drugs, as a rule, lead in the future to a new hormonal failure. They are used only to provoke an abortion. It is very important to know that an intrauterine device is contraindicated for women who often suffer from a delay in menstruation. Diagnosis of cycle delay includes, as a rule, the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Ultrasound is performed in order to exclude pregnancy, endocrine and gynecological diseases, tumors.
  • STDs (diseases transmittedsexually). Among such diseases can be gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureplazmoz, mycoplasmosis and others. To exclude these diseases it is necessary to pass tests and a smear.
  • It is necessary to carry out hormonal studies. They will determine the level of progesterone, estrogen, check the hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and others.
  • Sometimes a pituitary gland is required. This study includes tomography, radiography, electroencephalography, or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • In extreme cases, scraping of the uterine cavity and subsequent histological examination are required.

Conclusion and summing up

So, as it became clear, the reasons for the delaymonthly can be very different. And if some of them are considered normal and do not pose any danger, others, on the contrary, not only harm the body, but can lead to the most unfortunate consequences, including infertility. Timely treatment of a doctor reduces the risk of serious diseases, including any STDs or a cancerous tumor. The female organism is very vulnerable to external factors. Any stress can lead to disastrous results. Watch your health, do not neglect it, otherwise it may be too late. We wish good health!

