From the appearance of pigmented spots is not insuredno one, alas, and ah. After all, you will agree, it is very sad to find unattractive dark spots. But do not despair - they can really get rid of. And at home, without imposing expenditure on visiting a cosmetologist! However, one doctor will still have to visit - a dermatologist. Very rarely, but still there are cases when the appearance of spots indicates a problem on the part of the body. And only if the doctor confirms that you are in good health, you can start treating pigmented spots at home. All recipes are safe for health - unless, of course, you have an allergic reaction to a particular component.
Whitening lotions
If the pigmented spots are not very pronounced, it is quite possible to deal with them with the help of bleaching lotions:
- Cucumber lotion
Cucumber lotion is widely known for curingoily skin. However, even with pigment spots, it is very, very effective. To make a lotion you will need one medium sized cucumber, 50 grams of vodka and 50 grams of pure boiled water. Cucumber peel, grate on a fine grater and place in a glass container. Pour vodka, mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and refrigerate for three days. During this time, periodically shake the container with the lotion. Then strain with a strainer or gauze, add water. Store lotion is also necessary only in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container. Wipe pigment spots with a cotton disc dipped in lotion, at least three times a day. The course of treatment should last no less than a month. If during this time the pigmented spots do not disappear, you will need to use a stronger tool.
- Kefir
The most common yogurt can be perfectmeans for removing small pigment spots. Just wipe them with cotton wool soaked in kefir, as often as possible - at least five or six times a day. In a week you will notice an amazing result. And after about a month, the pigmented spots will disappear completely.
- Calendula Lotion
If the area of pigmented spots is large enough,you can try a calendula lotion. For its preparation, buy alcoholic tincture of calendula in the pharmacy, dilute it with boiled water in a proportion of one to one - you should get 100 milliliters of lotion. Add one teaspoon of natural honey and stir well until the honey has dissolved. Soaked in a lotion wadded disk, wipe the pigment spots at least five times a day. Such treatment can not be continued for longer than one week - then you should do a one-week break. In most cases, two such courses are enough to get rid of even the most persistent pigment spots. If suddenly after rubbing the skin you have irritation, burning or you will feel a burning sensation - add another 50 grams of boiled water.
Whitening compresses
If using lotions to cure pigmented spots failed, you can try compresses - they, of course, are more aggressive, but also more effective.
- Dill Compress
To make a solution for compress youYou need 100 grams of fresh dill and a glass of steep boiling water. Place dill in a thermos, pour boiling water and leave to infuse for a day. Then infuse the infusion and pour into a glass container. Dampen the infusion with a gauze napkin, folded in several layers, attach to the pigmented spot and leave for 20 minutes. If the napkin dries earlier, change it - it should remain moist for 20 minutes.
- Dandelion Compress
This tool is quite strong - do not forgetevery time after the procedure, lubricate the treated area with a moisturizer to avoid skin irritation. To prepare a compress you will need three roots of a dandelion and a spoon of honey. Grind the dandelion, pour it with a glass of water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and boil for 15 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain, add the honey and mix thoroughly. In the resulting broth, moisten the gauze napkin, attach to the pigmented spot and leave for 20 minutes. Such a procedure can be conducted no more than three times a week, for one month.
- Currant Compress
In the summer, to help in the fight against pigmentedthe red currant will come in spots. Pass a glass of red currant through a meat grinder and fill it with half a glass of cold water. Put in the refrigerator for 5 hours, stirring occasionally. Then, using gauze, squeeze the currant. In the resulting broth, moisten the gauze napkin and apply for 20 minutes to the pigmented spot - as drying, the napkin must be changed. After a compress, rinse the skin with cool water and apply a little sour cream or moisturizer. Do this procedure every other day, for one month.
Whitening Masks
The most powerful weapon in the fight against age spots is whitening masks. But be careful with them - if you overdo it, the skin damage is big.
- Berry Mask
For this mask, any berries are suitable - preferablyslightly unripe. Cut five tablespoons of berries with a fork and apply on the pigmented spot. Cover the stain with a plastic wrap and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with water and apply a moisturizer. Such masks are rather gentle, therefore they can be done every other day, for two months.
- Egg-lemon mask
This mask is a classic removerpigmented spots. Do you know how meringues prepare? By the same principle, the mask is prepared - of course, without heat treatment of the protein. Using a whisk or a mixer, whip a thick foam of egg whites, add juice to half of the lemon and continue to beat for a few more minutes. Then apply the resulting dense foam to the pigmented spot, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with plenty of water, apply a moisturizer. This mask can be done three times a week, for one and a half months. If necessary, after a one-week break, the course can be repeated.
- Cottage cheese mask
If you have oily skin, to remove pigmentedyou can use a curd mask. For its preparation you need 100 grams of fat cottage cheese, one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. In a plastic or glass container, carefully mix all the above ingredients - you should get a uniform mass. Apply this mass to the pigment spots, cover the mask with a plastic wrap and leave for 30 minutes. If you feel a burning sensation, the mask should be washed off immediately. Rinse the skin with plenty of water and apply a lot of moisturizing cream to the treated areas. Do not be too keen on such a tool - it can lead to damage to the skin of the face.
- Mask of yolk
If you do not have time to do falsemask, try the yolk. For its preparation you will need two yolks and 10 drops of ammonia. Carefully mix them and apply on the pigment spots, cover the top with a gauze pad. Leave the mask for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water and apply your usual moisturizer. Such a mask can not be done more than twice a week to avoid skin irritation. As a rule, two or three weeks are enough for the pigmented spot to disappear. If this does not happen, after a month of bleaching, you need to take a week break and continue bleaching again. In most cases, these recipes are really effective and people manage to forget about age spots. If this does not happen, the only way to get rid of excessive pigmentation will be cosmetic procedures. We advise you to read: