Beauty is a terrible power! And almost all women perfectly know this unwritten truth. And do not just know, but successfully use. But, unfortunately, very often this very beauty turns out to be something spoiled. Here, for example, acne on the face. This problem is very common - about every third woman knows firsthand about this scourge. And trying to fight with pimples - each in its own way. Someone is spending huge money on expensive drugs, and someone is just trying to disguise acne with a foundation. And some women approach to get rid of acne complex. Which, however, is the most correct.
Skin Care
You need to look after the face. And to look after correctly - only in this case you can get rid of pimples and prevent their reappearance. And we start with the simplest - with cleansing. It's not for nothing that they say that cleanliness is a guarantee of health.
- Daily cleansing of the skin
Face skin should be cleaned at least twiceper day. Morning cleansing is necessary in order to remove the sebum that is produced during the night. If this is not done, the pores will become clogged. So, long live the eels. In the evening, the skin needs to be cleaned of all that has accumulated on it during the day - this, probably, should not be explained. Well, if the skin is too fat, additional cleansing may be needed for a day - at least with the help of a normal lotion. A very important nuance is the temperature of the water for washing. As a rule, it can be warm - and that's right. Hot water slightly expands the pores, removes from them sebum, pollution. But at the end of washing, be sure to rinse the skin several times with cold water - it will close these very pores back and tones the skin. In the morning, it is enough to wash yourself with plain water, without any detergents. However strange it may sound, fatty skin can also be dried. So do not overdo it. But in the evening without a special means for washing can not do, because the skin needs to be cleaned especially carefully.
- Scrubs
You can not do without scrubs - they are necessary forIn order to deep clean the pores and remove the dead skin particles. Scrubs can be bought already ready, but you can do yourself - below we will give several recipes. But in any case, before carrying out the scrub, you need to properly steam out the skin. To do this, make a steam bath of chamomile. In a saucepan, put five teaspoons of dried chamomile, pour them half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then cool the chamomile broth and pour it into a deep bowl. Check the temperature of the steam - it should be hot, but not burning. Lean over the steam, put a towel on the head - the bath should last at least 10 minutes. If you can not breathe the steam, make a compress - wet a chamotte in a chamomile broth and attach it to the skin of the face for 15 minutes. Do not forget - the napkins cool down very quickly, so change them.
- Cosmetic facial cleansing
Once or twice a month, you need to go toto the cosmetician who will make a very deep cleansing of the face - mechanical or laser. The cost of the procedure is not so high, any woman can afford to do this cleaning.
- Masking tools
At the first manifestations of acne a woman beginsStrongly to mask them, using all kinds of foundation and powder. It would seem that everything is quite logical. But the paradox is that the more you hide them, the more new eels appear. And all because all the masking tools very strongly clog the pores, thereby only worsening the situation. Therefore, from their use for the period of treatment it would be reasonable to refuse. Well, or, at least, reduce the use of foundation to a possible minimum. Moreover, as practice shows, in most cases, foundation creams and powders do not mask acne at all, but only emphasize them. Well, do you want it?
Folk recipes for acne treatment
As already mentioned above, you can purchasemeans for facial care and treatment of acne can be purchased already ready. But do not forget about the national recipes - often they are much more effective.
- Shower gel
On a fine grater, chop the most ordinary babysoap without any additives - you should get one tablespoon of soap chips. Pass through the meat grinder two leaves of aloe from a plant that is older than three years. Add a third of a glass of water to the soapy chips and in a water bath, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. When the soap is completely dissolved, turn off the fire, cool slightly and add crushed aloe. Thoroughly mix and pour into a glass container with a lid. Strictly speaking, everything. Lotion for washing is ready.
- Bactericidal gel
If you have acne on your skin all the timethere are inflammatory processes, as it is impossible to have a bactericidal gel. For its preparation you will need a baby foam for the bath and an alcohol tincture of marigold. In a glass container, pour 100 grams of baby foam, then add 30 grams of marigold tincture and mix thoroughly.
- Moisturizing Gel
If you have a combined skin type,the above-described lotions can dry it well. Therefore, in this case, it is best to give preference to a moisturizing gel for washing - he and acne will not be happy, but he will not dry the skin either. The only BUT - this gel is prepared for a maximum of two or three days. Grate a little baby soap - not more than half a teaspoon. Pour it with two tablespoons of water and leave to stand for 10 hours, stirring occasionally. After the soap has dissolved, add one teaspoon of yogurt or sour cream to the soap solution and mix. The gel is ready.
- Coffee Scrub
After you have drunk coffee, do not rushpour out the coffee grounds - from it will come out an excellent scrub. And to cook it very simply - mix in any non-metallic container one tablespoon of coffee grounds and one tablespoon of sour cream. The resulting scrub apply on pre-steamed skin, thoroughly massage and rinse with plenty of water. Such a scrub should be done at least twice a week.
- Citrus Scrub
A no less effective scrub is obtained fromcitrus peel - lemon, orange, tangerine. Yes, and grapefruit will come down. Place crusts in a well-heated oven for 40 minutes, then cool and grind to a powder with a coffee grinder. In a glass container mix one tablespoon of powder from a peel and any natural yogurt, put on the steamed skin of the face and carefully massage, leave for 10 minutes. After this, rinse with water and apply your usual moisturizing cream.
- Salicylic Lotion
The fact that salicylic alcohol helps with acne,even a schoolboy knows. But wipe your face with just salicylic alcohol is not worth it - a high risk of drying your skin. And believe me - acne, along with the scaly skin is unlikely to please you. Therefore, it is wiser to prepare a lotion. To do this, peel half a fresh cucumber of medium size, grate it and pour 100 grams of cold clean water. Put in the refrigerator for a day to brew - while stirring occasionally. Then strain and add five tablespoons of salicylic alcohol. Wipe the skin with this lotion twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, after washing.
- Chamomile Lotion
With a large number of rashes, you cantry chamomile lotion. For its preparation in a glass container, pour three tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile, pour 50 grams of vodka and insist for three days. Then, using gauze, strain the infusion and remove the chamomile. Add another 50 grams of pure boiled water and mix thoroughly. This lotion needs to wipe the skin of the face as often as possible - at least three times a day.
- Cucumber lotion
Cucumber lotion not only with pimples is finished,but also the skin color will improve. For its preparation you need one fresh cucumber of medium size, three tablespoons of vodka and 100 grams of water. Cucumber grate on a grater, place in a glass bottle and pour water, put on five days in the fridge, stirring occasionally. Then strain with gauze and add the vodka. Lotion is ready - but wipe their face no more than once a day, so as not to dry the skin.
- Anti-inflammatory mask
To make this mask, prepare onea tablespoon of any natural honey, one egg white and a third of a teaspoon of salicylic alcohol. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then put the mask on your face and leave it for about 10 minutes. Rinse with water and allow the skin to dry itself without wiping. Do this mask at least twice a week - and in just a month the skin will radiate beauty and health. Of course, before applying this mask, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to honey.
- Cleansing Mask
This tool will help with numerousacne eruptions. You will need a leaf of aloe, a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Aloe with a fork chop into a puree mask, mix all ingredients and apply to the previously cleaned and, importantly, steamed skin, very gently massage and leave the mask for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water and apply your usual moisturizing cream.
- Moisturizing Mask
In the event that you have a combined typeface, you are ideal moisturizing mask of a banana. Prepare half of a ripe banana, an aloe leaf, a tablespoon of vodka and a third of a teaspoon of honey. Aloe is peeled and chopped, and banana also with a fork. Then carefully mix all the ingredients until smooth, and apply evenly to the skin of the face. After 10 minutes, rinse with plenty of water. Do the mask three times a week.
Contact your doctor
In the event that within a month you could notcoping with acne and acne alone, it is worth thinking about a visit to a doctor, which will help you find out the reason why this problem generally appeared. There can be several reasons for this, and sometimes it is simply impossible to do without medical assistance.
- Improper skin care
The first thing that needs to be addressed is the specialattention is on facial skin care. If care is improperly done, pimples and acne will not keep you waiting. Of course, in the event that your skin has a predisposition. About how to properly care for the skin, we already said above.
- Improper diet
In some cases, the development of acne and acne can beprovoked by malnutrition. Therefore, immediately give up fatty, sharp and spicy foods, from artificial dyes and preservatives. And, no matter how regrettable it may be - from flour and sweets, especially from chocolate. By the way, coffee will also have to be abandoned. But do not worry - there is one nice bonus: this kind of nutrition will benefit not only your skin, but your figure.
- Hormonal disorders
And you know why teen pimples area common thing? Yes because in their body there is a serious hormonal reorganization. The same happens in the case when an adult begins to have hormonal disorders. And these disorders can be the consequence of various diseases. In any case, despair is not necessary - if you wish and certain efforts to get rid of pimples, you can always! We advise you to read: