How great is the happiness of the couple that expectsthe birth of his first child, it is difficult to describe in words. The desire to have a child by both spouses is often associated with the opinion that the sex of the first child and subsequent children is not important. But this is not so. It was always important for a man that the genus is the first to be born, because it is in the first child that all the genes of the parent are reflected in the male line. A woman, however, usually wants the first to have a girl who could help her mother in the care of the subsequent children. Of course, on the basis of discussions of the sex of the expected baby, there are quite strong arguments. This is especially true of temperamental people who do not even think that the first girl in their family can be born. Sometimes disputes about who is more desirable, a girl or a boy, lead to unnecessary experiences of a pregnant woman. After all, the fact of pregnancy is already there, and who is expected to be born and want to know, but it's scary to go for ultrasound - all of a sudden it can negatively affect the baby! And the child grows and develops, and after a certain time the baby will please you with his first cry. Who will it be? I can tell you with 100% accuracy, whom you wait after nine months and I guarantee that my actions are absolutely harmless for both parents and the child. And having found out who waits to be born, you can stop unnecessary disputes and calmly prepare for the appearance of the baby, choosing a suitable name for him or her. This is a paid service - a symbolic fee of 100 rubles for providing a response to your request. Pay for the service is very simple, for this you need to have a mobile phone with which you need to get sms code. To receive sms code, click on the link >>> to get the sms code. Depending on the operator, the cost of sms may differ by 10-30 rubles, which is charged by the operator for sending paid sms. The received sms code is entered in the form below. To determine the sex of a child who is already conceived, I need the following data, which you are asked to fill out in the form below:

