Untitled-1 Using the unique Collost® complex will help you maintain the beauty, youth and health of your skin for a long time without the involvement of plastic surgeons.

His name is Collost®

When a woman turns 30, 35, and especially 40years, obvious changes occur in her appearance. Women are transformed, external beauty takes on different colors and shades. Even among the people this is noted by a number of well-known proverbs, such as “at 45… a berry again”. We can remember many famous actresses who after 30-40 years look noticeably more impressive than in their youth. But what definitely does not please any of us is how the skin changes over the years. It loses its color, turgor, elasticity, first small, then deeper wrinkles appear, the oval of the face changes, etc. Each woman has her own methods and ways to combat age-related skin changes. Some are successful in them and remain outwardly impressive and young, while others have not very good results. We will not talk about the secrets of Hollywood stars, we will tell you about the secret of the residents of our country who successfully use the time-tested and experienced collagen complex Collost®. Collost® is available in different forms; in cosmetology, a gel is used. This unique 7% and 15% gel contains purified natural collagen obtained from the skin of cattle. The natural structure of natural collagen - the finest fibers twisted into a triple helix - is completely preserved in Collost®, and ballast substances that can cause allergies are removed. The innovative patented technology for the production of Collost® gel has received worldwide recognition and was awarded the Grand Gold Medal in the field of medicine by the jury at the XXIII International Exhibition of Inventors in Switzerland! About the benefits of collagen But what is so good about collagen that it is so actively used by cosmetologists all over the world? Collagen is perhaps one of the most multifunctional proteins in the human body. A particularly large amount of this substance is contained in the skin, or more precisely, in its deep layers. It is thanks to collagen that our skin recovers from various injuries, and it is collagen that is “responsible” for its elasticity and firmness. In youth, collagen is produced in the human body in sufficient quantities, but with age, the metabolism slows down and this quantity slowly but steadily decreases. And this would be sad if Collost® gel did not come to our aid - a complex containing collagen that is as close as possible to human collagen in structure and properties.Use of the unique complex Collost

When the skin gives an SOS signal

Collagen is effective in combating age-relatedchanges only when it gets into the deep layers of the skin, and does not remain on its surface. Therefore, the use of Collost® gel involves the introduction of the drug directly into the thickness of the skin - with the help of mini-injections, collagen is delivered exactly where it is needed! In what cases is it worth considering the use of the Collost® complex? Experience with the use of Collost® gel shows that it is effective in the presence of such age-related "symptoms" as:

  • Decreased total skin turgor;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Loss of clarity of the face;
  • The consequences of acne (post-acne);
  • Cicatricial changes;
  • The appearance of stretch marks.

…And also… …in addition to correcting age-related changesThe innovative Collost® gel is successfully used for skin rehabilitation after such aggressive cosmetic procedures as laser resurfacing, Fraxel, chemical peels. The use of Collost® gel also gives good results when necessary to restore skin damaged by adverse environmental influences.

Effect? - There is an effect!

The effect of Collost® gel onthe skin condition will be, as they say, "obvious". Getting into the deep layers of the skin, Collost® does not simply replenish lost collagen, filling in wrinkles, the main mechanism of action of Collost® is that it starts the process of formation of the body's own young collagen fibers. Thus, our skin "self-regenerates", and therefore looks much younger.

