Daily make-up for brown-eyed Each girl has her own naturalbeauty, inimitable highlight. In order to feel confident and attractive, they have little to be satisfied with just what nature has rewarded. Cosmetics come to the aid of the beautiful half of humanity. With its help, women are striving not only to emphasize natural beauty, but also to create an unforgettable new image. After all, you always want to look beautiful, even on the most ordinary day. It's easier for dark-eyed girls - after all, the brown eyes are very beautiful in themselves. But if you learn how to do everyday makeup for the brown eyes, then their beauty will be simply irresistible! The main task of daytime make-up is to focus on the advantages and concealment of shortcomings. The correct make-up should look natural and unobtrusive, leave a pleasant impression. He is called not only to increase natural beauty, but also to emphasize the features of a person. There are some simple rules that will help you master the art of proper day makeup. One of the most important moments is the condition of the skin. If it is healthy and does not cause you problems, then you can do without powder or tonal basis (which is very good, since the use of tonal remedies prematurely aging the skin). Unfortunately, not many girls are so lucky, so they need to mask flaws, align the tone and texture of the skin.

Four steps of everyday make-up

The process of applying everyday light make-up passes in several stages.

  • The tonal basis of the Brow and corrective creamApply to the face with a sponge, brush or fingertips with a thin layer. If you want to disguise dark circles under the eyes, then first apply to this area a special tool, and on top of it - a tonal basis.
  • Blush Sometimes in everyday make-up for brown eyesenters the use of blush. Many girls mistakenly believe that the blush should be cheeks, but in fact the blush is applied to the cheekbones. This will help emphasize facial features. The color of blush should be carefully selected: for light skin, the ideal option will be soft pink or peach colors. If you have a light tan, beige shades are best for you. Swarthy girls can safely use the blush of light brown tones.
  • Eyes How to make a daytime eye makeup? Here the main assistants are a pencil and eyeliner. Also shades of light natural shades will be useful. Remember that this makeup should be performed in soft, calm tones, bright shadows will have to be postponed until the evening. The next touch is ink, which you can gently paint on both the upper and lower cilia.
  • Lips Complete this by applying a shine or lipstick pastel tones. You can use sequins to give the lips a seductive bulk.

make-up for brown eyes

Makeup for the brown eyes

Everyone knows that brown eyes are sexy andattractive. To make everyday make-up perfect, you need to know what shades are combined with this color. Advantageous tones: silver, black, golden, dark brown, lilac. The main thing is to harmoniously combine the make-up with the general appearance: clothes, hair color, lipstick. Some colors of brown-eyed girls are contraindicated: pink, blue, orange. It is best to emphasize them with black ink and eyeliner. For eyelashes to look heavier, they can be powdered a little before applying mascara.

Examples of everyday makeup for the brown eyes

Option one

  • On the area around the eyes, a tonal base and powder are applied. This contributes to the stability of makeup.
  • Then on the eyelid, apply a foundation, and on top of itlight purple shadows. After that, take the dark lilac and apply them to the outer corner of the eye. Thoroughly shade with a soft brush for a smooth transition of shades.
  • Use a black outline pencil that will make the eyes more expressive.
  • In the finishing stroke, make up eyelashes with black ink.

Option Two

  • Initially, as in any make-up, apply a tonal basis.
  • This time take a shade of shade of champagne. With the help of a sponge or brush, apply a tone to the entire upper eyelid, to the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow.
  • The next shade is light brown. To apply it you need a line from the mobile age and to the eyebrow. Now lightly blend with a soft, clean brush.
  • Do not forget that no clear or sharptransitions shades should not be. Such transitions are designed for stage or podium make-up, but we are discussing a daytime makeup for the brown eyes, and in this case there should not be any clear lines.
  • Apply a brown tint to the outer corners of the eyes and quite a bit bring the upper eyelid at the very cilia.
  • What kind of lipstick tone is best forSuch a case? Many would erroneously state that the best option would be brown. Why is it wrong? After all, if you have brown eyes, and, for example, a blush of bronze hue, and also brown lips, - you will agree, this is far from the best choice. For such a case, pink with a pearly or golden shade, transparent shine, will do. The correct daytime make-up is when the colors are combined, but there is a small contrast.

Remember that the makeup adorns the woman only in thatcase, if it is appropriate. In this delicate matter, the main thing is not to overdo it, to assess the situation objectively. If you know how to make a daily make-up, you can always look charming and natural. The natural beauty given from birth will always be in vogue. Even without make-up, every woman is beautiful and unique. We advise you to read:

