carrot cakeWhatever you decide to cook, be it tendermeat "in French", chicken cutlet with pineapple, carrot cake, delicious soufflé, fruit drink or sweet and sour sauce, all these dishes can be found on our website. A whole library of various tips is at the service of readers! If you have never stood at the stove, no problem, we will help you make a very simple dish in just ten minutes. Now even baking a cake is not a problem, because it is enough to choose a recipe that matches your culinary experience and knowledge, and bring it to life. Today we will talk about carrots and their benefits for the human body. It is known that the vegetable is a valuable source of beta-carotene and vitamin A. These substances are necessary for normal growth and differentiation of cells, they directly affect the functioning of the immune system, increasing its resistance. Regular consumption of carrots allows you to maintain vision at the proper level, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors insist that the maximum benefit of the vegetable is achieved if it is consumed together with other fat-containing products. These include sour cream, cream, walnuts, olive and other vegetable oils. We will tell you about the most delicious and healthy dish, or rather about the procedure for its preparation. Carrot pie is a great start to the day and a wonderful reason to gather the whole family at the same table. Let's look at simple recipes that, we hope, will help diversify your culinary life, making it not only tasty, but also healthy.

Beta-carotene pie with kefir

The name of the dish speaks for itself - it's clear,that the main component of carrot pie is an orange-yellow vegetable full of vitamins. For many housewives, baking a dessert still remains a problem: some lack practice in this matter, others lack talent. But this does not mean that you need to give up and completely surrender to the power of store-bought sweets. We will tell you a simple recipe for an incredibly appetizing and, what is also important, very healthy delicacy on kefir, which you can easily prepare at home. Ingredients:

  • a glass of sugar
  • two eggs
  • 250 milliliters of high fat kefir
  • a pinch of sea salt
  • vegetable oil to process the mold
  • a glass of well-sieved flour
  • two small carrots
  • 200 grams of small semolina
  • 0.5 small spoonful of baking soda
  • ground cinnamon - at least ½ small spoon
  • half a lemon (only zest is needed)

For decoration:

  • cocoa powder or powdered sugar

Method of preparation:This is, one might say, an improved and healthier recipe for manna. It is very simple and economical, the latter applies not only to money, but also to time. Try to make the dish yourself and you will see for yourself. So, first, take all the necessary ingredients out of the refrigerator, they should be warm, or rather, at room temperature. To knead the dough, pour the amount of granulated sugar and sea salt specified in the recipe into the kefir and cover everything with semolina. Now mix the mixture thoroughly, cover it with a lid and put it aside. In the meantime, you should sift the flour very well - repeat the procedure two or three times. All recipes are different: one dish does not involve the use of eggs, in another, on the contrary, they must be present. Let's consider the last option: beat the whites and yolks into a lush, homogeneous foam together with cinnamon. Then grate the carrots and lemon zest on the smallest grater, add them to the above ingredients, pour the sifted flour and quicklime soda here. Mix everything vigorously with a whisk, making sure that any lumps that have formed dissolve completely. The mixture should be moderately thick. The recipe, and therefore the cooking procedure, is coming to an end. There is only a little left to do: treat the inner edges and the bottom of the pan with refined oil and pour the dough into it. To make the product look beautiful, very carefully level it on top with a spatula, then put it in the oven and bake for about half an hour. The optimal temperature at which the carrot pie does not burn and is baked evenly is 180 degrees. When the product is covered with a beautiful golden-orange crust, take it out of the oven and let it cool. Then carefully take it out of the pan, put it on a flat plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar or cocoa. The dessert goes very well with sour cream - before serving, cut the pie into several portions, distribute on saucers and pour over the dairy product. If you want to improve the dish, try making a sweet cream. Here is a basic recipe: combine homemade cream with vanilla sugar and beat thoroughly with a mixer until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed. Cut the cake into two equal parts, treat the bottom with sauce and cover with the second product on top. A very simple and healthy pie is ready. Enjoy your meal!carrot pie

Carrot and nut pie «Health»

Take a very simple recipe, add to itfresh products, a little imagination, season everything with your own culinary experience - and you will get an incredibly delicious pie. And if you add one or two grated carrots, then in addition to everything else, the dish will also be incredibly healthy. Using these recommendations, we suggest preparing a moderately sweet, but very delicate dessert with nuts. In fact, there are many variations of this dish: without eggs, with raisins, with cottage cheese, based on kefir and others. We hope that you will like the pie with the promising name "Health". Ground cinnamon gives it a unique taste and aroma, and nuts and carrots give an additional boost of vitamins, vigor and a great mood. Ingredients: For the dough:

  • 300 grams of carrots, grated on a fine grater
  • ½ cup fried and crushed walnuts ("almonds" and "peanuts" also look "very good" in this dish)
  • five grams of soda (it is not necessary to extinguish it)
  • 270 grams of wheat flour
  • salt - to taste
  • one and a half small spoons of baking powder
  • five eggs
  • Ground cinnamon - about 0.5 tablespoon
  • 290 grams of granulated sugar or powder
  • 240 milliliters of good vegetable oil
  • eight grams of vanilla extract

For the cream:

  • 180 milliliters of fatty sour cream
  • vanillin
  • 85 grams of sugar
  • lemon peel - if desired

Method of preparation:The recipe for a nut-carrot pie will come in handy for lovers of tasty and healthy food. Making the dough for it is not a problem, because it is very unpretentious and does not require special skills from the author. It is enough to grind the ingredients and combine them in one dish. Let's look at the procedure from the very beginning. So, turn on the oven, then process the inside of the form in which you plan to cook the dish with oil and sprinkle with a small amount of flour. If you want the pie to have a crispy crust, we recommend replacing the wheat product with breadcrumbs. Note that the optimal oven temperature is 180 degrees. Now it's the turn of the eggs: put them in a bowl and beat thoroughly into a thick, fluffy foam. Then gradually add granulated sugar here, continuing to work with a whisk or mixer. The procedure of turning the eggs into a dense white mass takes about four to five minutes. When the mixture doubles or even triples in volume, becomes lighter and viscous, you can finish whipping. Pour vegetable oil into the resulting mass, and sift flour into a separate bowl, combining it with soda and baking powder, do not forget about cinnamon, vanilla extract, and salt (do not put too much, a pinch is enough). Now add the dry ingredients of the future pie to the egg mass and knead a loose dough. Just do this very carefully so that the consistency is uniform. Rinse, peel and grate the carrots into strips on a fine grater. As for the nuts, they should first be dried in a frying pan, and then crushed. Place both products in the dough and work with a spoon. Pour the resulting mass into a pre-prepared form and put it in the oven. After about 45 minutes, when the product is covered with a crispy crust, open the oven door and check its readiness. It is very easy to do this - pierce the carrot cake with a wooden match or skewer: if they remain dry, then you can serve the dessert on the table. Just let it cool down first. The delicate dish is sprinkled with powdered sugar, poured with chocolate glaze, but we offer another recipe. Try to make an appetizing sweet cream: take heavy sour cream, add vanilla, sugar, and, if desired, add a little grated lemon or orange zest. Then beat the ingredients into a dense, homogeneous mass. It can be applied on top of the product or cut the pie into two parts, then grease the first cake and cover with the second, tightly connecting them together. Treat the dish on all sides with the remaining cream. For decoration, you can take some fresh berries or fruits. We hope that this healthy recipe will become your calling card. Cook simply, quickly and deliciously.

Oatmeal pie with carrots and nuts

Recipes for desserts and dough dishes are soso varied that you can practice cooking every day if you want. If you want, make a lean carrot pie or add kefir to it (some use sour cream). Right now we will consider a slightly different option - we will prepare an appetizing delicacy with milk. You will need fresh apples, golden raisins, and thanks to honey, nuts and cinnamon, the dish will turn out incredibly aromatic and tasty. Please note that all the products included in the recipe are very healthy. And one more weighty and important argument for most women: the pie is not too high in calories, so after eating two or three pieces, you can not worry about your figure. And now let's move from words directly to deeds. Ingredients:

  • 250 grams of small oatmeal
  • homemade eggs - three pieces
  • a glass of not very cold pasteurized milk
  • 55 milliliters of refined oil
  • sugar or powder - 100 grams
  • two large spoons of melted honey
  • large carrots
  • 100 grams of almonds (you can replace it with ordinary walnuts)
  • vanillin - optional
  • two medium sweet apples
  • 100 grams of golden soft raisins
  • three grams of table salt
  • small spoonful of baking powder
  • ground cinnamon


  • whipped cream or powdered sugar - at your discretion

Method of preparation: Рецепты выпечки на молоке хороши тем, что блюдо получается очень нежным и мягким, а разрыхлитель придает ему пышность. Кстати, последний ингредиент смело можно заменить небольшим количеством пищевой соды (будет достаточно трех-четырёх щепоток). Что касается орехов, то тут каждой хозяйке предоставляется выбор, ведь блюдо вкусное и с грецкими орехами, и с миндалем, и арахис тоже подойдет. Подберите сладкие яблоки — они отлично оттенят вкус моркови, сделают изделие невероятно аппетитным. Лучше использовать не слишком крупные хлопья, однако если вы взяли именно такие, размельчите их при помощи блендера, что позволит приготовить более однородное и нежное тесто. Затем залейте овсянку молоком, заранее подогретым в микроволновой печи, плотно накройте крышкой и на десять-пятнадцать минут уберите в сторону. Изюм опустите в кипяток и подождите, пока он разбухнет. После удалите лишнюю жидкость, а сам золотистый сухофрукт высушите бумажным полотенцем. С яблок аккуратно срежьте шкурку, выньте сердцевину, затем натрите фрукты на тёрке, точно так же следует поступить и с морковью. Теперь оба этих ингредиента соедините в одной посуде с изюмом, сюда же бросьте несколько щепоток муки. Касательно последней отметим, что за какое бы блюдо вы ни взялись, — торт, пирог, пирожные — всегда просеивайте пшеничный продукт. Только в этом случае изделия хорошо поднимаются и получаются воздушными. Куриные яйца, сахар, а также ванилин и немного соли выложите в одну посуду и активными движениями венчика взбейте. Когда смесь приобретет однородность и увеличится в объеме, добавьте разбухшую овсянку, растительное масло, растопленный на паровой бане мёд и оранжевый овощ. Опять перемешайте, затем сюда же выложите яблоки, изюм, корицу, потом высыпьте просеянную вместе с разрыхлителем муку. В самом конце введите подсушенные на сковороде и размельченные в блендере орехи. Замесите в меру жидкое тесто, следите, чтобы в нем не осталось ни единого комка. Хорошо обработайте внутренности посуды для выпечки рафинированным растительным маслом. Если у вас найдется пергамент или специальная бумага, просто отлично! Застелите ими дно и края формы, потом вылейте в нее готовую массу и поставьте будущий пирог в духовой шкаф, разогретый до 180 градусов. Приготовление овсяно-морковного лакомства занимает в среднем от 40 минут до одного часа. Все зависит от мощности конкретной печи. Когда блюдо покроется аппетитной корочкой, приобретет красивый оранжево-золотистый оттенок, аккуратно достаньте его из формы и остудите. Потом посыпьте сахарной пудрой или полейте взбитыми сливками. Истинные сластены могут украсить пирог глазурью. Существует множество рецептов: постные на воде с какао, с черным или молочным шоколадом, некоторые добавляют в сладкий соус сгущенку. Возможно, вам придется по вкусу следующий рецепт: на минимальном огне подогрейте магазинное молоко, только не доводите его до кипения. Затем высыпьте в посуду несколько ложек какао-порошка, сахар и щепотку гвоздики или корицы. Варите, регулярно перемешивая ложкой, потом добавьте небольшой кусочек размягченного сливочного масла. Глазурь томится до тех пор, пока все ингредиенты полностью не растворятся, смесь должна достаточно загустеть. Когда она остынет, полейте ею свое морковно-овсяное творение и зовите близких за стол. Желаем приятной и вкусной трапезы! carrot cake recipe

Carrot-cottage cheese dessert

Nutritionists do not recommend consuming too muchlots of sweets. After all, as you know, it is harmful not only to your figure, but also to your health. However, we will share the secrets of making a simple and very appetizing delicacy that does not have the slightest negative effect on the human body. On the contrary, a pie with carrots, cottage cheese and raisins is an excellent option for a light snack or breakfast. With such a dish, the day will definitely start with a smile. Therefore, remember the recipe and try it out in practice. Good luck. Ingredients:

  • 300 grams of tender cottage cheese (you can use it both home and shop.) This is not a matter of principle)
  • two eggs
  • ten grams of melted aromatic honey
  • carrots - one piece (take a large vegetable)
  • 25 grams of raisins boiled in boiling water
  • ten grams of melted butter
  • breadcrumbs - enough two spoons (canteens)
  • Vanillin - at your discretion
  • salt

Method of preparation:Vegetable oil is naturally added to lean pies, but this recipe requires a butter product. Put it in a preheated saucepan and melt it. Then add the carrots, previously peeled and grated into small strips. If you do not have a grater, simply chop the vegetable into thin strips. Sauté it over low heat, stirring constantly. The main thing is to remove the carrots from the stove in time, otherwise they will burn. As soon as the “beta-carotene” ingredient brightens and becomes soft, remove it from the heat. Now rub the cottage cheese through a sieve twice, you can mash it with a regular fork. Then pour hot water over the golden raisins and set aside for a while. While it swells, thoroughly beat homemade eggs with a whisk, pour in a few grams of vanillin and table salt. The mixture should be uniform and light, when you achieve this state, combine it with cottage cheese, add liquid honey and raisins. The latter, by the way, should first be well dried, use paper napkins or a towel for this. And the final stage: put the sautéed carrots into the dough and stir the mass a couple more times. Then pour it into a glass or metal form greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Incredibly delicious carrot pie (you will be able to see this a little later, having tried the product) is baked at a medium temperature. The most suitable is considered to be 190 degrees. Note the time and after about half an hour, take the dish out. If it is covered with a crust and is cooked enough from the inside, take the dessert out of the form and put it to cool. Cooking should not only be appetizing, but also beautiful to look at. Therefore, sprinkle the pie with powder or put fresh berries on it. We hope you liked the recipes reviewed. Now you know how to cook healthy food.

