care for the skin of the body with folk remedies As a rule, women look after the face muchmore carefully than behind the body. It is to him - the person - the most expensive creams, the most nutritious masks and various cosmetic procedures are meant. And the body gets much less attention. And the justifications are almost always the same - there is no possibility to regularly visit various SPA-salons, and at home all these procedures simply do not have enough time. In addition, and money for various means to care go a lot ... Well, these are arguments, of course, weighty. However, there would be a desire - there is always a way out. You will be able to take care of your body without leaving home and with minimal costs, if you "return to the origins" - remember the people's recipes. Even professional cosmetologists say that regular care of the skin of the body by folk remedies is not worse, and sometimes more effective than visiting salons. True, at first it would not be bad to understand why this "mass neglect" arose for one's own body. In fact, this approach is quite understandable. After all, it is customary to take care, first of all, of the most defenseless. And the body, as it seems to us for a number of reasons, is reliably protected. First, the skin on the body is not as thin and tender as on the face. So, and all the undesirable changes with it begin to happen much later. Secondly, the body is hidden under clothing, which protects it from wind, sun, rain and other troubles. In addition, this very clothing successfully hides almost all minor flaws. So it turns out that the body delivers far fewer reasons for experiencing ... for the time being, until the time. However, as one understanding person said: "It's sad, but in ten to fifteen years even the most beautiful women will be older by five years". That is life. Do not wait for the moment when one day, looking at yourself in the mirror, you suddenly realize that you have missed something very important. And your well-groomed, young face does not really "fit" with the body's lost tonus, flabby skin. The saddest thing is that, without proper care, this "cup" does not pass even those who lead an active and healthy lifestyle. After all, even trained, relief muscles can not hide age if the skin has lost its elasticity. And regular diets are not useful to her at all. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the body no less carefully than about the face. Moreover, this care must be systematic and daily - emergency "manipulation", conducted two weeks before the planned vacation, there is no way. What is required for our body? Yes, almost the same thing as a person - cleansing, periodic exfoliation of dead cells, moisturizing, nourishment. However, the means for care will be different. This is understandable - the skin is different, more "thick". So, means for the face with it can not cope.


The main way to cleanse the skin is, of course,daily shower During this procedure, excess sebum, sweat and other contaminants are washed off the skin. Do not make the water too hot - high temperatures badly affect the skin, drying it. Moderation is needed in everything. During the "water procedures" it is very useful to do a light massage. Take a brush, a shaggy mitten or a washcloth and, starting with the foot, move upwards in a circular motion. Such a massage will remove dead skin cells and improve metabolic processes. The statement that soap and shower gel dry the skin is not entirely fair. Modern means contain enough alkali and are suitable for daily use, provided that you have oily or normal skin. For dry skin, it is better to use baby shower gels. You can also resort to "half-measures" - to soap "completely" every other day. And on other days, use detergent only for the most "important" places - feet, genitals, armpits. However, there is another way - to make a shower gel yourself. Gel "Oatmeal with honey". To produce it you will need:

  • liquid soap base;
  • Shea Butter;
  • sesame oil;
  • honey;
  • olive oil;
  • powdered milk;
  • oatmeal;
  • sea ​​salt

Take about 50 grams of soapy "base"place it in a glass bowl and add a teaspoon of oil of all sorts. Stir everything thoroughly. In order to better all dissolved, you can take another container - a larger size - to fill it with hot water and put your bowl there. Now add one small spoonful of honey and two - milk powder. Stir again. Next - turn the oatmeal. Pre-it must be grinded. Add two teaspoons. To mix the oats better, you can use a mixer. Well, the last ingredient is sea salt. She will make the gel thicker. Salt should be very little - half a teaspoon. If sea salt was not found - no problem, and the usual food. To "amuse" your sense of smell, you can add essential oils or even food flavors to the gel. However, this is a matter of taste. The gel is ready, you can serve: "Oatmeal, ma'am ...". Another way to cleanse the skin is to take a bath. Taking a bath is not only pleasant, but also very useful - this procedure normalizes metabolism, improves blood circulation and, moreover, perfectly calms the nerves. The main thing is not to "go too far" with the temperature of the water and the time of "reclining". The temperature should be no higher than 36-37 degrees, and the time for the procedure is not more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, instead of the desired benefit, only harm will be. One more thing. For taking baths, it is not recommended to use the products that you wash in the shower. After all, they are designed for short-term exposure - soap and immediately wash off everything. And what can you add to the water? There is a lot of interesting, and most importantly, useful! - recipes.

  • "Sea wave"

All you need to feel yourselfat the resort - sea salt. The bath should take about 350 grams. Thoroughly dissolve it in water and dip into this homemade "sea". Such baths should be taken every other day. After 10 procedures, you will feel that the skin is smooth and elastic. Bath "Spicy". To prepare it, you need 12-14 leaves of bay leaf. Pour them with boiling water and leave to boil for half an hour. After that, add the infusion into the filled bath and stir. Such baths very well soothe the nervous system, and also relieve irritation and redness of the skin.

  • Do you want to feel like Cleopatra? Then you will fit a milk bath

According to legend, she was very fond of the Egyptianqueen. To organize personal "milk rivers" at home, you will need honey and, of course, milk. Just do not take powder - there will not be any sense. Ideal for natural cow. If you are a "child of a megapolis" and you can not buy natural milk, you can replace it with "Mozhaysky". Pour into a bowl one liter, add 300 grams of honey and mix thoroughly. Now it's time to warm up a little and you can pour into the bath. folk remedies for body skin care


However, in order for your skin to always lookfresh and toned, simple cleansing is not enough. Therefore, proper skin care of the body necessarily includes deep cleansing - peeling. This procedure allows you to "throw off the old skin", which stimulates the renewal of cells. If you have dry skin, then you need to peel once a week. If fatty - two times. How to properly use the product for peeling - scrub? Apply the product to the damp skin. Take a massage glove, a brush with natural bristles or a sponge. Carefully apply a scrub to the body. To distribute it follows rotational movements, moving from bottom to top. Cosmetologists recommend a certain sequence of application of the drug. First, we "understand" with our feet. Gently massage the outer, and then the inner surface of the right foot. Repeat the same on the left. Then we go to the stomach and "process" it from the bottom up. Then - the right breast. Massage should be starting with the axilla and moving to the décolleté zone. Repeat the procedure with another breast. The skin on the abdomen and chest is very tender, so do not rub it too much. Quite enough easy movements. Then - hands. And, finally, the back. The back is first massaged too from the bottom up, and then on the sides, movements directed towards the spine. Pay special attention to the "problem" places - feet, elbows, knees. If you have birth marks or wounds on your body, be very careful not to injure them. Leave the scrub for five minutes, and then rinse off with lukewarm water. Gently pat the skin with a towel. Can I make a scrub myself? Of course. Here, for example, several recipes: Scrub "With peppercorn" For its preparation you will need:

  • cinnamon;
  • coarse salt;
  • olive oil;
  • chopped black pepper.

Take four large large spoons (preferably,salt) and add to it half the teaspoon of the remaining ingredients. Stir and gently apply to the skin. Such a scrub is especially good for avid athletes - thanks to pepper and cinnamon, the effect of exercise increases. Scrub "Orange" This product is perfect for those who struggle with cellulite. You will need:

  • orange;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • olive oil.

Take five large spoons of salt and mix itwith one teaspoon of olive oil. Wash the orange and grate it - without removing the peel - on a large grater. Stir again, apply to the body and leave for 5-6 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Scrub "Coffee" For cooking you will need

  • sour cream;
  • honey;
  • olive oil;
  • ground coffee.

Oil, honey and sour cream are taken in the same proportion - one tablespoon each. Coffee will need four spoons. Then, as always, mix and apply to the skin. proper skin care for the body

Moisturizing and nourishing

Every time after water procedures - and, of course,after peeling - on the skin you need to apply a moisturizer or lotion. You can also make them yourself. There are some very simple folk recipes. Oriental lotion. Take 100 milliliters of orange, lemon or grapefruit juice and put it on a water bath. Add 100 ml. honey and as much vegetable oil. It is best to use olive or almond. Stir, allow to cool and apply to the skin. Rose petal lotion Ingredients:

  • rose petals;
  • baking soda;
  • glycerol;
  • lime juice.

You need 50 grams of petals. Just do not use the store roses - when they grow and store, too many chemicals are used, which, of course, will not benefit your skin. Flowers should be ecologically clean - it's best to collect them on your site. Fill the flowers with hot water - it will be enough to take 500 ml. - Bring to a boil and boil for about five minutes. Let the rose water cool, add one small spoon of baking soda, stir. To prepare the lotion will require only 5 large spoons of the product. To the rose water, add three large spoons of lime juice and two - glycerin. The lotion is ready. By the way, it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, so, if desired, you can make it and more. The remaining pink water will also go into the business - pour it into the bottle with an atomizer and spray on the skin after the shower. Cream "Advanced" The basis of this cream is your usual body lotion. An additional ingredient is the cream of the largest fat content. These components are taken in the ratio 2: 1. That is, two parts of the cream need to take one - cream. All thoroughly mix and apply on, towel-dried, body immediately after the bath or shower. To prepare such cream it is necessary directly before drawing - it very quickly spoils. Of course, the modern beauty industry does not stand still and, if desired, to pick up and buy any cosmetic product will not be difficult. But why, if the folk remedies for skin care are not worse? However, it's up to you, of course. It's a matter of taste. The main thing, no matter what - by purchased or homemade - means you decide to use, do not forget that the skin of the body needs care. A little time, a little attention and your body will always be well-groomed. So, you can be proud of it for many, many years. We advise you to read:

