cream against cellulite Cream of cellulite - one of the mostcommon means of combating this unpleasant cosmetic defect. Despite the abundance of the latest inventions - wraps, various types of massage, mesotherapy, hirudotherapy - it is the cream that remains the most popular among wrestlers for the smoothness of the skin. And it's not surprising, because everyone can afford it, and the simplicity of its application captivates. At each women's forum, you can find the topic "advise the best cream against cellulite", but everywhere the answers will be different, contradictory to each other, because different women have different means, because we are all individual. Some reviews of the cream from cellulite (and any!) Are praised, others, on the contrary, have a negative content. How to understand all the variety of means offered by the beauty industry? Obviously, it is necessary to properly understand everything. And to try, try, try ...

What is cellulite?

Cellulite (or the so-called "orange"crust ") - it's just small dimples and tubercles on the buttocks, hips, abdomen, and sometimes on the sides and even on the hands. Usually it appears either under the influence of hormonal changes, or because of other factors: unhealthy lifestyle, in particular, malnutrition, smoking. His role is played by heredity, and an abundance of stresses, and a bad ecology. There is even a point of view that cellulite can appear as a result of wearing too tight clothes, because of this there is a violation of blood circulation. Often its appearance is associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause. Unfortunately, none of us is immune from the appearance of a "crust", and if before it was believed that cellulite loves full women, now this myth is refuted. According to statistics, this trouble happens with four women out of five. Men in this sense have much more luck, because the appearance of tuberosity on the skin is a consequence of the "pangs" of female hormones. They disrupt the metabolism in the subcutaneous fat tissue, the necessary amount of oxygen ceases to flow to the tissues of the body, and toxins and fat cease to be excreted from the body. Fabrics harden and form irregularities in the skin, and over the years the problem is only aggravated. In our time, women are trying their best to defeat the ill-fated "orange peel", they are trying to buy the most effective cream from cellulite, saving money for the most modern expensive procedures, being afraid of dimples on the buttocks, like fire. But it was not always so… the best cream against cellulite

A bit of history

In the Renaissance in paintings of any greatartist (if, of course, he wrote people), women appeared with touching dimples on the soft parts of the body. Cellulite was sung and admired by him. It is worth taking a look at the masterpieces of Rubens or Rembrandt, Titian and Boucher that have survived to this day, and we will see how carefully all the wrinkles and roughness of the skin on the bodies of naked models are neatly drawn. Do not hesitate to capture the "orange peel" and sculptors, and women never even had to worry about the irregularities on the hips, as well as because of their fullness, and puzzle over the question of which cream for cellulite is better. But then came the cruel twentieth century, gradually the reign of sport and a new female figure - strong, tightened, with developed muscles and perfectly smooth skin began to reign. And we have to pay for this fashion! It is difficult to answer unequivocally whether the cream helps with cellulite, because each of us has our own experience and own characteristics of the organism. The same tool can be effective for one, and for the other - absolutely useless. The result depends on how carefully we follow the instructions, and on our desire. Buying even the best cream against cellulite, it is better to immediately read the recommendations on the packaging and, realizing that you can not follow them, refuse to purchase this product.

Application rules

There are several general rules of usecream. First, to begin with, the skin on problem areas must be treated with peeling or scrub to remove the dead skin particles. Secondly, the skin should be warmed up by active rubbing with a special massager, washcloth or just a hand (on the preheated skin all the ingredients begin to work more actively than on the cold). And only after that the cream is applied against cellulite. After that, start doing a ten-minute massage (you can use manual or special electric massagers). For the most patient, a method of cold or hot wrapping is suggested. On the hips and abdomen apply an even layer of cream, and on top wrapped with ordinary food film or a special film for wraps. Turning around with a film, remember that it does not need to squeeze the body, violating blood circulation. This will only exacerbate the problem. Cold wrapping lasts thirty to ninety minutes, and hot - from fifteen minutes to half an hour. Doing both physical exertion, you risk damaging your heart. Therefore, it is better to just read a book in silence, listen to music or do household chores. Then remove the film and take a warm shower. For wrapping, it is better to choose an effective cellulite cream containing clay or seaweed, which, when heated, activate blood circulation, while strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Wrapping procedure is best done no more than three times a week. Do not be in a hurry to rejoice when you see that extra centimeters have melted on your hips, usually this is only a short-term effect from the escape of excess water from the tissues, and by no means a reduction in the fatty layer. The real results will be visible not earlier than in a couple of months, after all, we have accumulated fat for years, and not for one day.

Hot and cold wraps

Hot wraps contribute to the expansionvessels. Thanks to the activation of blood circulation, a heat effect is created. The pores of the skin open, the toxins are removed from the depth to the surface. The procedure is very effective, it's not for nothing that it is done not only at home, but also in most self-respecting beauty salons. However, if you suffer from varicose veins, this procedure does not suit you categorically. Cold wraps, on the contrary, contribute to the narrowing of the vessels and the transfer of toxins to the internal cleansing organs. For wrapping, you can use both a cellulite cream and a special cooling gel. Some people prefer to combine two types of procedure - hot on the places of accumulation of adipose tissue, cold - in areas with flabby skin. Contraindications to the procedure: gynecological, cardiovascular, skin diseases, a tendency to hypertension. Do not forget before wrapping it is good to clean the skin with a scrub, preferably with sea salt, and make a warming massage to achieve the best effect.

anti-cellulite cream

The components of the cream against cellulite

To date, the beauty industry gives usthe ability to choose the right remedy from a huge range of anti-cellulite creams. However, doctors acknowledge that a panacea that guarantees complete disposal of the "orange peel" does not yet exist in nature. Many cosmetic products only make the skin softer and visually tighten it, but do not solve the problem completely. In addition, most of them help only at the initial stage of defect development, that is before we pay attention to its appearance. Even the long-term use of the most expensive and most effective cream from cellulite should be one of the points of complex impact on the body. In addition to massage and thorough rubbing of the cream in the problem areas, you need to eat right (otherwise all your efforts will be reduced to nothing) and actively engage in sports. There are even whole sets of exercises aimed at combating the annoying phenomenon. And to choose the best cream, you need to know what substances should be included in its composition:

  • The extract of ivy possesses regenerating properties, raises the elasticity of the skin, improves the permeability of cells.
  • Extract of horse chestnut strengthens the walls of blood vessels and removes excess fluid from the subcutaneous tissue.
  • Horsetail extract makes the skin smooth, maintains the level of collagen in the skin.
  • Extract of seaweed helps to remove toxins from the body.

In the composition of effective cellulite creams usuallythere are essential oils (grapefruit, orange, cypress, lemon, bergamot, sandalwood, etc.), which easily penetrate the skin and carry out the drainage procedure from the inside, making it more elastic. A good sign is that if you find vitamins A, B5, C, E among the components of the anti-cellulite remedy (they accelerate the process of appearance of new cells and the production of collagen) and mineral salts that purify the body of accumulated harmful substances. Usually have good reviews of cellulite cream containing caffeine. But with it you need to be more careful, since it has contraindications to the application. People with an excitable nervous system, as well as suffering from problems with pressure, it is better to abandon the means containing caffeine. In addition, it is not suitable for use shortly before sleep and during sports. And perhaps, it is worth noting that the effect even of the best cream from cellulite can be expected only in two or three months. And this is the case if you do not forget about the diet, about massage, and about regular physical activities.

Selecting Users

After reading thematic topics on women's forums,where users are actively figuring out which cellulite cream is best, you can make a list of the tools that women most trust and who collected the most positive reviews. So, the most effective creams from cellulite according to the version of female readers are:

  • Means "Lyposyne" from "Vichy";
  • Roller gel "Garnier";
  • Gel-cream "Active fat burner" "Fitness-body" from "Floresan";
  • Anti-cellulite cream Body Contouring;
  • Cream from stretch marks "Soin Complet Spécial Vergetures" from "Clarins";
  • Cream "Laser Effect" from "Avon";
  • "Energie Vegetale" from "Yves Rocher";
  • Gel-cream "Good-bye, Cellulite" from "NIVEA";
  • Massage cream from "Viteks";
  • «Bikini» from «Christian Dior».
  • Please note that the funds are listed in therandom order. As can be seen from the list, any of us can find a suitable tool for every taste and the capabilities of just his wallet. After all, just having tried not one cosmetic novelty, we will be able to find out whether the cream helps with cellulite in fact. But do not forget that the key to the success of any cream will be primarily control over your diet and careful diet, constant physical activity, regular sessions of hard massage, rejection of bad habits, and most importantly - perseverance in achieving the goal. We advise you to read:

