buckwheat diet for 3 days "Buckwheat is not only a valuable dietaryproduct, but also minus five or six kilograms of excess weight, "- that's how a well-known sold-out joke would sound if humorists decided to tell about such a wonderful product as buckwheat. Accustomed absolutely to everyone and everyone, ordinary buckwheat is just a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. In it there is almost half of the entire table of Mendeleyev: iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, boron, potassium, iodine - can be continued for a long time. Buckwheat porridge, which we have loved since childhood, is especially recommended for those who suffer from liver disease, hypertension and many other diseases. But what is most pleasant - with this delicious croup you can easily and quickly lose weight. Despite the fact that the product has a lot of calories (it is believed that one hundred grams of boiled buckwheat - three hundred and thirty-five kilocalories), diets with this cereal are most effective. For example, a buckwheat diet for 3 days will help you get rid of 3-4 kg! And this despite the fact that you practically will not feel hunger with such a nutritious product as buckwheat. Thanks to the high content of vegetable protein, this croup allows you to do without protein and fat components, which means you can forget about meat and fish for these three days. So it turns out that with the help of buckwheat kashka you can lose weight by leaps and bounds. By the way, garnish from buckwheat can be ordered with equal success both in a cheap factory canteen and in a fashionable expensive restaurant - in both cases your order will be a sign of good taste. Just buckwheat in our country is respected by everyone - and low-income comrades from the periphery, and rich gentlemen with Rublyovka. Why such a nationwide love for the product?

Love of buckwheat

And this love began ever since the KievRussia, when the Greek merchants brought it to us for trial (in honor of the Greeks "buckwheat" and called). Our ancestors liked the product so much that it is still considered to be originally Russian: after all, not only porridge, but also pancakes, pies and soups is prepared from it. In those days buckwheat was not just loved - people sincerely believed in the miraculous power of the "triangular grain". To this day it has become a popular belief that before the most important events of his life in Russia they ate buckwheat, in order to become stronger physically and spiritually. But in Europe buckwheat has not been tried until now, and they bred it only for the sake of buckwheat honey. Although, they say, in some regions of Italy the dried buckwheat grains are peeling, as we have sunflower seeds - yes, only to our passion for this miracle croup Europeans are far away. It is not surprising, because it is not easy to grow it - the culture is very whimsical and difficult to grow. And the average yields are not particularly high - only four to five centners per hectare (for comparison, wheat - fifty quintals per hectare). Despite all these difficulties, buckwheat in our country is planted with huge areas. Besides us, they also respect Asians. In Japan, many settlements and water bodies are named in her honor, and they already eat it no less than ours - it's true, not porridge, but noodles from buckwheat flour. In Korea, biscuits from buckwheat for any holiday - it's like that for us Olivier in the New Year - without them anywhere! But, perhaps, the Chinese have surpassed all: from buckwheat they make chocolate, jams and even liqueurs. And how can you not love buckwheat, because, in addition to all the valuable properties, this grain is 100% green! Weeds are not afraid of it, which means that they do not poison her with chemicals at all - is this not a reason for her confidence in her complete safety for health? Well, in addition, buckwheat has never been subjected to the process of gene modification. buckwheat diet

The essence of the three-day buckwheat diet

In fact, the varieties of buckwheat diets -weight, but it is the three-day is considered optimal for the body. Such a diet will benefit not only your figure, but also health in general, because in its action it resembles fasting days. And let's not forget that in the buckwheat contain vitamins very important for the body - PP, group B and group P. In addition to general health, they can improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, and magnesium helps fight depression. And what could be better for a woman than a product that helps to lose weight, improve health and cheer up at the same time? So what is this wonderful three-day diet, thanks to which you can throw more than three kilograms of excess weight? A diet is the most common - just for three days you can not eat anything, except boiled buckwheat. And you do not need to salt and sweeten the groats, otherwise you will not achieve the desired effect. In addition, to cook buckwheat in the usual way, like porridge, it is impossible: for a diet a completely different method of preparation is suitable. In the evening before going to bed, fill one glass of buckwheat with two or two and a half cups of boiling water and wrap it in a dense cloth to insist. By morning you will get a good crumbly porridge (do not forget: without salt and sugar!) In addition to cereal, you need to drink as much as possible during the whole diet - at least two to three liters of liquid per day. Of course, no sweet drinks are allowed, you can drink only clean water. The only indulgence for those who can not imagine life without a cup of coffee or tea in the morning is breakfast. In the morning, one cup of a favorite drink is not forbidden, of course, without milk and sugar. And if you drink tea, then choose green.

Indulgences for slimming

Despite the fact that buckwheat is quite high in caloriesand a nutritious product, not all can sustain a similar diet all three days. If you can not tolerate one single product for three days, then try to soften the diet slightly. Do not torture yourself and let a few low-calorie foods to diversify your diet.

  • The most popular way to "dilute" buckwheatdiet - add one liter of low-fat kefir to the menu. Buy 1% kefir and drink it during the day, but remember: fruit 1% kefir for a diet are not suitable, buy the usual without additives and sweeteners. Buttermilk and whey for buckwheat diet are also not suitable.
  • If you feel a strong hunger, and buckwheatTo look forces already is not present, that besides the put ration allow itself one apple or a grapefruit in day. Apple choose green varieties to be unsweetened.
  • If you are a sweet tooth and without sugar your life is not sweet, then you can eat a little dried fruit. Only do not gorge on them to the heap: not more than five pieces per day are allowed!
  • If your lifestyle involves seriousmental loads, then without glucose, you will feel bad: in addition to absentmindedness and general weakness, the head may begin to hurt. In such cases, you can drink a glass of warm water with a diluted teaspoon of natural honey.
  • And do not forget, indulgence is a businessexclusive, to apply them "all at once" is not worth it. Still, to withstand a diet is not easy work; respect your efforts and do not ruin the result. Even if you follow a diet, try to supper no later than four hours before bedtime. diet for 3 days

    Exit from the diet: keep yourself in hand!

    To go out with a three-day buckwheat diet is also necessaryCaution. Believe me, this is no less important than staying three days on one buckwheat. After all, if you decide to lose weight (really decided, but do not make "another attempt"), then one diet is clearly not enough. You will need all your willpower to accustom your body to proper nutrition and physical exertion. Otherwise, unfortunately, nothing at all. Lose weight once and for all for three days - it's like a lifetime of sinning and messing around, and in three days to repent and get to heaven. So after a diet try not to eat fat and flour, consume no more than 600Kcal per day. To leave the diet you need the same number of days as the diet itself lasted. They hungered for three days - the same number and stick to a six-hundred-kilogram diet a day. But even after this time, try not to let "all the heavy", consume your daily calorie rate (on average - 1500Kcal / day). No matter how much you love buckwheat, but there are three days in a row - it's not an easy task. And despite a lot of valuable properties and benefits for the body, buckwheat, or rather, a diet on buckwheat can cause trouble with health. After all, many women have contraindications to such a diet or to starvation in principle. If during a diet you have severe dizziness, weakness, pain in the abdomen - immediately stop starving and return to your usual diet. Sit on any diet, including buckwheat, you can only those who do not have health problems. If you know that you have a serious illness and you are shown a special diet, then you can go on a diet only with the permission of a doctor. We advise you to read:

