grapefruit diet The medical properties of grapefruit have been known for a long time. Now they are actively used to burn fat in the subcutaneous fat. Dieticians have developed several versions of the diet using grapefruit for many "star" personalities, and later they became the property of all those who wish to quickly lose weight.

Essence and basic principles

Promotes the cleavage of fat cellsantioxidants, obtained by combining the flavonoid naringin, which is a part of grapefruit, with phenolic organic compounds. Naringin affects the enzymes of cytochromes, which are capable of splitting complex chemical compounds. The task of these catalysts is to regulate the respiratory functions of cells, the level of hormones in the blood and the utilization of toxins, including medicines. When cytochrome is blocked by naringin, some substances excluded from metabolic reactions accumulate unchanged. In fact, the grapefruit diet promotes good nutrition of body cells, but bad breath. As a result, the metabolic processes are activated, then the brain receives a signal, processes it and sends the stomach order an order to reduce the appetite, which is so important for losing weight. When diet is observed, the intake of sugar and fats in the body is significantly reduced. And these substances should participate in the delivery of nutrients to the cells, many of which the body absorbs only together with fat molecules (lipoproteins). Their deficiency is compensated by the extraction of the necessary fats from the accumulations at the waist and hips. At the same time, bile is actively produced, which breaks down fat, and we lose weight. 1 grapefruit can weigh 300 g, contain 90.89% water, and its caloric value is only 32. It contains potassium, which regulates the balance of water and salt in the body, which affects the work of the heart, heart rhythm, muscle tissue and nerves. Athletes and bodybuilders include this fruit in their diet, since the grapefruit diet does not reduce muscle tone, while increasing the motor activity, mobilizing accumulated reserves for it. Grapefruit Diet Menu

How to reduce weight

There is a grapefruit diet, as well as a protein diet. Loses at its observance of 3-5 kg ​​for a week, if there are no contraindications and various ailments at which medicines are taken. This applies to diseases of the excretory organs, especially the liver. Diet for weight loss does not allow the use of salt and sugar, sauce and fatty foods. Dairy, flour products, white vegetables, alcohol, carbonated drinks are completely excluded. The main condition - compliance with three meals a day without any "snacks" between meals. It is advisable to eat boiled or baked products. Fiber found in grapefruit is very important for weight loss. Thanks to her, a person does not feel hungry for a long time, gets rid of the slag that accumulated in the intestines. At the same time, the metabolism is normalized and split fats are released. Exchange processes accelerate essential oils and promote the assimilation of eaten foods, which is very important for losing weight.

Contraindications to use

Before you start to comply with the sour-bitter diet, you need to check the acidity of the gastric juice and examine the contraindications. The grapefruit diet can be prohibited if:

  • allergies to citrus fruits;
  • exacerbation of diseases, during which it is necessary to take medications and antihistamines;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;

Women who use contraception, grapefruitthe diet is not recommended because of the increase in blood levels of female hormones and blocking the drugs themselves grapefruit. In this case, you should choose other methods of contraception. the results of the grapefruit diet are visible after three days

Day menu options

The first menu option

  • Breakfast. The grapefruit diet consists of a fruit and a small amount of products containing protein: boiled meat, fish and eggs, cheese.
  • Dinner. Salad from vegetables, excluding potatoes. Suitable stewed or baked dishes with a slice of protein food and grapefruit.
  • Dinner. Diet for weight loss includes stale bread or toast (50-100 g), vegetable salad, baked meat, fish or egg.
  • During the day you need to drink plenty of water without gas (1l) and green tea (up to 1 liter), in the morning 1 tsp is added to it. honey. The meal ends before 18:00 with green tea. If you really want to have a snack between meals, then you are allowed 1 grapefruit or orange.

The second menu option

  • Breakfast. Eat a piece of bread (50 g) with a boiled egg, drink a cup of black coffee or tea with a slice of lemon, grapefruit juice (70 ml) or eat half of the fruit.
  • Dinner. Boiled eggs - 2 pieces, a cup of black coffee or tea with a slice of lemon, grapefruit juice (70 ml) or half of the fruit.
  • Dinner. Boiled eggs - 2 pcs., A cup of black coffee or tea with a slice of lemon, 70 ml of juice or half a grapefruit.
  • Grapefruit juice contains a small amountcalories, which is so important for losing weight. It is saturated with vitamins, nutrients and trace elements, so it is considered useful for a diet. And also the juice quickly restores its strength after active labor or sports training, burning excess fat.

As for eggs, their combination with citrus fruitsfruit creates a classic vitamin-mineral complex with the presence of low calorie and fat content. The composition of the yolk includes vitamins, amino acids, minerals and fats. Therefore, boiled eggs can be replaced with raw eggs. The egg includes 100 kcal, 300 mg of cholesterol at a daily norm for an adult - 500 mg. If we consider that the body can only absorb 2-5% of the cholesterol entering the stomach from the products, then the diet for weight loss, including grapefruit and egg, will slightly increase the cholesterol content in the blood, but reduce the total body weight by 3-4 kg in a week. To make the menu varied, it is necessary to distribute for weight loss for a day:

  • steam or grilled lean meat or fish in the amount of 200 grams;
  • vegetables: raw, stewed, steam, baked - not more than 1 kg;
  • low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir (at night), yogurt of own production - 100 grams;
  • 2-3 slices of rye or bread with bran (for breakfast, lunch);
  • per day use 2-3 grapefruit.

