how to part with a married man Being a mistress of a married man is not easy.fate for any single woman. Because despite regular meetings and short-term tides of happiness, loneliness does not go anywhere. Over time, comes the realization that a loved one will never decide to break with his wife and not marry you. Pass months and years, but a real, strong family with a loving husband and a bunch of kids as it was not, and no. How to part with a married man and give yourself a chance to find someone who will make you happy? how to part with a married man correctly

7 reasons to part with a married man

If you are reading this article, it means that in yourthe head is already ripe to get rid of the shackles and part with a married man. And if, despite your intuition, suggesting that this relationship has no future, in the depths of your soul you hope for the opposite, then we present to your attention 7 whole rational reasons why you should part better.

  • According to statistics, no more than 5% of married mendivorce their wives and go to their mistresses. But, worst of all, according to the same statistics, more than half of those who have left in a short time again return to their old families. There they are waited by wives and favorite children, there the adjusted life and the woman who has long ago learned to suffer its lacks and bad habits. Men do not really like change, and start building relationships from scratch where you can just have a good time, they do not really want.
  • Agree that your meetings are somewhat reminiscent ofan endless candy-bouquet period (at least for him)? Dating with you is a kind of a holiday, an opportunity to relax from family problems and everyday life. You, in turn, all this time, do not stop trying to conquer it, and for this purpose you create for the loved one the most favorable atmosphere - if only he does not want to leave you. And now, imagine: you are husband and wife. Does it not seem strange to him that having entered into his legal rights, you, just like his ex-wife, will begin to demand from him the performance of not very pleasant duties. What to do: family life is not only a holiday, but also a series of daily worries and hassle. The period of romantic love in a mistress ends at the moment when she acquires the status of a legitimate wife. And surely your lover guesses that you will immediately turn from an uninviting, all-knowing mistress to a strict, demanding woman. And what's his sense of changing "sewed on soap"?
  • However much you are passionate about each other, butin the depths of the soul you understand that your lover is deceiving you and your family. Despite all the assurances of eternal love, every evening he goes to his wife, children, where he lies with honest eyes about something about work, about late meetings. His wife can guess about the betrayal of her husband and hard to worry about it, and may not notice anything and indulge in a happy conviction that she has the strongest family in the world. For sure for yourself, you would not want such a "happiness" - to be deceived by your beloved husband. And he, in fact, deceives you. Because it gives a false hope for personal happiness, giving you, like handouts, time stolen from a legitimate wife. From which, despite the many promises, for some reason does not intend to leave.
  • After a stormy sex with you, he goes home. And what do you think will be doing there? Of course, he will go to bed with his lawful wife. And if you believe his words that he has not slept with "this frigid fool" for a long time, that he loves only you and does not want anyone else, then you are just a naive child. Of course, he will convince you that sex with his wife for him long ago, that you, and only you - his only sexual partner, but the truth in these words will not be a penny. Moreover, any man is pleased with the very idea that he is immediately wanted by 2 women, and that he can calmly sleep with one or the other. The main thing is not to confuse names in bed, the rest is a matter of technique.
  • Every normal man puts a lot of effort anddiligence in the arrangement of their homes, in the establishment of everyday life. A few years after the wedding, he and his wife know each other as flaky. She has long learned to tolerate his bad habits, knows what he likes for breakfast and what medicine to give him at a cold. Living with his wife, he slowly acquires property: an apartment, a car, a country house. And even the soft downy slippers standing in his hallway are dear to him, as part of the home cosiness, to the creation of which he himself put his hands. And, believe me, not every man is able to give up all this, starting to build his life from scratch. Yes, he loves you, appreciates and adores, but he will prefer to live where everything is already arranged and established many years ago.
  • You will be surprised when you learn that many menspend time with their mistresses only because it helps them maintain their own marriage. Coming home after a meeting with you, he is especially affectionate with his wife, a sense of guilt does not allow him to once again quarrel or reproach his wife for minor faults. As a result, the wife blossoms and gives him love and gratitude for tenderness and understanding, and the marriage grows stronger day by day. That's just all forgot in this situation about you and your feelings: what is it like to be a free psychoanalyst and a miracle tool to strengthen family relationships of others? Especially if you love this man and want the opposite: that he left his wife and stayed with you forever?
  • Perhaps the main reason whyto part with a married man is the inability to meet a normal guy to create a real family. As long as your heart is busy, you miss a lot of opportunities to get to know the one that will not leave you every night for another woman. In the meantime, you submissively concede your lover to the legitimate "rival" - his wife. Strictly watch that your beloved does not have your hair and the smell of perfume, yearn for all the holidays alone and run to the store for gifts for his children - because you have not got your own. If you do not want to remain alone until the end of your life, then enough to be a comfortable toy for your lover - take life in your hands and start looking for a worthy partner!
  • And if after all these reasons in your desperatehead thoughts like "It's better to be than to stay completely without a man", "I'm with him just for sex, it's necessary for my health", then immediately flip them. You deserve much more than a temporary shelter for a not very respectable man. how to part with a married man forever

    How to part with a married man

    What can be simpler? She waved her pen and said "Adyu" and that's it! This is quite possible if you are dating a married man for only a couple of weeks. But if your connection lasts so long that it is firmly entrenched in your heart and you do not think without it, then say "goodbye" oh, how not easy! You are frightened by the very idea that you will not have to wait for his calls, that he will not come to you after work and you will remain completely alone. However, realizing that you are bad without him, but also with him unbearably, because he constantly overcomes the thoughts of his wife, children, the impossibility of a joint future, it is worth pulling yourself together and putting an end to the relationship. And about how to part with a married man and not break your heart, we'll tell you. In principle, you have only two ways to say goodbye to your lover. One of them is fast, but quite painful for both of you. The second one is slow, but it can alleviate your suffering. Let's talk about both. Method one. Fast The fastest way to part with a married man is to say directly about your intentions. When people are in love euphoria, most often the voices of their minds are silent, they are absorbed only by emotions and passion. And in this case, a woman who meets a married man is also absorbed in suffering from the realization that she will never be with her loved one. And if you are finally tired of being satisfied with the role of the second plan, then it's time to put an end to your relationship. Although, frankly, your statement of separation will only be the initial stage of the gap. Do not cry and do not complain, saying farewell words to your lover, otherwise you'll end up on a bait, on which hundreds and thousands of women have already visited you. Hearing your complaints and claims, the man will immediately begin to swear to you that he will improve, that everything will change for the better and that everything will be all right for you. And our loving female hearts can not always cope with emotions, because you want to believe and prolong the relationship with an expensive person! Only prolongation will not be a relationship, but an agony, because sooner or later you will have to part. Tell a beloved man the terrible word "parting" is very difficult, but, unfortunately, the hardest - ahead. Even if he agrees with you and promises to leave you alone, it is possible that he will still look for an excuse to meet with you. And if you continue to see each other, the scenario of future events is very predictable: for some time you will be struggling to portray that everything is over between you, and then you will not be able to stand and throw yourself into each other's arms. Romantic, of course, only your problem with it will not disappear anywhere: you will also be alone and most of the time unhappy. So, make all attempts to avoid meeting this person - at least, until you are confident in your abilities. Block his number on his phone, go to visit his girlfriend, put in "ignore" in all social networks. Yes, it hurts, but in another way it is impossible. Give yourself time to cry, then remove from the house all the items reminiscent of a former lover. Ruthlessly throw out or pass on his gifts, send to the garbage his forgotten scarves, socks, shaving accessories. Do in the house a permutation, replace bed linen with a new one - in a word, try to get rid of any reminder about this person. Do you think this is cruel? Much more inhumane is that having made you his mistress, this man has deprived you of a chance for a normal family life. So - out of his life and immediately! Tell your relatives that you were aware of your situation, that you broke up with a married man. First, these people will necessarily support you both mentally and physically. It is especially good to cry and listen to advice from a woman who has already experienced a similar experience - she will raise your emotional level and help with practical advice. Secondly, having told others about this separation, you will burn bridges for yourself and stay away from the temptation to meet this person again. And the longer you do not see it, the easier it will be for you to become. A little time will pass and your pain will subside. In order to accelerate the process of "recovery", develop a stormy activity: go to the cinema, visit, communicate with new people. Set yourself a new goal - for example, learn to drive a car or create your own site from scratch. Any action that can distract your brain from thinking about this man, and the soul from constant experiences, will bring you not only relief, but also real benefits. Material, spiritual - it does not matter, the main thing is that you will raise self-esteem and raise the level of knowledge and skills in some new area for you. The only caveat: do not rush into a new love relationship, as in a whirlpool with a head. In order to start building new relationships, you will need time, which you must dedicate only to yourself. Do not run from one man to another, better build a path to your own soul. Think about it, look into yourself and calm down. And as soon as you feel that you have nothing more to do with the former lover - safely go on a free voyage to find the man of your dreams! Method two. Slow Do you know how many people quit smoking? Someone just throws out a pack of cigarettes, promising to once and for all leave a bad habit. Some of them get to keep their promise, although the process of weaning is quite difficult, and others fail in a couple of weeks and are again taking up a cigarette. And there is a category of people who quit smoking gradually, reducing the number of cigarettes every day. Something similar can be offered to women who want to end a relationship with a married man as painlessly as possible for themselves. Are you afraid that you will not be able to break the connection instantly? Then leave your lover gradually. The parallel with smoking is not accidental: here, and there, a person has a strong emotional and physical attachment, which is difficult to break. Only in contrast to smoking, a woman who meets a married man, also experiences a colossal mental pain, from which there is no salvation. So, if you are determined to break the vicious circle, into which you yourself have been driven, begin to slowly move away from the object of your passion. Every time, when meeting with your lover, ask yourself the question: "What do I get from this relationship and why do I need all this?". We, the women, are quite inspirational creatures, and if each time when we meet to talk about the meaninglessness of your relationship, to notice the shortcomings and bad character traits of a loved one, then soon it will cease to be so. Do you remember the movie "Charming and attractive"? There, the heroine inspired herself that she was the most beautiful and amazing woman, and it helped her to believe in herself. You can silently whisper something like "I do not love Vasya, he is a deceiver and deprives me of happiness." You can laugh, but it really works. If you say it yourself often enough, then every subsequent meeting with your lover will begin to bring less and less joy. And this means that it will be much easier for you to leave from it than at the beginning of the relationship. Alternatively, you can push the lover to the idea of ​​parting with you. Change your behavior, turning from a loving, to all consonant women in such a bitch. Demand from him expensive gifts, trips to restaurants, pester jealousy, screams and scandals. If you are from a "quiet harbor" where it is so nice to spend time free from family, turn into a source of constant nervous tension, then your passion will not sustain too much communication with you and will start to retreat. And in this case, putting the final point on your relationship will become even easier. It's up to you to decide whether to allow him to leave you, or to leave him first. And in either case, the goal will be achieved. The slow way is good not only because it causes much less pain than a quick and decisive break in the relationship. If you inspire yourself with the idea that meeting a married man is a dead end, then avoid such problems in the future. And this means that you from the category of "eternal mistresses" easily move into the ranks of "legitimate wives". But that's what you dream about, right? We advise you to read:

