the husband does not want to work In modern society, where the role of men asearner and breadwinner is not yet fully disavowed, there are situations when the husband does not work. Or, as an option, often changes jobs, which, of course, also can not be considered a fact of family stability. The development of such features of the social system as the acquisition by women of equal rights with men and the strengthening of women's role in traditionally male positions led to the fact that it is much easier for beautiful ladies to build a career and reach the heights of social significance than men. The situation when a wife earns more than her husband does not seem any more paradoxical. Someone already seriously believes that it's time to talk about men as lost members of society. And more and more women complain about the forums: "My husband does not want to work!" Of course, not everything is so bad. Men are a worthy half of humanity, and it's impossible to write them off. After all, without them we can not survive: the surrounding world will become dull and gray. Traditionally - for many centuries - they were earners and defenders. Change this view of the strong half of humanity is quite difficult. Probably, therefore, the fact remains that if a husband does not work and for a long time can not find a new source of income, it is very possible that family problems that are of critical nature arise. Let's try to understand the reasons why the representatives of the strong half of humanity join the ranks of the unemployed. the husband does not work what to do

A man without a salary. Why?

In search of yourself ... This is one of the most commonreasons why her husband does not want to work. He simply can not find a job for the soul, which brings a penny to the family budget. The breadth of choice, as is known, often makes the very fact of choice impossible. It is because of this that it is often extremely difficult for a man to find the point of application of his forces. Therefore, it is often the case that the husband does not work if the work does not suit him in terms of personality development and male self-realization. Routine and boring duties are capable of killing in men the inherent creative nature of them. And an inadequate level of income does not allow them to fully feel the head of the family. After all, as a man thinks without money, in the eyes of others, his status is greatly reduced. All this forces him to search for new and new variants of the work, which correspond to his inclinations and preferences as much as possible. But, alas, most often this process is very delayed in time. What if the husband does not work, but still "looking for himself"? In this difficult period, the task of an intelligent wife and a real friend is not to "saw" a man, not to shout at every corner that her husband does not want to work, not to hint the second half that he is a jerk and a loser. Should I earn a wife in this case? Oh sure! Correctly come those women who in this difficult period can provide the loved one with both moral and material support. Faith and the pursuit of the better are able to do literally miracles. The man is forced to think that he will find his place in the bubbling whirlpool of life - and soon, as if by magic, everything will change for the better.

If a man is fired from work, how to get her husband to work again

The dismissal from work does not happen as rarely asthis can be imagined. Especially in a period that is commonly called crisis. Such dismissal is a strong blow to the psyche and self-esteem of men, not to mention the fact that the change in social status is experienced, as a rule, very painful. More recently, the man had a job, he made plans and brought income to the family ... And already today your husband does not work and is forced to open the doors of the employment center. Perhaps, this situation is more complicated than when a suitable job can not be found for a long time. If a person who is used and loves to work remains out of work, you can talk about such a phenomenon as a psychological catastrophe. What if the husband does not work after the reduction? In this case, a lot depends on the correct behavior of the woman, and at times - and family happiness in general. First of all, you do not need to help your husband or friend in search of a new job - it is possible that he will take these kind motives as a strong blow to his vanity. It is important to give the man time to come to himself, gather, "regroup forces." And everything will necessarily be adjusted. A person who owns a specialty and has experience of work will necessarily find his place under the sun. The lack of psychological pressure on your part, a joint trip on vacation - and things will surely go right in the very near future. what to do if the husband does not want to work

If a man earns less than a woman or does not work at all

If the income of a man is less than the amount thatbrings to the treasury family budget woman - this is, perhaps, the most difficult of the cases in question. But here, as they say, options are possible. The husband does not work, what should the wife do? If she considers him the head of the family, regardless of his material contribution to the common cause, then such a pair, without exaggeration, can be considered happy. But in the vast majority of cases, the situation is exactly the opposite. Almost all of us are to some extent hostage to the stereotypes imposed by society. One of them says that the man is the breadwinner and breadwinner of the family, which means that he must earn enough. If things are different, the man automatically falls into the category of losers and losers (after all, women want to see in the person of their husband a support, not a parasite). This, in turn, gives birth to a number of heavy complexes, which, alas, are removed, by who is near. That is, on a close woman. In solving such problems, a competent psychologist can help, who can give practical recommendations to the couple. In a number of cases, the advice of experienced friends who have gone through similar tests helps. But in any case, you should get together and hold your beloved, who finds himself in such a depression. Just love, thereby letting him know that he is the main person of your life. It will not be bad if a woman helps a man find a useful and fascinating hobby that allows him to open up and realize himself. Not too much will be praise for any occasion, significant and not very much. If a man feels secondarily in material terms, then the faith and support of loved ones is needed to him like never before. In any case, the choice of methods for saving a man from infertile mental torment and the formation of unnecessary complexes always remains with the woman who is close to him. After all, only she knows how important support is in difficult life periods. It is important to remember always that together you can overcome any hardships and troubles. And life will necessarily change for the better. But what if the husband does not want to work and does not feel any remorse at the same time? It is important to understand that a man deliberately chooses a passive role and feels great in it while you work hard for a bright future of the family. And if you see that your husband is not even going to send out a resume, but once again asks you for pocket money, think: do you need such a miracle of nature? In the end, you married a man, and did not buy yourself a freeloader, right? We advise you to read:

