We all want to meet true love,get rich, become a prosperous person and achieve maximum success in life. But how many of us know that all these benefits can be achieved much faster than you think, with the help of a kind of spell called affirmations? In general, affirmations are positive statements composed in a special way. A person repeats these statements to himself, as if ordering his own subconscious to fulfill his demands. Perhaps someone will be skeptical about this method of achieving what you want - what's the use of ordinary words? However, practice shows that affirmations are quite effective and often help people get what they dream of quite quickly. The answer to the question of what affirmations are is simple and complex at the same time. In plain language, these are arbitrary phrases that contain a certain verbal formula that, with frequent and prolonged repetition, can fix some kind of life attitude in our consciousness. In this way, we can significantly influence our psycho-emotional background and change our lives in one direction or another. However, one should be careful when working with affirmations. It is important to understand, first of all, whether the existing reality is so bad. It is not for nothing that popular wisdom urges us not to waste time in vain, searching for additional benefits in an already successful life. It would seem that everything is extremely simple, but this is far from the case. In addition to what exactly needs to be said, the thoughts you put into the words you speak are also important. Because affirmations can be called emotions and feelings, which are what human life consists of. Think about how often you say phrases like these: “My life is a complete misunderstanding,” “I am a loser,” or “I am so sick of everything!” But these are affirmations, only with a negative connotation. And they are what make up your life program. So is it any wonder if things really go wrong for you, your plans fall apart, and your dreams remain illusory and unattainable? It seems like it's time to start working on your mistakes. You won't need to consult a psychologist or a psychic to do this. You are quite capable of improving your own life and making it happy. And, what's important, this will not entail any financial costs. You will only need patience, time, honesty with yourself, and a willingness to let a little magic into your life, if that's how the human subconscious works. So, here are the secrets of how exactly to use the affirmations method.
Learning to compose affirmations
Personal participation factor, of course, existsмного готовых общих фраз, которые подходят под реализацию тех или иных человеческих желаний. Но ведь в лучшем случае они попросту обезличены, а в худшем — несут чужие мысли, стремления и желания, не имеющие к вам лично конкретного касательства. Автор, который их составлял, либо думал о собственных мечтах, либо вообще чисто механически выполнял порученную ему работу. Поэтому готовые аффирмации наверняка сработают хуже тех, над созданием которых придется потрудиться вам лично. Даже если на первый взгляд они не будут настолько лаконичны и красивы, как написанные кем-то другим. Поэтому, если хотите по всем правилам обратиться к Вселенной с теми или иными желаниями и получить положительный отклик, не ищите легких путей. Лучше возьмите чистый лист бумаги и ручку, приготовьте себе ароматный кофе или горячий чай, включите любимую мелодию и сосредоточьтесь на том, что волнует вас в настоящий момент. Для начала в произвольной форме запишите то, чего хотите достичь в ближайшем будущем. Затем придайте фразам определенную конкретику, временные характеристики и так далее. Как сделать это правильно, допустив меньше ошибок, вы сможете прочесть дальше. Конкретика и четкость формулировок Аффирмации должны включать в себя важные для выполнения того или иного желания дополнения и условия. К примеру, тому, кто мечтает о большой любви и серьёзных длительных отношениях, заклинание следует формулировать так: «Я легко получаю взаимную любовь дорогого мне человека». Если же оно будет составлено, как «Я легко нахожу мужчину», подсознание будет ориентироваться лишь на поиск этого мужчины, но не на стремление его никогда не потерять. И тогда мужчина может либо оказаться уже женатым, либо быстро исчезнет из вашей жизни. Одним словом, наши желания имеют особенность сбываться с потрясающей точностью. Поэтому продумывать в них необходимо каждое слово, осторожно и внимательно их выбирая. Слова эти не должны иметь какого-то двойного смысла. Например, заболевший человек, твердящий себе вместо фразы: «Я выздоравливаю», фразу «Я поправляюсь», может, вместо того, чтобы избавиться от своей болезни, внезапно набрать лишний вес. Главная задача, которая решается благодаря аффирмациям, заключается в том, чтобы вызывать в вашем сознании четкие и конкретные образы, чувства и эмоции. Именно эти «рычаги» помогают людям реализовать желаемое. И чем сильнее и ярче образы и эмоции, тем эффективнее результат, который смогут принести сами аффирмации. Вот почему важно не только чего-то хотеть, а просто-таки видеть объект своих желаний мысленным взором, со всеми подробностями, как цветную картину. Вот, например, у вас есть мечта стать владелицей автомобиля. Но сказать: «У меня есть авто» недостаточно. Правильнее будет составить следующую аффирмацию: «Я имею отличный автомобиль такой-то марки, модели и цвета». Или, к примеру, хотите приобрести отдельную квартиру. В этом случае ваши аффирмации должны звучать подобно следующим фразам: «Я имею чудесную трехкомнатную квартиру на третьем этаже нового дома по такой-то улице» или «Я живу в отличной квартире, которая находится там-то и является моей собственностью». Вся суть в том, что конкретика формирует в вашем мозгу четкий образ вашей мечты или желания, тем самым заставляя переживать определенный эмоциональный всплеск. А он, в свою очередь, дает толчок сознанию запускать программу по достижению чего-либо. Поэтому для некоторых людей, которые не обладают развитым воображением, лучше всего рисовать свои желания или вырезать готовые картинки, которые под них подходят. В этом случае будет работать не только метод аффирмаций, но и визуализация. Personalization For spells to work,you need to learn how to correctly compose a phrase, working with it according to the laws of positive psychology. The formula of the correct affirmation necessarily includes the pronoun "I", the predicate in the present tense and the most desired circumstances and additions. Your magic phrases should not contain any other pronouns except "I", "me", "my", "my" and so on. Remember - this is your life, and only you are its center. Therefore, everything that happens in it, has already happened or will happen in the future, depends primarily on you. Therefore, all those phrases, thanks to which you plan to change your life realities for the better, should revolve exclusively around your "I". Only in this way will your consciousness and the Universe itself understand what exactly you are waiting for and what you are striving for. It may not be superfluous for you to know that the affirmation you composed for others, even the closest ones, will not work. Such magic words, unfortunately, can only help ourselves. Affirmations also cannot force others to do anything for you. So don't write them like this:
- I am appreciated and respected at work;
- My husband is happy with me;
- My children are healthy;
- Me loves my family.
Therefore, no matter how high and good the meaning youinvested in affirmations composed in this way, do not expect results from them. We cannot do anything for other people, even if we really want to help them. Therefore, do not waste your time and energy, but rather devote them to working on yourself. Although there are situations when certain changes on your part can benefit others. Think about it. "No" to categoricalness and denials! Important: affirmations do not use the particle "not", since our subconscious does not see it. An example of a correct spell: "I easily marry the one I love." Or: "I give up bad habits." But phrases like: "I am not sick" or "I do not smoke" are incorrect, since the human brain, omitting the particle "not", will accept them as an order to smoke and get sick. In order to order good health for yourself, spells can be composed like this: "I easily recover from all diseases" or simply: "I am healthy." Those of you who want to experience the effect of affirmations on yourself should know that your phrases should not contain categorical verbs, such as: stopped, got rid of, avoided, etc. You should not use the particle "no" in your mental messages to the Universe, as well as negative adverbs, such as: never, nowhere, no one, etc. This is a very important rule, simply necessary for the phrases you create to work with the greatest efficiency. The key to success is the present tense Here is another important rule for creating such peculiar spells: the verbs included in them should be used only in the present tense. Our brain reacts to such verbs much more effectively. But phrases like "I will be healthy" or "I want to become a boss" may not work at all, since the human subconscious does not perceive the future tense as a guide to action. In this case, your brain understands the following: according to the first affirmation, you are a sick person, and judging by the second, you occupy a low position. When you talk about yourself in the future, the information that is retained by your subconscious at that moment contains only one essence - you do not have anything that you want at the present moment. This means that the program for achieving goals is not launched, and the long-awaited changes do not occur in your life. Therefore, no "will be", "soon" or "tomorrow"! Give your consciousness the correct setting - "already", "is", "now". This is how you implement the message and direct guidance to action. Below are several successful and unsuccessful options. Incorrect examples of affirmations:
- I will quit smoking;
- I want to lose weight;
- From Monday I will go on a diet;
- I'll bring myself into a great shape in the summer.
Correct examples of affirmations:
- I quit smoking;
- I noticeably lost weight;
- I stick to the diet and achieved the first results;
- I'm in great shape and enjoy the summer.
The Importance of Words with Strong Emotional ConnotationsThe role of emotions in working with affirmations has already been mentioned above. The brighter your feelings regarding a desire, the more likely it is that your subconscious will orient itself correctly and tune in to its fulfillment. This is the essence of effective affirmations. But to make them so, you need to use words with a strong emotional coloring to compose them. Just do not forget that the main thing is the positive meaning and construction of the phrase. It is very good if your affirmations, when pronounced, evoke feelings of joy, trepidation, pleasant excitement and extraordinary spiritual uplift. This can be achieved with the help of certain words and phrases, for example: delightful, magnificent, excellent, wonderful, wonderful, amazing, with great joy, with great desire, and so on. Here are examples of emotionally successful affirmations:
- It's with great pleasure that I go to work;
- I am very happy to improve my body;
- I look amazing every morning;
- I have a wonderful spouse;
- I live in a super-comfortable apartment and so on.
Don't be afraid of superlatives and createemotionally vivid phrases-spells. Those that talk about your spiritual values are especially successful, therefore, in addition to quite material desires, do not forget about those that are capable of transforming your inner world.
How it works?
It should be noted that the secret to effectiveThe effectiveness of any affirmations is how convenient and easy it is for you to pronounce them. Agree that a phrase that contains more than ten words is quite difficult to remember. Of course, you can simply read what is written, but even in this case, you will not be able to do this often. So, what should be the size of successful affirmations? The answer is clear: they can consist of three to six words. These are the phrases that are easy to pronounce and quickly recorded by the human consciousness. This means that a successful affirmation includes no more than one or two sentences that sound pleasant to the ear. Work with these sentences in different ways. They can be written in large, bright letters on a piece of paper and hung in a prominent place where they will constantly catch your eye. And then, looking at the spells, you will admire them and imagine excellent pictures of your life, which will come after the realization of this desire. And it is better to pronounce such spells out loud or to yourself as often as possible or record them on a player and listen to them whenever you want. Affirmations that are recorded in a notebook many times are also effective. The main thing is to feel as deeply as possible what you heard, said or wrote, and then what you want will come true faster. There is little surprising in this. Researchers of the human brain have found that people's lives are controlled by their consciousness and subconscious. And many of our failures are programmed by us at the unconscious level. Affirmations allow you to change this program and set it up for a positive outcome of the situation. Repeated many times, they are recorded on the subcortex of the brain. The human subconscious believes that the spell has already come true, and regulates the work of the entire organism and its environment, focusing on its faith. The affirmation method is much more effective than traditional self-hypnosis, which is based on a person's attempt to convince himself of something. And this is not so simple. As for affirmations, you do not have to believe in them. It is enough to simply constantly repeat the spells as often as possible so that the subconscious records the program and begins to act in accordance with it. And the real result will not be long in coming.
In which cases does the affirmation fail?
Yes, it should be noted that sometimes magic phrases do not work. This happens if you have made a number of serious mistakes. For example:
- incorrectly formed affirmations;
- they used the word "I can" in them;
- your phrases do not have a clear focus;
- in them there is a future time;
- In your work with zaklinanni there is no regularity.
How to fix the situation in the first four cases,has already been said before, but as for the last point, it is worth dwelling on it in detail. First, keep in mind that frequent repetition of affirmations with different directions will not bring the expected effect. This is practically the same as if instead of one task that you do well and efficiently, you suddenly take on ten at once, rush and ultimately do not complete any of them. Therefore, the affirmation method does not tolerate fuss and inconsistency. After all, instead of concentrating on one desire, you dissipate precious energy in different ones, ultimately receiving nothing. But in most cases, those of us who do not have sufficient endurance and patience and are eager to get what we want immediately, here and now, say that affirmations do not work. This is possible only with the participation of the fairy godmother from the well-known fairy tale. But we are dealing with reality in the person of ordinary human psychology. Therefore, there is nothing to expect from a magic wand. But you will probably have to put in a lot of effort, because breaking through the forest of old attitudes and beliefs will not be easy, especially at the initial stage of the affirmations method. To make it clear what exactly we are talking about, let's take a simple life example. There is a young successful woman. She has her own business, which brings in a very tangible income, a separate apartment in the capital and the opportunity not to think about tomorrow in the part that is related to finances. But in the life of this businesswoman there is no beloved man, home and children. But she wants them! And the age is right, and the biological clock is ticking more and more insistently. Imagine what will happen if she suddenly starts convincing her subconscious with the help of phrases like "I met the man of my dreams" or "I have a great family and three children." They will not work only for the simple reason that this woman's whole life was subordinated to completely different goals and desires. And in order to restart the program, you will need to believe that another kind of happiness exists. And this is precisely the main difficulty. Therefore, those who intend to change themselves and their reality with the help of affirmations should be patient and not retreat. This is how you will be able to achieve the desired results, because by changing your current consciousness, you program your future. Only by sincerely believing that dreams are feasible and desires have the ability to come true, you can move towards your intended goal. Have a successful journey and a little luck to boot! We recommend reading: