Children are the greatest happiness that can bemay be in a person's life. But, unfortunately, sometimes a married couple for one reason or another fails to have their own baby. Some married couples continue expensive treatment for years and try to have a child, others resign themselves to this state of affairs and forever resign themselves and part with the hope of becoming a father and mother. However, there is a third way out of this difficult situation. This is, of course, adoption of a child. Adoption of a child from a baby home is a real opportunity for childless couples to experience the joy of being parents. What should couples who decide to adopt a child do first? You should not recklessly cling to this idea - for example, adoption of a child from a maternity hospital is often hasty and ill-considered. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, and also enlist the support of all members of your family - this will help to avoid misunderstandings and disagreements in the future. If a unanimous positive decision is made, you simply need to find “your” baby, as well as learn the requirements for adopting a child. If you have taken such a responsible step as adopting a child, the photo database will help you make your choice. The database of children for adoption contains complete information about all children. Next, the future parents must submit an application with a request to issue a conclusion on the possibility of being adoptive parents. Such an application is submitted to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of residence of the parents. Along with the application, you must prepare and attach a number of documents. Below is a description of what is needed to adopt a child:
- A brief autobiography, written in an arbitrary form.
- Information from the work place of both parents. The references should indicate the positions held by them and the amount of wages. Take such a certificate is necessary in the accounting department of the company where the parents work.
- In the bank it is necessary to take an extract on the status of the financial account, if such is available for applicants for the adoption of the child.
- Extract from the home book and documents confirming ownership of the dwelling.
- A certificate from law enforcement agencies that applicants for adoption do not have a criminal record for crimes against life or health of a person.
- The medical report on the state of health of persons,pretending to adopt a child. A medical report must be issued by a municipal or state medical and preventive institution.
- A notarized copy of the marriage certificate.
Remember that when contacting guardianship authoritiesand guardianship authorities will ask you to present a passport or other identity document provided for by the legal legislation of the Russian Federation. Be sure to have them with you, and do not forget about the need to make photocopies of these documents and certify them with a notary. They will also explain to you the procedure for adopting a child. In order for the future parents to be given a conclusion on the possibility or impossibility of being adoptive parents of a child, representatives of the guardianship and guardianship authorities must draw up an act of inspection of the housing conditions and lifestyle of the applicants. To do this, representatives of the guardianship and guardianship authorities must go to the place of residence of the applicants. After reviewing the application and the attached package of documents listed above, as well as after drawing up an act of inspection of the housing conditions of the applicants, the guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to make a decision within 15 days on the possibility or impossibility of being adoptive parents of a child. The decision must be in writing and given to the applicants. This statement will subsequently serve as the basis for adding applicants to the list of candidates. In the event that the guardianship and trusteeship authorities have made a negative decision and refused to add applicants to the database of candidates in the adoptive parent, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities must notify the applicant of this within five days and give him a written refusal with the justification for their negative decision. Together with the decision, the applicant must be returned all the documents previously submitted by him, and the procedure for appealing such a decision must be explained.
Selection of a child for adoption
In the same case, if the guardianship authorities andguardianship and trusteeship authorities have given their approval and added you to the list of candidates for adoption, applicants are provided with a database of children for adoption and all the information about such children, and are also given a referral to visit the selected child at his/her place of residence. In the event that candidates for adoption have not found a suitable child for themselves at their place of residence, they have the right to contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of neighboring subjects of the Russian Federation. There they will also be provided with a list of children waiting in line for adoption, and all the necessary information about them. In order to contact other guardianship and trusteeship authorities, future parents do not need to take any special referrals. In order for parents to be able to obtain the information they are interested in about any child who is subject to adoption, future parents must write an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of residence of the baby, attaching a copy of the conclusion on the possibility of being adoptive parents. If you want to receive information about children left without parental care and subject to adoption from the federal database, you must present your passport and the following documents for adoption of a child:
- A statement written in an arbitrary form, in which it is necessary to indicate its desire to take the child to be raised in his family.
- Fill in the application form forcitizen who wants to adopt a child. This questionnaire contains information about the applicant's name, surname and patronymic, place of birth, marital status, citizenship, contact numbers.
- If the adoption is made by a foreign citizen, he also needs to submit an opinion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent.
Please clarify more precisely whether this is the entire list.documents for adoption of a child. The application of the applicant for adoption must be reviewed within 10 working days. If for some reason the documents do not meet the requirements, or for some other reason the applicant is refused, the operator must return all documents to the applicant and justify their refusal in writing and the procedure for appealing the decision. And if the application is reviewed and a positive verdict is made, applicants will be given a full list of children awaiting adoption, as well as detailed information about the little ones that potential parents are interested in. After the adoptive parents have familiarized themselves with the information about all the children and can make their preliminary choice, the operator must issue the adoptive parents a referral to visit the selected baby. The issued referral is valid for visiting only one child and only for 10 days. However, if the applicant has a valid reason, such as a business trip or illness, upon presentation of a document confirming this fact, the validity of the referral may be extended. After the candidate for adoption has visited the child of his choice, he is obliged to notify the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in writing of the results of the visit to the child and of the decision he has made. Before making a decision on adoption, applicants have the right to:
- To receive full and objective information about whether the chosen kid has any relatives - brothers, sisters, grandmothers, and also to know about their whereabouts.
- Apply to any independent municipal orState medical and preventive institutions for medical examination of the child selected by him. However, it must be remembered that this examination will be carried out in the presence of medical personnel of the childcare institution where the selected child is currently located.
Do not forget that in addition to the rights of the adoptive parentsесть еще и ряд обязанностей. Первое, что необходимо сделать будущим родителям, это лично познакомиться с их будущим малышом и постараться как можно быстрее наладить с ним контакт. Хороший контакт с крохой является очень важной ступенью к успеху. Подготовка ребенка к усыновлению в первую очередь заключается именно в налаживании контакта с приемными родителями. Ведь во время судебного заседания факт наличия хорошего эмоционального контакта будет большим плюсом в сторону принятия положительного решения об усыновлении. Также усыновители не должны пренебрегать внимательным изучение всей информации, касающейся ребенка. Эта мера поможет в последующем избежать многих затруднений, например, если вдруг объявится бабушка ребенка или его мать. Конечно же, наличие живых родственников у выбранного вами крохи – это не повод отказываться от усыновления, однако осведомленность – залог вашего спокойствия. Также вам необходимо внимательно ознакомиться с медицинским заключением о состоянии здоровья крохи. Тот факт, что вы с ним ознакомились, необходимо подтвердить в письменном виде. Даже в том случае, если вам не принципиально состояние здоровья крохи, и оно не может повлиять на ваше решение, обязательно примите эту информацию к сведению, ведь забота о здоровье малыша после усыновления ляжет именно на ваши плечи. Вы должны знать, к чему вам необходимо быть готовыми. В том же случае, если выбранный вам кроха по каким- либо причинам не устраивает вас, вы должны оповестить об этом органы опеки и попечительства. Органы же опеки и попечительства, в сою очередь, должны выдать кандидатам в усыновители направление на посещение другого выбранного им крохи. В том же случае, если усыновители не смогли найти подходящего для них крохи, они имеют право подать заявление в органы опеки и попечительства с просьбой о продолжении поиска крохи. Органы опеки и попечительства должны принять у кандидатов на усыновление заявление и письменно его зафиксировать. Представитель органов опеки и попечительства должен не реже одного раза в месяц в письменном виде извещать усыновителей, ожидающих появления ребенка, о появлении новых анкет детишек, ожидающих усыновления. Или же, напротив, об их отсутствии. После получения подобного извещения из органов опеки и попечительства, усыновитель обязан в течение 15 дней имеет право ознакомиться с анкетами крох, подлежащих усыновлению. Если по каким – либо причинам не может ознакомиться с анкетой в установленные сроки, он обязан в письменном виде поставить об этом в известность органы опеки и попечительствам, приложив подтверждающие этот факт документы – больничный или командировочный лист и т. д. В том же случае, если заявитель два раза подряд, после получения уведомления из органов опеки и попечительства, не является для ознакомления с новым анкетами ребенка без уважительных на то причин, поиск для него ребенка может быть временно приостановлен. И возобновлен он может быть только после получения органами опеки и попечительства соответствующего заявления от кандидата в усыновители. Также гражданин, претендующий на усыновление ребенка, должен поставить в известность органы опеки и попечительства о:
- Adoption of a decision on the adoption of the chosen crumbs and filing a lawsuit on adoption in court.
- If the applicant has changed his decision, he must in writing refuse to further search for the child and the availability of information about him in the database of adopters.
Judicial consideration of the case of adoption
The procedure for adopting a child is quite simple.The adoption process itself takes place during a court hearing in the manner established by the civil procedural legislation of the Russian Federation. In order to adopt the baby of your choice, you must file an application of the established form with the court located at the child's place of residence. The application submitted by the adoptive parents must indicate the following facts:
- Name, surname, patronymic of the applicants, as well as the address of their registration and the address of the place of actual residence, if they differ.
- Name, surname, patronymic, as well as the date of birth of the adopted child, the address of his whereabouts at the time of application.
- If a child is adopted by a single woman, the motivation must be stated.
- Full information about the presence of the child close relatives - parents, brothers, sisters.
- The reasons that prompted the adoptive parents to decide on the adoption of this particular crumb.
- Also, the application should indicate the request of the adoptive parents to change the child's surname, first name and patronymic, and also all the information recorded in his birth certificate.
- Written notification that the applicant knows the conditions for the adoption of the child.
- If the adoption of Russian children by foreign nationals takes place, the applicant's residence permit in the territory of the Russian Federation must be indicated.
The following package of documents must also be attached to the application for adoption of a child submitted to the court:
- If the adopter is not married, a copy of his birth certificate.
- If the applicant was previously married, a copy of the divorce certificate must be attached.
- If the applicant is married - a copy of the marriage certificate is attached to the application.
- Conclusion on the medical examination of the health status of the adoptive parents.
- Reference from the place of work of the applicants, which must be taken in the accounting department of the enterprise.
- Documents confirming ownership of a dwelling.
- Conclusion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent, issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
- Conclusion on the registration in the database of adopters.
Remember that all documents required foradoption of a child, must be presented to the court in two copies, certified by a notary. Everything that is necessary for the adoption of a child is described above. After all the necessary documents have been presented to the court, the adoptive parents' claim will be considered during a closed court hearing. The following must be present at the trial:
- Representative of guardianship and trusteeship bodies.
- The prosecutor.
- The child himself, if he has already reached the age of 14.
The court, after reviewing all the materials of the case,makes a decision on the approval or refusal of adoption of the child. If the decision is positive, you will be given a court decision on the adoption of the child. Such a court decision serves as a sufficient basis for making changes to the records of the birth certificate. After the decision on adoption is made, it is necessary to carry out state registration of adoption. The basis for such registration of adoption in the civil registry office is also a court decision, which comes into legal force after ten days from the date of the decision. In the event that the applicant for some reason did not write an application for registration of adoption, the civil registry office will register it only on the basis of a court decision. And only the court has the right to such a decision as the cancellation of the adoption of a child. The following information will be entered in the civil registry records:
- Surname, name and patronymic of the child, which he wore until the moment of his adoption.
- Surname, name and patronymic of the child, received by them after adoption.
- Passport data of the child's adoptive parents - surname, name, patronymic, age, residence permit.
- The record number of the birth certificate and the date it was compiled.
- All requisites of the court decision on the adoption of the child.
Payments for adoption of a child
Cash payments for adopting a child are the same as for the birth of your own:
- Maternity benefits. It is paid if the adopted child has not reached the age of three months. It is paid on the basis of a certificate from the registry office at the place of work of the mother.
- One-off allowance, paid by the state in the transfer of crumbs to education in the family. To date, its size is approximately 8,000 r.
- If a child is less than one and a half years old, the mother is paid a monthly allowance for the adoption of the child, until he is one and a half years old.
- In addition, in the event that the adopters have alreadythere is a child, or they adopted two kids at once, they have the right to receive maternity capital. To do this, parents should apply to the pension insurance fund at their place of residence.
In some regions, when adopting a childadditional payments are provided. For more detailed information, parents should contact their local social protection authorities. Of course, adopting a child is a very responsible and rather long process. But in this case, time is on your side - after all, you will have to live many years of happy life together with the child you have chosen. It is also very useful to visit a school for adoptive parents, which exists at each guardianship and trusteeship authority. Experienced teachers will help you prepare for the appearance of a new person in your family, tell you what problems may await you, and most importantly - how to deal with them. Show a little patience and endurance - very soon you will hear such cherished words "mom" and "dad"! We advise you to read: