how to teach a child to read How to teach a child to read by syllables? Ten years ago, this issue was not particularly worried about parents who rightly believed that the child would go to school and learn there. However, to date, according to unspoken traditions, a child should go to school, already knowing how to read. Of course, it is not in the right to demand from the teacher's parents, but the vast majority of children come to the first class, having a certain reading skill. And if your little one goes to school, completely unable to read, there is a very high probability that he will experience discomfort. But the trip to school in itself for any child is quite a strong stress. Do not make him worse by feeling his own inferiority, is not it? And that's why parents should take on the task of teaching their child to read. And besides the preparation for school, the ability to read very positively affects the intellectual development of the child. As practice shows, children who have a reading ability, are about two times ahead of their peers. Agree - a very decent price for the time spent on teaching the child to read.

When to start training?

So - you decided for yourself that your child shouldlearn how to read as quickly as possible. Only at what age is it worth starting a child's reading? In principle, children's psychologists and teachers come to a common opinion - the sooner the child learns to read, the better. However, of course, the principles of reasonableness should always be guided - absolutely nothing to force to learn to read two to three year old crumbs. And here five years - optimally suitable age. Although very often teachers hear the question of how quickly to teach crumbs to read. A crumb - it's only three years old. Of course, this is the right of parents to decide whether to begin to teach a child to read so early. In principle, this is also not a problem - and if parents are supporters of early development, nothing prevents them from starting to teach the child to read almost from the diaper. In any case, whenever you begin to teach the child to read, do not expect that your child will immediately begin reading for hours. Be prepared for the fact that no matter how old your child is, the first time the book will be for him only an exciting and colorful toy. In principle, educators recommend introducing the child to the book as early as in infancy. Now on sale you can find a large number of a variety of books designed for the youngest. There are even special books for bathing, in which rubberized pages are waterproof. Approximately at the age of one should begin to teach the child directly to reading. To do this, you need to stock up on children's books with bright pictures and short quatrains. Read your kid daily, at least 15 minutes a day. As a rule, all children without exception very much like such "gatherings" with a book. But even if your crumb for some reason does not stand 15 minutes of reading - do not insist on it. Often, parents almost forcibly hold the child, believing that by doing so they instill in him a love of reading. However, this is not so - the effect will be directly opposite. For any child, the book should be associated with pleasant emotions, and not with violence and boredom. Therefore, in no case is it inadmissible to compel a child to read. And this is true of children of all age categories. how to teach a child to read by syllables

We begin to study the alphabet

Of course, parents are first interested in howto teach the child to read by syllables. However, before proceeding to this task, it is necessary to learn the alphabet with the child. After all, letters are the basis, so do not try to read at once, until the child properly digests all the letters of the alphabet. And you can start learning the alphabet as soon as you want. This can be done in a variety of ways - and with the help of cards, and children's laptops, and speaking alphabet. However, teachers still consider the most effective old good cubes with letters and pictures drawn on them. Be sure to pay attention to the fact, how exactly do you pronounce those or other letters - the baby has absolutely nothing to know how correctly the letters are called. Pronounce them in the same way as they will sound when reading. It would seem - quite a slight nuance. However, it can greatly facilitate learning by reading, or, on the contrary, complicate it. Do not in any way turn lessons with the child into a kind of boring obligatory procedure - classes should be conducted in a casual game form. Do not rush things and try to get your child to learn the alphabet in record time. There is absolutely no hurry. On average, teachers are recommended to spend two days studying one letter. However, do not forget that all the passed letters must be constantly repeated. However, even after the child has learned all the letters of the alphabet in a jerk, parents will sooner relax. Almost a hundred percent of the letters in the crumb are strongly associated with the images in the pictures. And it is unlikely that your baby will be able to correctly name letters without pictures. Therefore, you will have the next stage of training - to start, change the cubes to make the pictures different. After the child has successfully mastered this visual aid, you can try and completely abandon any images. As a rule, a child needs very little time to learn letters without pictures. Most often this process takes no more than one week. And, finally, the final stage of the study of the letter is the magnetic alphabet. Magnetic alphabet - a letter with a magnetic fastening, which can be attached to the board or refrigerator. After the child begins to distinguish confidently and these diseases, the study of letters can be considered complete. You can proceed to the next stage of training.

Learn how to add syllables

So, we gradually approached the most importantquestion - how to teach a child to read by syllables. As a rule, from about three years of age, this science is already within the power of almost any kid. We hasten to please our parents - as a rule, learning to read by syllables is much easier than studying the alphabet itself, and it takes much less time. It is necessary to start all with the same familiar to the child, visual aids - cubes with pictures, tablets and magnetic beech. To start learning to read is necessary with the simplest syllables - show the child how it is possible to make up one syllable from two letters. For the first classes choose the simplest letters - for example, "m" and "a". Be sure to pronounce these syllables in a sing-song manner, especially by stretching the vowels, thereby accentuating the child's attention. After the child is well versed in the principle of composing the simplest syllables, which include a consonant and a vowel of the letter, it is worth slightly complicating the task. Show him how to correctly make syllables, from a consonant and two vowels, or two consonants and one vowel. After the child is well mastered by the addition of syllables from cubes or magnetic letters, it is worthwhile to purchase special books intended for teaching the child to read. In such books, syllables are grouped in a special way, groups - beginning with one letter. This construction greatly facilitates the child's task, speeding up the learning process. Of course, at this stage the child is lurking in a variety of complexities - and not always for the baby everything is obtained from the first time. A very common mistake of many parents is the loss of patience. However, in any case it is unacceptable to lose patience, and even more so, to break into a cry. Remember that to understand exactly how letters form in syllables - for a child is quite a difficult task. It's us, adults, doing this on the machine, without thinking about the mechanism, which is not so simple. teach the child to read

Teaching a child to read books

So, at first glance, it may seem thatthe child already knows how to read, and the mission of the parents has already been completed. However, in fact, the most important task of parents is yet to come - to teach the child to read books. In order to instill a child's love of reading, parents will have to make considerable efforts. First, do not force the child to immediately start reading books - this must be done gradually, so that the child does not forever lose the love of reading. The first time a kid should buy books, in which the main part is made up of pictures, and the text itself is divided into syllables. Such books like the child much more than books too overloaded with text. And it's not accidental - a large amount of text will only frighten the child, discouraging reading at all. And it's not accidental - after all, for the child so far, every word you read is a very serious work. Another problem that can lead to the child's unwillingness to read books is the reproaches of the parents. If your child does not want to read, do not force him to do it by force. It is much more reasonable to turn reading into an activity that is fascinating for a child, and not an act of punishment. There are so many ways to do this - if you show a little imagination and patience, you are sure to find the perfect way for your child. You can try to read along with the child aloud some fascinating tale. And at the most interesting place, parents can cheat a little - tell the child that you are very tired, but you really want to know what exactly the fairy tale will end. Ask the baby to finish reading the tale. Let him read at least a few sentences - after which, from the heart, praise him and continue reading yourself. After some time again, change with the baby roles of the reader and listener. And each time, gradually increase the number of proposals that will be read by the child. After he learns how to cope with a fairy tale, you can give the child a responsible job. In the event that the family has younger children, ask the child to read a fairy tale before bedtime. Surely the child will react very responsibly to this instruction, with pleasure reading a fairy tale to a brother or sister. However, do not do this regularly, thus making it a child's responsibility.

If the child reads very badly

In some cases, despite all efforts andcorrect actions of parents, the child reads extremely badly, most often - very slowly. There are several main reasons that can provoke the development of such a problem:

  • Broken attention and a bad memory. In the event that the child has too little attention and memory is weakened, reading for him becomes a real problem. For example, it is difficult for a child to read even one sentence - after reaching the third word, he forgets the first. To solve this problem it is necessary to seek help from a child psychologist who will start working with the child.
  • Low active field of view of the child. In the event that your child has such a feature as a low active field of vision, he will be unable to cope with reading very hard. With such a problem, a child can only read short words, since in the field of vision he can only hold three or four letters. To correct this problem, serious work of specialists is necessary.
  • Lean vocabulary. In the event that the child has too little vocabulary, his reading speed can also be slowed down, because the child will inadvertently reduce the rate of reading, trying to comprehend the read. This problem is not too terrible - after all the child's vocabulary will grow steadily. And, by the way, reading in this case is the best solution to the problem.
  • Logopedic problems. In the event that the child does not pronounce any sounds, it would be naive to expect a good reading from them. Therefore, before you begin to teach to read such children, it is worth paying special attention to studies with a speech therapist.

Protect the health of your child!

Starting to teach the child to reading, do not forget onea simple but very important truth - the development of the children's visual apparatus lasts until about seven years of age. Therefore, be sure to observe some safety rules:

  • Time for classes. The child should not be engaged more than half an hour to a number. It is much more reasonable to split classes into several classes, the duration of each of which should not exceed fifteen minutes.
  • The position of the child. Equally important is the correct position of the child in class. The kid is still very early lying with a book on the couch, so he should have his properly equipped place. The child should sit comfortably - make sure that the child keeps his back flat, his legs have a good emphasis on the floor, and the distance between the eyes and the book should be at least 30 centimeters.
  • Indoor lighting. It is very important to give proper attention to lighting. Ideally, it should be natural, but you can deal with the child and with artificial - the main thing is that it was bright enough, but not striking in the eye. The light should fall from the left side. These measures will help reduce the burden on the child's eyes.

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