vitamin e for pregnant women With the course of life, mankind in some spheresdevelops, while in others it lags far behind its predecessors. The older generation still remembers the days when store shelves were empty, but the products that were sold in them were strikingly different in quality from modern ones. Our grandparents ate modestly - vegetables and fruits were mostly grown in the kitchen gardens, they did not hear about any fast food, and they bought butter and sausages on cards. And, despite this, people were healthier and stronger than the current generation. At modern youth the choice of products is incredibly great: supermarkets offer a huge assortment, presenting several types of the same product: cheese, sweets, bread, potatoes, pasta, cereals and so on. Take everything you want; however, sad as it may sound, the quality of modern food is incredibly bad. Scientists have long been alarmed about the low nutritional value of current products and the huge amount of harmful modified substances contained in them. Today, in vegetables, greens, fruits and meat, there are practically no vital elements that are necessary for the normal development of man. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, then you must take care of yourself. For this, it is necessary to ensure that all essential vitamins and minerals enter the body from the outside. Take special complexes is recommended after a check with a doctor who will tell you what daily dose you need, and how to properly drink the entire course. Of particular importance, as you know, vitamins occupy the lives of pregnant women. Why they are needed, we think, and so many understand. First, most of the nutrients in her mother are taken away by her child. Secondly, during this period, some elements must enter the organism of the future mother in an increased quantity, since they take a direct part in the formation process, as well as the development and bearing of the baby. This is what vitamin E is about. We will tell you about how to take it, what is the daily rate and what is fraught with its lack for pregnant women, just below.

Vitamins - the guarantee of health

All future mothers know that vitaminspregnancy is simply necessary. And they go to the pharmacy, they buy a mineral complex there, and often they are guided by advertising or advice of "experienced" girlfriends or relatives. And they calm down on this, believing that the problem is solved. However, in reality it is not so. Let's first try to figure out why a person generally needs vitamins. The answer is extremely simple: to support all vital processes in the body. It is vitamins that keep under control thousands and thousands of biochemical processes that continuously flow in the body. And, when it comes to a pregnant woman, this is true of not only the future mother, but her child. After all, the body of the developing fetus has to be content with only those vitamins that the mother's body provides to it. Often a woman, although she drinks mineral complexes, still does not receive the necessary vitamins in sufficient quantities. And only because they are little contained in the composition of drugs or not at all. To get a woman could make them very simple - by adjusting their diet. In order to protect themselves from such situations, the expectant mother should know what vitamins she needs for the successful course of pregnancy. The most important and necessary element for the health of mother and her child, as experts say, is vitamin E, which is also called tocopherol. It not only protects against the development of cancer, but also prevents the onset of Alzheimer's syndrome, but also helps to bear fruit. There is a certain norm of the content of this element in the human body, and if for some reason it is not enough, then there may be weakness, worse, anemia. Therefore, it is very important to eat properly and take extra vitamins to pregnant women. the norm of vitamin E for pregnant women

Vitamin E

Vitamin E in the people is better known as "vitaminyouth. " And he got this name quite rightly, because it is vitamin E that has a unique property to reliably protect all cells of the body without exception from the very aggressive impact of harmful chemicals - free radicals. That is why vitamin E can positively affect a huge number of very different processes that take place in the body of both the mother and the fetus. And often these processes are extremely important: for example, vitamin E reliably protects the pregnancy from its premature spontaneous interruption, and prepares light crumbs for independent breathing after birth. In connection with the lifestyle that modern young people lead, and the state of ecology, today many pregnant women in early terms have a menstrual cycle. This can be associated with stress or health problems, the diet and other factors are also of great importance. To eliminate these problems and prevent a possible miscarriage, doctors recommend taking vitamin E. However, self-medication is by no means worthwhile - so you can only harm yourself and your baby. After all, there is a certain dosage, which is purely individual, so all issues should be discussed with the gynecologist who is watching you. Tocopherol helps to improve the transport of oxygen, as well as prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, reduces convulsions of the lower extremities, beneficially affects the overall condition of nails, hair and skin. It is considered to be the most "feminine" vitamin among all the other elements, since it helps not only to restore the menstrual cycle, but also contributes to the ripening of the infantile womb, also applies to the late onset of menstruation, treats dysfunction of the ovaries. Very often vitamin E is prescribed for girls who can not get pregnant for a long time, because it increases reproductive abilities and improves the functioning of the sex glands. Pregnant to take tocopherol is simply necessary, as it participates in the formation of the child's respiratory system, improves the function of the ovaries, prevents involuntary abortion, and also maintains a normal hormonal background. By its effect this vitamin is very similar to the hormone progesterone. It also favors the maturation of the placenta and regulates its work, prevents detachment, helps to keep the vessels in norm and so on. Also tocopherol is involved in the production of a hormone that provides lactation. In a word, vitamin E during pregnancy is simply irreplaceable; we think, now you understand why and why it should be taken by every woman, being in position.

Vitamin E in nature and why they should not be abused

Vitamin E in large quantities is in the mostvarious products: it contains wheat germ, soybeans, legumes, all kinds of unrefined vegetable oil (soybean, corn, sunflower and olive), dairy products, meat, vegetables, fish. Simply put, they are absolutely in all products - so great is its importance for the reproduction of all living organisms. But, even so, almost all doctors prefer to hedge and prescribe vitamin E during pregnancy in addition. Despite all the positive aspects of tocopherol, one should also take into account that if its content in the body exceeds the norm, then this element can become dangerous. The fact is that this fat-soluble vitamin has one bad ability - to accumulate in adipose tissue. And this is not desirable for pregnant women, since during the gestation of a child a woman is gaining extra pounds. In addition, vitamin E helps to increase the elasticity of muscles, which can have a very negative impact on future births. Some scientists also believe that this element can lead to other consequences that have not been studied so far. Therefore, if it is known that the norm of tocopherol is from 200 to 400 milligrams per day, then this indicator should not be exceeded!

Dosage of tocopherol for pregnant women

The daily norm of tocopherol for a healthy personis about 20 milligrams. The dosage of medicinal products is indicated in such international units as ME. 0.67 milligrams of vitamin E corresponds to 1 IU or 1 milligram of tocopherol acetate. Some women may be outraged, because they prescribed a doctor to take 200 or 400 milligrams a day. However, do not panic, because the dose of this element is selected strictly individually, while taking into account the course of pregnancy, the health of women and so on. Under normal conditions and absence of any problems, a safe dose is not higher than 1000 milligrams of tocopherol per day. But in no case do not get carried away by self-medication - you can only harm yourself or your baby. Vitamin E is often not prescribed as an independent drug, but special multivitamin complexes are selected, which contain the daily norm of this element. If you do not want to get tocopherol as a medicine, be sure to revise your daily diet. Eat as many cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), greens, fruits, meat, eggs, walnuts and other nuts. In general, all those foods that contain vitamin E. It should be noted that inorganic iron, when in contact with tocopherol, is destroyed completely or to a greater extent. Therefore, doctors do not recommend taking iron-containing medications together with vitamin E. As for boiled foods that are rich in iron, they should be eaten only after eight, and preferably twelve hours after the last reception of the remedy. why pregnant vitamin e

Summing up

From all of the above it becomes clear thatPregnancy and vitamins should always go side by side. And in no case is it unacceptable to treat this lightly, believing that your body does not need any supplements. This article has already given you some idea of ​​what is fraught with a deficiency of a vitamin. Therefore, take care not to admit such a situation. However, you need to take vitamins very carefully and reasonably, without falling into unhealthy fanaticism. The first thing to do is to carefully review the diet. Consult a dietitian and, if not, consult your gynecologist. Physicians will help you make the menu in an optimal way to meet all the needs of the body, both your and the baby. So, so that you and your child are healthy, you need to consume vitamin E, getting it from food, or to drink a course of medications. However, remember that their dosage is strictly individual, so be sure to consult your doctor. Let us again recall the positive properties of tocopherol:

  • it prevents the development of anemia, oncological diseases, as well as Alzheimer's disease;
  • helps restore the menstrual cycle, balance the hormonal background;
  • prevents involuntary miscarriage;
  • takes part in the formation of the child's respiratory system;
  • Vitamin E helps to reduce the harmful effects of the environment, protects against the negative impact of the environment;
  • increases the protective functions of the human body and helps to fight with various infections.

Therefore, to receive sufficientlyan element is necessary for everyone, and especially for pregnant women, in the bosom of which one more life is growing. When going to see your doctor, be sure to discuss this with him. Let him tell you how to take tocopherol correctly, what is his daily dose exactly for you. And we can not fail to mention vitamin-mineral complexes. Do not buy them yourself, as is often the case. Yes, vitamin E during pregnancy is extremely important, but do you really lack it? Yes, vitamin E is simply vital, but its excess can lead to thrombosis. So let the doctors determine your needs and prescribe the vitamins that these needs will satisfy. We advise you to read:

