own cosmetics Every woman wants to be attractive. However, to maintain the beauty for many years - the task is not of the lungs. Skin and hair should be moistened, nourished, strengthened. To help in this difficult matter come various cosmetics. They are represented in the modern market in a huge variety. A woman with any material wealth can acquire suitable cosmetics for herself. But can you be sure of the quality of the products offered? Of course, there is an opportunity to purchase funds to maintain beauty from elite firms, but it will cost very cheap. And is there a guarantee that this product is not a fake? It should also be noted that even in the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics to some extent add preservatives and all sorts of chemical components. For most women, they are harmless, but some can cause allergic reactions. It is no wonder, that more often it is necessary to resort to experience of our great-grandmothers. In ancient times, when there were no shops or factories for the production of cosmetics, women managed to maintain their beauty with the help of elementary tools made by themselves. For the care of the skin and hair, they were simple recipes, in which natural ingredients were used. Now, even now, home cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular. It's the only way to be sure of its safety and quality. At first glance, it may seem that cosmetics with their own hands - it is extremely difficult. In this there is only a fraction of the truth. First, some effort will have to be made, but over time experience is gained, and this activity will even begin to bring pleasure. For many women, home cosmetics become the same hobby, as, for example, handicrafts or cooking. Many collect old recipes of home cosmetics and on their basis already create their own. Recipes for self-preparation of cosmetics are very different. Some of them require special equipment. We will describe such recipes for home cosmetics to maintain youth and beauty, which can easily be made from simple components. It is important to know just a few rules. cosmetics with their own hands

Rules for the manufacture of cosmetics with their own hands

  • Prepare a separate bowl that you willuse only for making cosmetics. It should be enameled bowls of different sizes and a pan with a double bottom. Many components will need to be heated on a water and steam bath.
  • Raw materials for making cosmetics with their own handsit is better to buy at a pharmacy, and not to collect it yourself. All components must be quality and fresh. Use water if possible mineral or distilled.
  • Purchase an electronic balance. Raw materials for the manufacture of certain types of cosmetics should preferably be measured as accurately as possible.
  • Home cosmetics are prepared in small portions. Remember that even in the refrigerator it is stored only a few days. On the container, paste pieces of paper on which you write the date when this or that tool was manufactured. This will prevent the use of spoiled cosmetics.
  • Cosmetics from natural ingredients do not containpreservatives. Therefore, the capacity in which it will be packaged, can not be tightly clogged. It is enough to cover the jar with a piece of oiled paper or foil.
  • Remember that in making cosmetics yourhands are very important accuracy. Dishes, hands and all components should be clean. And the capacity in which the finished product will be stored, it is better to sterilize. This will prevent harmful microorganisms from entering it and will contribute to a longer shelf life.
  • With your hands, you can prepare anycosmetic: cream, tonic, mask, scrub, lip balm and even toothpaste. Well, we now give recipe for beginners to master this interesting and necessary thing. home cosmetics

    Cosmetics for face skin care: simple recipes

  • Tonic for all skin types can be easily preparedfrom cucumber and water For this, grate on a fine grater fresh vegetable, peeled. Then mix 3 tablespoons of cucumber puree with 1 glass of boiling water. Refrigerate and let it infuse the lotion for a day. This is a wonderful tool, narrowing the pores and relieving inflammation.
  • Cleansing Lotion of milk and flowers Violet 300milliliters of milk to fill 3 tablespoons of inflorescences. Put the container on the fire and heat on a low heat until a pleasant aroma is felt. Take care that the liquid does not boil. Ready loson cool and store in the refrigerator for no more than three days. It not only improves the skin color of the face, but also gives it freshness. No wonder that even the famous beauties of antiquity washed their milk and swam in it.
  • Tonic for problem skin To make it, you need to dilute a quarter of a glass of water a few drops of tea tree oil. With a liquid, wipe the face 2 times a day.
  • Aloe-based lotion is suitable for women moremature age It will help moisten dry, fading skin. For its preparation, the cut leaves of the plant must be kept in the refrigerator for two weeks. Then 50 grams of aloe is poured into 500 milliliters of cold water and insisted for about 2 hours under the lid. After that, heat the liquid over low heat until it boils and filter.
  • Cream for all skin types Yolk 1 egg whip withjuice of half a lemon, adding drop by drop ¼ cup olive or sunflower oil. The resulting composition is mixed with 4 teaspoons of lanolin and 2 tablespoons of chemist's alcohol, add 1 teaspoon of vitamins A and E, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The resulting mixture is covered with a lid and shaken for half an hour. Ready cream for consistency should be liquid and remind cosmetic cream.
  • Cream with a rejuvenating effect Yolk whisk with 1a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of natural honey. Separately, combine 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Then mix and blend thoroughly with a mixer, gradually adding 7-10 drops of camphor alcohol.
  • Easy scrub Mix in equal parts oatmeal andgerm of wheat, add warm water, so that the mass has a pasty consistency. Scrub stored in a tightly closed container, apply 2 times a week.
  • Sugar peeling 1 teaspoon sugar with a slidemix with 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil. For oily skin - with lemon juice. With the mixture, massage the face for 1-2 minutes, then wash with warm water.
  • Fruit mask for dry skinequal parts of the pulp of plum and melon in the meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Similarly, you can make masks from any vegetables and fruits, choosing them according to the type of skin and what effect you want to get. Lemon, cucumber and potatoes, for example, refresh and bleach the skin. A banana, onion and pumpkin have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Cosmetics for the body with their own hands: useful recipes

  • Natural deodorant Take 60 gramscornstarch and mix in equal proportion with baking soda. Add 20 drops of tea tree essential oil and 3 tablespoons coconut oil. The mixture can be used after it thickens. Keep a natural deodorant better in the refrigerator.
  • Shower gel In order to make it, you need200 grams of soap base or crushed baby soap mixed with 300 milliliters of water. For the density, add 1 tablespoon of table salt or sea salt and 6 drops of any essential oil. The resulting product will be stored longer in containers with darkened glasses.
  • Scrub Mix in equal parts sugar and seasalt, add a few drops of essential oils. The natural exfoliating agent is ready. To achieve an anti-cellulite effect, it is possible to add insoluble ground coffee.
  • Bath soak up a glass of oatmeal1.5 liters of water and put on a very weak fire for 4 hours. Wipe the cooked mass through a sieve. It turns out a mixture, like a jelly. Add it to the water while taking a bath.
  • Mask for breast strengthening 1 tablespoon of yogurt without filler, mix with 1 teaspoon of oil solution of vitamin E and raw egg. Apply massage movements on the chest for 10-15 minutes.
  • home cosmetics with your own hands

    Cosmetics for the care of hands

  • Cream To make it, take 1,5 tableSpoon soap base or baby soap and dilute 4 tablespoons water. Warm it up to a homogeneous mass. Cool, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 4 teaspoons of olive oil and a couple drops of any essential oil at your discretion.
  • Rejuvenating hand mask 1 tablespoon of honey mixed with the same amount of sour cream and whipped egg yolk. The mask should be held for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mask for nail growth Mix sunflower oil with ground red pepper. The resulting gruel should be kept on the nails for 5-10 minutes. This mask increases the flow of blood to the nails and promotes their growth.
  • Cosmetics for hair with your own hands

  • Herbal Shampoo Brew 3 sachetschamomile and mint tea in 250 milliliters of water, cool. Mix the solution with a soap base and 1 teaspoon of refined vegetable oil. This shampoo is well kept even without a refrigerator.
  • Mask First we prepare the basis. Mix in equal parts castor, burdock and olive oil, add a couple drops of vitamins A and E. Composition well shaken. Then mix the mixture with 1 yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. We put a mask on hair, from above we put on a warming cap, we hold about 40 minutes.
  • Paint for hair Absolutely harmlessAn alternative to chemicals from stores is vegetable henna. Adding in it additional natural ingredients, you can get the desired shade. To obtain a chestnut color, for example, henna is mixed with cocoa powder and cinnamon. And to get a reddish shade, it adds beet or cranberry juice. Blondes for hair beauty are recommended to use colorless henna and rinse aid from decoction of chamomile or nettle. Natural cosmetics will not only give a beautiful shade to the hair, but also make them strong and healthy.
  • The recipes above are just a drop inthe sea of ​​those cosmetics that you can make yourself. With the necessary experience, you can master more complex recipes. Indeed, at home, you can even make toothpaste, lipstick and mascara with your own hands. And believe me, even the most expensive cosmetics from elite manufacturers cannot be compared in quality with those made on their own. And after a while you will be able to create your own recipes for beauty and health yourself. Do not regret spending a little time on taking care of your beauty, positive results will not keep you waiting long. Believe me, do-it-yourself cosmetics are not only simple, but also useful. See for yourself: use our recipes and be great!

