According to surveys conducted among menpopulation of different ages, nationalities and religion, buttocks are one of the most attractive female parts of the body. They even - which is absolutely incredible! - I managed to get ahead of such a serious "competitor" as the chest. What kind of epithets does not reward the strong gender of the female ass - "chic", "appetizing", "sexy", "luxurious" - nice to listen to! But, unfortunately, it often happens that when studying your own reflection in the mirror, completely different definitions come to mind ... Why such injustice? In fact, everything is arranged very correctly. Initially, the roles of men and women in society were strictly delineated. Therefore, their physique is very different. A man is a hunter, a warrior, "hope and support." The woman is the mother and the keeper of the hearth. Simply put, a man more often had to run, and a woman - "sit on the pope". Elastic buttocks - this, of course, is very cool ... But sit comfortably on a soft ass. And one more important point. Hateful fat is nothing more than a "conserved" energy. It is necessary for a woman to carry and feed a child. And to give birth is much easier for those who have wide hips. So everything is thought up very cleverly. Incidentally, from the very beginning and up to the present time, the ideals of female beauty fully corresponded to the "idea" of Mother Nature. Remember, at least, the Titian women. Do not you think that the artist worked with models that should have disgusted others? Of course not. It was this physique that was considered perfect. However, you do not even have to go that far - just look at old movies of the 50-60s. All recognized beauties are rather lush forms. And the epithet "thin" was perceived as "sick", "ugly". Yes, and the very word came from the word "bad". Sense, I think, is understandable. But every century has its own ideals of feminine beauty. Today, the notorious 90x60x90 standard is firmly entrenched in female heads. And, it seems, it is in women. It is hardly possible to imagine a normal man - if he, of course, not a tailor - who would rush to the lady he liked with a centimeter in his hands. However, women are stubborn creatures. They continue to strive hard for cherished figures. And if it is not possible to reach them - or, at least, to approach - an inferiority complex arises and depression begins. How to solve this problem?
How to make the buttocks elastic with the help of cosmetology?
Unfortunately, if this is not taken care ofnature - after all there are such lucky ones! - then make it so that about your ass you can say "elastic" is not at all easy. It is not easy - but possible. It just takes a lot of time and effort. But if the goal is set, one must strive for it. True, at first it is necessary to choose the ways of achievement. And there are at least three of them. The simplest, but the most expensive, is asking for help from professionals. There are also options. The first one will suit decisive women. Those who live by the principle "I want everything and immediately." This is plastic surgery. However, before deciding on such drastic measures, you should think ten times. Of course, modern plastic surgery does not stand still. New methods, high-tech equipment ... add obsessive advertising and a personal example of various "stars" to it, and it becomes clear why more and more women are deciding on this step. Of course, it's so tempting to "make" yourself a new, sexy ass in just one day, without making any effort! So this method has enough supporters. However, if you are one of them, it is necessary to take into account that any surgical intervention has a lot of contraindications and is fraught with the most serious complications. There are several methods of surgical correction of buttocks. Perhaps the most famous are liposuction and gluteoplasty.
- Liposuction
Liposuction involves the pumping of fat from"Problem" places. The operation is quite serious. The recovery period is about two weeks. The final result can be seen only two to three months after the operation. Unfortunately, not all of them are happy. Quite often, instead of an elastic beautiful ass, you can get "something" literally "dug up" by incomprehensible "pits and bunorochkami."
- Gluteoplasty
Gluteoplasty is a correction of the shape of the buttocks underassist implants. The rehabilitation period is about two weeks. Full recovery will take about three months. After surgery, you can not sit for a long time and it is recommended to wear special supporting shorts. In general, it is up to you to decide whether to resort to such radical measures or not. At least, before doing this, it is necessary to carefully collect all the information and very seriously approach the choice of the clinic. The second option of professional assistance is salon procedures. In any beauty salon you will be offered a number of various services that will make the elastic buttocks not a dream, but a reality. What is not thought up for these purposes! A variety of masks, wraps, mesotherapy, hardware cosmetology and many others - pleasant and not very - procedures. By the way, some of them also have many contraindications. Therefore, before "surrendering" to specialists, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Let's consider some of them.
- Mesotherapy
This procedure is suitable for those who are not afraid of injections. The principle is very simple - under the skin are introduced special drugs that destroy fat cells. This allows you to get rid of local "savings" and simultaneously tighten the skin. It is believed that to achieve the effect, it is necessary to make at least four procedures. In fact, most likely, this amount is not limited. It is worth to focus on 10-15 sessions.
- Hardware cosmetology
You will be told in detail about different devices andwill offer a variety of methods - ultrasonic liposuction, electrolysolysis, hardware vacuum massage, infrared radiation, etc. They differ in the degree of soreness, the force of impact and, of course, the price. The choice is yours. However, you need to know that whichever option you choose, you will need to complete a course of several procedures.
- «Manual modeling»
This is a relatively new and very effective waymodeling of the figure. Especially it will suit those whose priest has so-called "ears". Typically, the procedure is carried out once a week and takes about three hours. The drawbacks of "manual molding" can be attributed to the fact that these manipulations are very painful, and the "processed" in this way the place swells and becomes covered with bruises. However, as a result, you will not only get rid of excess fat, but also get tempting forms that will last for a long time. To the category of not only effective but also pleasant ways of modeling the buttocks are various anti-cellulite masks and wraps. They can also be done in the salon, using professional cosmetics. However, even cosmetologists confirm that home masks are not less effective. And then we came to the second path to achieve this goal.
Physical exercises «Elastic buttocks»
Is it possible to achieve elastic buttocks in the homeconditions? Of course! But this task can not be called simple, and it will be necessary to approach it in a comprehensive manner. Instead of expensive and painful procedures, you can take advantage of simple and effective exercises. The main thing is to do exercises for elastic buttocks regularly. Only in this case the training will be of use.
Healthy lifestyle
Well, in conclusion, I would like to tell you how to make the buttocks elastic with the help of proper nutrition and caring for your body.
- Massage
Believe me, this is not necessary for thissomewhere to go or call a masseur at home. Independent mini-massage sessions, provided that they are held regularly, give very good results. So, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening before going to the shower, you need to slightly "pinch" the skin of the buttocks. Get a little redness. This will ensure the best blood flow. Then, already under the shower, massage the buttocks with a stiff brush or washcloth. After showering, apply cream. Depending on the skin condition, you can use anti-cellulite, nourishing, moisturizing or cream with lifting effect.
- Food
Revise your menu. Try to reduce the amount of flour, sweet and fatty. Eat plenty of cereals and vegetables. Divide the day's diet into five to six meals and eat it slowly, in small portions. Try to organize your daily routine in such a way as to have dinner at least four hours before bedtime.
- In order to enhance the effect of exercise and massage, use "folk" recipes for anti-cellulite masks
In the salons even there are whole programs. But you can do it on your own. For example, such is suitable. Mask of blue clay. It will help not only to "pull out" excess liquid from the skin, but also to get rid of toxins. Take three large clay spoons, pour a little warm water and stir. Should get a gruel. Add two large spoons of ground coffee beans and essential oils. For example, 3 drops of rosemary and 5 - thyme. Apply on the buttocks and hold for 10-12 minutes.
- Try to lead an active lifestyle
Walking on a bicycle or on skis, driving onroller skates, dance classes, aerobics, swimming - all this well strengthens the muscles and makes the buttocks elastic. Of course, do not rely on the fact that you will be able to "get" elastic buttocks for a week - it will take much more time. But, as is known, if a woman wants something very much, she will achieve this. So we are arranged. We advise you to read: