The East is a delicate matter, but for us, with ourEurasian mentality, quite understandable. That is why we accept with equal enthusiasm something completely Western or something that came to us from exotic Asia. That is why we start trying on all sorts of health improvement methods, diets and gymnastics without a second thought: be it the new-fangled Scandinavian walking or the Indian yoga that has been tested for thousands of years. By the way, yoga is one of the few accessible, effective and, most importantly, enjoyable ways to improve your health, lose weight, rejuvenate your body and find peace of mind. This is how wonderful and miraculous yoga is – an incomprehensible system of improving the spirit and body, which you can master even at home. Let's learn about the basics of this Eastern practice and how to start doing yoga.
The Meaning of Yoga
There are many people who are just starting to practice yoga at home.those who do not quite correctly understand its true purpose. Yoga is not a sport, not a method of fighting excess weight, and not even a method of improving the body. Yoga is, first of all, a philosophy, a different attitude to life, to your body and your soul. The main goal of yoga is to achieve an elevated state of mind with the help of spiritual and physical practices, and a healthy spirit, as we know, can only be in a healthy body. That is why yoga classes help to improve your own body and health along with spiritual development. However, outside of India itself (the birthplace of yoga), it is associated with only one part of this teaching, namely, the physical practice of hatha yoga. But even hatha yoga is largely underestimated by those who are just beginning to master this practice at home. It is believed that it is enough to learn a few asanas (poses) to proudly inform your friends about your involvement in this Indian teaching. However, hatha yoga is not only exercises (those same asanas), but also diet, breathing, ritual gestures and meditation. In general, hatha yoga is considered the first step, a preparatory stage for understanding the entire teaching of yoga and achieving physical and mental harmony.
The Benefits of Yoga
As we have already said, a healthy mind canexist only in a healthy body: this was claimed not only by the Soviet propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, but also by yoga, a philosophy of physical and mental harmony, which has been practiced for centuries. And it is no coincidence that physical and breathing exercises in yoga help the body gain lightness and flexibility and rid us of many ailments. For example, hatha yoga classes normalize the respiratory system, “treat” lung and bronchial diseases. Yoga also helps get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and headaches, strengthens blood vessels, joints and the heart muscle, helps cope with depression and obesity, and is even (even!) recommended for the treatment of infertility caused by hormonal imbalances. One of the most important advantages is the absence of age restrictions. In addition, yoga is also popular due to its accessibility (you can practice at home) and any level of physical fitness. Absolutely anyone who is not bedridden or in a wheelchair can practice yoga (either at home or under the guidance of a trainer). There are no standards, only complete immersion in the process and awareness of each of your movements.
Rules for beginners
Yoga classes are a kind of ritual that cannot be broken. Therefore, for beginners to practice yoga at home, it is important to learn the basic rules:
And, of course, the most important thing (let us repeat) is completeimmersion in the process. Therefore, when starting to practice yoga, be prepared for the fact that you will need comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, an isolated room (a room with a closed door) or the ability to be alone and not be distracted by phone calls. It is best to practice yoga barefoot and on an empty stomach, and for greater effect, it is also advisable to follow a low-calorie vegetarian diet. From the equipment, you will only need a mat or a small blanket. If you are mentally prepared and have the opportunity to comply with all the above conditions, then nothing can prevent you from doing yoga at home. And even if you do not have a special manual or guide, you can simply master a set of exercises for beginners. Only this set will be enough to improve your health, restore flexibility and strength to your muscles and joints, get rid of irritability and lose weight. And only then, feeling that you need to go further, you can safely move from the category of beginner yogis to the category of advanced ones.
Basic course
Once you have mastered the basic rules, you can beginзанятиям дома. Для начинающих йогов достаточно освоить несколько основных асан и регулярно их выполнять. Заметим, что под регулярностью подразумеваются ежедневные, пусть и непродолжительные занятия. Такая практика принесет более ощутимый результат, нежели вы станете заниматься подолгу, но всего лишь пару раз в неделю. И еще одно правило, которого необходимо придерживаться: нагрузка на обе стороны тела должны быть при выполнении асан одинаковой. Если же приходится принимать несимметричные позы, то сначала нужно выполнять упражнение в одну сторону, а затем в другую. Итак, основные позы (асаны) йоги, входящие в курс для начинающих. Тадасана. Поза горы Встаньте ровно и вытянитесь вверх всем туловищем. При этом стопы соединены, таз и живот втянут, ноги выпрямлены. Руки опущены по бокам туловища и слегка разведены в стороны, ладони расправлены, пальцы вытянуты. Плечи отведите назад и опустите, спину держите прямой, а подборок приподнимите и держите параллельно полу. Эта асана не имеет никаких противопоказании. Именно с нее нужно начинать занятия дома, а также заканчивать этой асаной комплекс упражнений. Тадасана исправляет осанку и компенсирует вредное влияние на позвоночник сидячей работы и обуви на высоких каблуках. Намасте. Поза благодарности Исходное положение, как и в предыдущей асане. Руки согнуты в локтях, ладони соединены перед грудью и повернуты пальцами вверх (ритуальный жесть «мудра»). Другой вариант Позы благодарности – соединенные ладони за спиной. Это вариант намного сложнее, получается далеко не с первого и даже не со второго раза. Но зато и эффект от этого варианта данной асаны намного ощутимее. Урдхва. Поза с руками поднятыми вверх Из положения в Позе горы (Тадасана) поднимите руки вверх и максимально потянитесь. Задержитесь в этом положении. Упражнение действует по принципу растягивает все мышцы организма. Только в отличие от стрейчинга здесь имеет место комплексное воздействие и более мягкий эффект. Уттхита Триконасана. Поза вытянутого треугольника Расставьте ноги как можно шире, не теряя равновесия. Руки разведите в стороны и вытяните. Стопы разверните вправо, наклонитесь в правую сторону и возьмитесь правой рукой за правое колено. Левую руку при этом вытяните вертикально. То же самое повторите с наклоном в левую сторону. Главное условие правильной позы вытянутого треугольника – максимальное, но приятное вытяжение рук, ног, шеи, боковых мышц и позвоночника. К тому же тело и конечности должны находиться в оной плоскости. Уттхита рекомендована при остеохондрозе, плохой подвижности суставов, артрите. Она помогает при лечении желудочных и кишечных заболеваний, укрепляет боковые мышцы, мышцы ног и живота, способствует похудению. Вирабхадрасана. Поза героя с одним мечом Сначала расставьте ноги максимально широко и вытяните в стороны руки. Затем поднимите руки вверх развернутыми к потолку ладонями и соедините их над головой. Левую стопу и туловище разверните вправо, а правую ногу согните под прямым углом. Теперь необходимо выпрямить правую ногу и ее стопу также развернуть вправо. Задержитесь в этой позе около одной-двух минут и повторите асану с разворотом в другую сторону. Вирабхадрасана рекомендована при заболевания суставов и позвоночника. Улучшает работу легких, способствует похудению в области живота и талии. Укрепляет мышцы всего организма. Мукха шванаса. Поза собаки Асана известна в двух вариантах — поза собаки с опущенной мордой и поза собаки с поднятой мордой. На самом деле напоминает движения потягивающейся собаки, за что и получила свое название.
- Adho mukha svanas. Pose of a dog with a lowered muzzle. Squat down, placing your feet on the width of the pelvis, and lower your arms and place them on the floor with the palms shoulder width apart. In this case, there should be enough distance between the palms and the feet that you can stretch and straighten your back. Then lift the pelvis up to the ceiling, straightening your legs and placing emphasis on your toes and palms. Now, directing the force to the legs, try to put the heels on the floor, keeping the trunk and arms straight and loosening your stomach and neck.
- Urdhva mukha svanasana. Pose of a dog with a raised muzzle. The starting position, as in the previous asana. Leaning on the palms and tips of the toes, tear off the legs and torso from the floor, and tilt your head back.
This asana is recommended for fatigue and headaches.pain, in the treatment of pulmonary and gynecological diseases, as well as kidney diseases and menstrual disorders. Corrects posture and helps with osteochondrosis. Balasana. Child's Pose Kneel on the floor, then lower your buttocks onto your heels. Now slowly place your torso on your thighs, stretching your arms forward. Hold this pose for one to two minutes. Balasana helps restore balance and harmony to the body, relaxes tense muscles of the back and neck. Vrikshasana. Tree Pose Stand up, rest your heels on the floor, straighten your legs. Inhale and lift up, join your palms and move your raised arms behind your head as far as possible. For greater effect, bend one leg at the knee and place it on the thigh (the front of the leg above the knee) of the opposite leg. Vrikshasana allows you to achieve a graceful posture and strengthens the spine. Dhanurasana. Bow Pose Lie face down on the floor. Move your arms back and clasp your ankles with your palms. Inhale and simultaneously lift your lower and upper body. Hold this position. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, makes your arms slim and straightens your back. Salamba Sarvangasana. Candle Pose Mastering this asana is one of the main tasks of beginner yogis. Salamba Sarvangasana is called the mother of all asanas and its beneficial effect on the body is considered to be simply enormous. To perform it, lie on your back, stretch out and tense your legs at the knees. Then exhale and pull your bent knees to your stomach, pressing your hips tightly to your body. Take two inhales and exhales, lift your pelvis off the floor and support it with your palms of your arms bent at the elbows. Take two more inhales and exhales. Now lift your legs and body up, pressing your chest to your chin (legs bent at the knees). Two more inhales and exhales - and the legs are vertically up. You need to stay in this pose for at least five minutes, maintaining free breathing. Sarvangasana is recommended for any diseases of the spine, nervous disorders, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, hemorrhoids, insomnia, bronchitis, lung and kidney diseases. This asana treats migraines, dizziness, gout, flat feet, gynecological diseases, rhinitis, tonsillitis, prostatitis, flat feet and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is especially useful for the endocrine glands (gonads, thyroid, pancreas, thymus, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pineal gland).
- Important! You can not perform a Candle Pose during an exacerbation of any of these diseases.
Uttasana.Downward Stretch Take the Mountain Pose, then the Pose with Arms Extended Up, and then bend forward as much as possible without bending your knees and touch the floor with your hands. Stay in this position for one to two minutes, relaxing your head and neck. Shavasana Mritasana. Corpse Pose This asana concludes the yoga cycle for beginners. It allows you to completely relax, disconnect from external sounds and your own thoughts. It seems simple only at first glance, since it is very difficult to achieve complete relaxation of all muscles, and simply impossible on the first attempts. Lie on your back, turn your hands with palms up, move your heels together and spread your toes apart, close your eyes. Try to relax completely. Try to purposefully relax your muscles, starting with your toes and ending with your eyes. Ideally, you should stop feeling your body and even the pupils of your eyes should not move. Breathe deeply at first, and then more superficially. Maintain this position and state for fifteen to twenty minutes. Shavasana Mritasana is the end of each class, recommended for menstrual disorders, headaches, stress, neuroses, heart disease and chronic fatigue. It has no contraindications.
Effectiveness of lessons
Having opened my own personal yoga club and practicing inyour own home, you become your own instructor. Of course, manuals, pictures and videos are a great help. But how do you know that your yoga is right and you are doing everything "as it should be", and not "as it turns out". The main thing is to listen to your body and understand your own feelings. If you are doing everything correctly, then the sensations will only be pleasant. The main thing is to feel and track your sensations. If they are there, then you are doing everything correctly. The fact is that each asana makes certain muscles and organs work and launches its own special mechanism for healing the body. So the first sensations (tingling, tension, warmth, vibration) indicate the launch of this mechanism. If you began to feel your body, it means that the muscles have woken up, have started to work actively, and the first results will not take long to come. Very soon you will feel not only an improvement in your well-being, but you will notice that the blues are passing, negative thoughts are replaced by an optimistic mood, activity and a desire to act awaken. So act! Do not stop at the very beginning of the path, because only the one who walks will master the road! We recommend reading: