Luxurious long hair has long ceased to existan unrealizable dream of young girls with short haircuts. Now they can simply be extended in almost any beauty salon - if only there is money and desire. Hair extensions are in fashion, this procedure is done by both young girls and older women. There are many different methods by which natural long strands will be attached to your natural short hair. And this procedure has been done for the last ten years in almost every locality of our vast Motherland. Only one question arises: where do they get hair for extensions in such huge quantities? Indeed, the demand for hair extensions is very high - the prospect of not having to suffer with hair care, but getting a ready-made mane in a couple of hours, is too attractive for most girls. They are not afraid of horror stories about the consequences of such a procedure for natural hair, because at all times beauty required sacrifices, and always received them. So girls extend strands of all colors and sizes, without thinking: where did such beauty get on their heads?
Where does hair come from for building up: rumors
Each of us has seen ads at least once onbus stops and the walls of houses: "I'll buy hair, it's expensive." Each of us understood that this is how wigs made of natural hair and hair extension material appear on sale (where else can you get them from?). But I wonder: are there really more people who want to cut off their thick, long hair than those who want to extend the same hair? After all, the demand for hair extensions is very high, and there is no shortage of hair? There are countless rumors on the Internet about where hair extensions come from. Here are the most popular of them:
- According to the announcements about the purchase of hair - indeed, this is the most obvious method of obtaining the material.
- From prisons - that, it is quite possible. After all, in places not so remote, at least in our country, the prisoners do not ask what kind of hair they like best.
- From psychiatric hospitals - also an option, there sick girls and women cut off their hair for their own safety.
- From the morgues - no comments.
Well, is everything really so scary, and that shock of hairshiny golden hair that is on your head was obtained in some monstrous way? Let's think together: are hair extensions really that dangerous and how realistic are the above assumptions? Or maybe there is no particular difference between all these methods (except perhaps the last one)? In the end, it doesn't matter at all under what conditions the former owner of the hair parted with her locks - the main thing is that it was legal. Agree that it is quite difficult to imagine a situation when women with luxurious hair are specially sent behind bars or to a nursing home so that beauty salons have something to profit from! Take, for example, female prisoners: they really are shaved bald, but this is done not in prison, but in a pre-trial detention center immediately after a guilty verdict is passed. And believe me, a state security agency will never sell prisoners' hair for money. And what about hospitals? Maybe that's where the hair for extensions comes from? It's also unlikely. Did you know that not all hair will be bought in a beauty salon? If the locks are dull, sparse and lifeless, or suspiciously resemble a washcloth in appearance, then no hair extension manufacturer will covet them. We ourselves often treat our hair so that it does not resemble the above-mentioned body wash - to say nothing of the poor women kept in psychiatric clinics. We dare to assume that their health is not so great, and their hair does not at all resemble the luxurious hair from the advertisement, suitable for extensions. And therefore, rumors that such hospitals are the main suppliers of hair remain rumors. Well, the scary stories that most of the hair extensions come from the morgue, where they are cut off from unfortunate dead beauties - nothing more than a terrible fiction. Well, think for yourself, is the mortality rate among women whose hair is suitable for extensions too high? After all, it is rather a rarity when a young girl with a shock of gorgeous hair passes away. And who would allow such an act of vandalism to be committed against a deceased relative or friend? So don’t worry, your hair extensions will not bring you any afterlife horrors, and they were obtained in a completely banal and legal way (in other words, for money).
Can I "pick up" someone else's aura after hair extensions?
But even if the hair did not come from hospitals orplaces not so remote, the question arises: who wore them before, and aren’t you risking your health – moral and physical? Who wants to put on their head hair with the aura of a sick or unhappy woman? Besides, every day on TV there are programs where people with supernatural abilities tell terrible things about the auras of former owners of immaterial objects. What can we say about hair then! And here we hasten to reassure you: the idea that the hair was cut off from some young lady and then immediately put on your head is extremely wrong. Haven’t you noticed how your extensions shine and shimmer in the sun? Try cutting off a couple of centimeters of your natural hair and look at them in a week. Well, do they shine and shimmer like new? Alas, no. The same is true for extensions: they will be dull and lifeless until they go through an unimaginable processing cycle! Moreover, such processing is an incredibly complex technological process, and it is Russia that is “ahead of the rest of the world” in the quality of the extended material! Yes, yes, do not be surprised: both Europe and America are significantly inferior to us in the quality of finished strands. There are simply no such analogues of hair that our companies produce in the world. All samples received by beauty salons for extensions guarantee complete sterility and safety to clients. So, what kind of treatment is required for extended hair? There are several stages, and the first of them is one hundred percent disinfection. Then the hair is dyed, washed several times and placed in a special chamber, where it dries at a temperature of about forty degrees. As it dries, the hair is sorted by its structure and subjected to mechanical processing (combing) - passed through special cards. Of course, after going through all these chemical and mechanical treatments, the hair cuticle is destroyed. In order to give the strands shine and silkiness, manufacturers cover them with a silicone or silicon layer. And only after that the hair is attached to the wefts (sewn onto a special tape) or to the capsules - depending on the intended extension method. How much aura do you think is left from the former owner with such a "massive attack" on the hair? Disinfection, coloring, heat drying, mechanical processing, silicone .... Do not doubt, after all these treatments and the spirit of someone else's aura will not remain. Give this hair to any specialist, even if he is a three-time winner of the "Battle of Psychics" - he will not be able to say anything significant about the former owner. After all, such hair is as good as new!
Real hair suppliers for building
We hope that all your worries about the creepysources of hair growth disappeared as if by magic. They really are purchased from girls in a completely voluntary and legal manner. Despite this, the question of where the hair for extensions comes from in such quantities remains open. It is no secret that in Asia and some Eastern European countries, many families live below the poverty line. Sometimes beautiful long hair is the only decoration of girls and the only way to help their family financially. They specially carefully take care of their locks in order to sell them later at a higher price. Moreover, they enter into special contracts with companies that are engaged in this business, and are obliged to maintain their "wealth" in excellent condition. As soon as the hair of these women reaches a certain length, the poor things shave their heads and receive a well-deserved fee. After which they return home and continue to grow their hair for the next sale. Of course, growing long hair is not so easy, so oriental beauties pay special attention to hair care. The average length of hair that hair grows in a year is 12-15 centimeters, so with proper care they can be sold every two years! Although not everything in this world is done for money: for example, in India there is a religious organization that accepts women's hair as a gift - absolutely free of charge. Be that as it may, Asian countries are not the only supplier of hair extension material. No, we don't get locks from Europe either, and all the stories about "European hair" are nothing more than an advertising ploy. Few people know that the hair type of women in northern India is very similar to European hair, and it is from there that the cut locks go straight to Italy. And there this hair is dyed and subjected to numerous treatments, after which it is supplied to us under the guise of "European". In fact, the most popular are "Slavic" strands, and they come to us from the former republics of the USSR - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova. After all, these locks are mostly light, which means they perfectly match the hair structure of our compatriots. In addition, they are easily dyed and can be extended more than once. Be that as it may, the most important thing in choosing hair for extensions is not to make a mistake with the salon offering the service. All you need is a master with a good reputation, using high-quality hair that has gone through absolutely all stages of processing. And then it does not matter at all where exactly the hair for extensions came from - the main thing is that they are completely safe and will please you and those around you for a long time. We recommend reading: