hair loss causes Strong, beautiful, health-raising hair isthe dream of every woman. Hair, as a mirror, reflects the state of physical and mental health of each person, the way of his life and habits. However, both women and men are subject to such problems as hair loss. The causes of hair loss can be different. We will consider them in detail later. According to statistics, nine people out of ten face the problem of hair loss. At this time, about 150 diseases are known that cause hair loss. You can not discount the factors such as contaminated ecology, poor quality water, bad hair dye, shampoo that is not suitable for hair type, and much more. All this is also the cause of hair loss. There is a small test that helps to determine whether the process of updating the head of hearing is normal. It is necessary to pull the hair at different points on the head: on the vertex, temples and the back of the head. Important condition: before the test, do not wash your hair for 3 days. And if as a result, in the hands you will not have more than five hair, then everything is in order. Of course, not every fallen hair is already a disease. On average, the normal for a person is the loss of 40 to 100 hair per day. This is a natural process, and a new one grows on the place of the fallen hair. Do not worry, if after combing on the comb remains a small amount of hair. You need to sound an alarm when the hair is left everywhere: on the pillow, with bundles on the comb, you always find them on the table behind which you sit. First of all, at least for prevention, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist - a trichologist. These are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of scalp and hair. They will help to understand, because of what has begun and to begin to establish the cause of baldness.

The main causes of problems with hair

  • StressOften the cause of hair loss arestresses at home and at work. It is worth once perenervnichat, as this immediately affects the brilliance and health of the hair. Of course, if stress occurs only once, then the problem with the hair can quickly resolve itself. But if the nervous condition accompanies you constantly, the blood vessels of the head experience "starvation", which leads to hair loss.
  • Aggressive hair treatmentThoutit means abusing various means for styling hair, painting or brightening curls with substandard dyes, chemical and bio curling, hot styling (hair dryer, curling iron, ironing, etc.).
  • Diets and malnutritionnutrition, strict diets can also cause hair loss. This is due to a lack of iron in the body, which can be determined with the help of tests.
  • Diseases of the bodyconsequence of some more serious disruption of work in the body. It can be anemia, pneumonia, various venereal diseases, thyroid disease and many other ailments. And loss of hair can be the first bell for examination by a doctor.
  • DandruffThis is the most common todaythe cause of hair loss in girls. Dandruff harms the skin of the scalp, weakens the root of the hair and clogs the pores, which interferes with the intake of air. If dandruff is caused by a fungus, then solve the problem will help shampoos and balms that contain antifungal components. If it's seborrhea, then you need to see a doctor and use it to normalize the secretion of fat on your scalp.
  • Weakened immunityThis is the culprit of hair loss, which is caused by frequent respiratory infections and common colds.
  • Medicines Many medicines havea negative effect on the hair, and not only. Perhaps, the most radical way to alopecia is affected by chemotherapy in cancerous diseases. However, the negative effect on the hair and the reception of tablets from pressure, antidepressants, the use of steroids, and even aspirin.
  • №8. Heredity Usually, if the bald head is inherited, the first signs begin to appear already at a fairly young age, up to 30 years. In this case, do not hesitate, but immediately go to the doctor.
  • №9. Temperature changes It is necessary to wear a hat in winter to protect the hair from the cold, and in summer protect from the scorching rays of the sun.
  • №10. Inadequate supply of hair roots with blood This can be caused by diseases like osteochondrosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia, caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee), as well as alcohol intake.
  • №11. Lack of necessary vitamins and minerals in the body Most often, hair loss occurs in the spring, during the vitamin deficiency. Also, the use of alcohol and smoking, which "destroy" useful vitamins and trace elements in the body, affects negatively. The problem can be solved by taking vitamin-mineral complexes.
  • №12. Bad ecology Pollution of air, water, high radiation background in the region also has a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair.
  • As already mentioned, from hair loss sufferboth men and women. But more often they are worried about this and give more attention to women after all. And, it turns out not in vain. After all, to the problems listed above, the causes of hair loss in girls can be other "problems" that are inherent only in the female body, such as:

    • Pregnancy;
    • Lack of iron in the body as a result of blood loss during menstruation;
    • Strict diets;
    • Reception of contraceptives.

    After the cause of the fallout is establishedhair, you can and should proceed to their treatment. If the form of the disease of the hair is not severe, then it is possible to carry out treatment at home. But most importantly, do not forget that the consultation of an experienced trichologist will never be superfluous, and he will help you find the necessary drugs in addition to home treatment. And in the end you will get much better and more effective results. causes of hair loss

    Treatment of hair loss

    Today, there are many ways to treat fallouthair. Let's consider the most basic. The very first and important is to be treated by a doctor. On consultation you will be told about the existing modern preparations for the treatment of the scalp, will be directed to the necessary analyzes, will develop an "action plan". A head massage proved to be very good. It promotes the inflow of blood to the scalp, thereby strengthening the nutrition of the hair. Massage should be done before washing the head and directly during washing. Massage is contraindicated in cases of severe hair loss, hypertension, head injuries and fungal skin diseases. Of course, indispensable helpers in maintaining the beauty of the hair I have are various therapeutic shampoos, masks, balms. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. But such measures will not solve the problem of hair loss, if it already exists. Also, you can conduct hair restoration procedures in beauty salons, where the hair will be affected by professionally selected cosmetics. This is the choice of everyone. And, of course, folk remedies for hair treatment. Here are some of them:

  • Grind the root of the mug, pour it with boiling water in the proportion of 1/10. Boil for 15 minutes. Leave to stand for 2-3 hours. Strain. Rinse hair after washing your hair.
  • Hot chili pepper insist on vodka for a week. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons burdock oil with 3drops of lemon juice. Warm up in a water bath. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp and leave the mask for 2 hours. Rinse with warm water, adding a tablespoon of lemon juice to 1 liter of water.
  • If the hair falls out strongly, then you can use such a decoction for rinsing: 3 tablespoons of rhizome of aura cut and boil in 0.5 liters of vinegar for 15 minutes.
  • It helps to strengthen hair nettle broth, the best young. You need to boil it, let it cool down to 40 degrees and rinse your hair after washing your head.
  • There are many other popular recipes that will help you in the struggle for beautiful strong hair. It is necessary to adhere to certain rules of care for weakened hair:

    • comb the hair with a comb with large teeth;
    • as little as possible to use a hair dryer and other heating appliances for styling hair;
    • Shampoo should not be changed more than 3 times a year;
    • rinse your hair with boiled water or herbal tea;
    • hair wash only with warm water (about 40 degrees);
    • Do not wipe hair, but soak. To do this, use towels made from natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton.

    The problem of hair loss can be solved! The main thing is to correctly diagnose and establish the reason why the hair fall out, and start their timely treatment. Have enough patience and faith in the result. And then you no bald head is not threatened. We advise you to read:

